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How to act like you (maybe actually) care about...

Jacob Mather
September 29, 2012

How to act like you (maybe actually) care about your work - Lightning Talk Edition

A quick overview of things every developer should keep in mind.

Jacob Mather

September 29, 2012

More Decks by Jacob Mather

Other Decks in Programming


  1. How  to  act  like  you   (maybe  actually)   care

     about  your  work   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  2. HI!  I’m  Jacob  Mather   IRC:  jmather   Twi;er:  @PoweredByJAM

      Blog:  itsmajax.com   Symfony  fanaDc  since  0.something   Co-­‐Founder  of  Point  Five  Foundry  
  3. Be  A  Part  of  a  Community   • IRC   • Forums

      • Mailing  Lists   • User  Groups   • Bug  Reports   • Patches  /  Pull  Requests   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  4. Educate  Yourself  Continuously     “If  you’re  not  growing,  

     you’re  dying”   -­‐  Monty  Bishop   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  5. Ways  To  Learn   • Read  documentaDon  on  new  tools  

    • Take  a  tutorial  for  a  new  language   • Follow  developer’s  blogs  and  twi;er   accounts   • Take  on  a  pet  project   • Freelance   • Teach  others   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  6. Automate  Everything     Anything  you  have  to  do  by

     hand,   you  can  (and  will)  mess  up.   Eventually.   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  7. “Computers  are  great  at  doing   the  same  thing  the

     same  way   every  Dme  you  ask  it  to.   Humans,  not  so  much”   -­‐  Chris  Hartjes   @grmpyprogrammer   Automate  Your  Testing   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  8. Automate  Your  Deployment       “Prayer  should  not  be

     part  of  the   steps  in  the  deployment  process”   -­‐ Ayende  Rahien   @ayende   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  9. “SoYware  developers  tend  to  be   soYware  addicts  who  think

     their   job  is  to  write  code.  But  it's  not.   Their  job  is  to  solve  problems.”   -­‐  Jeff  Atwood   @CodingHorror   Realize  Your  Actual  Job   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM  
  10. Be  sure  that  it  is  a  problem   your  client

     actually  has…   And  that  your  client   can  understand   your  soluDon   When  Solving  Problems:   Jacob  Mather   @PoweredByJAM   h;p://maharajaofgaipajama.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html  
  11. Jacob  Mather   IRC:  jmather   Twi;er:  @PoweredByJAM   Blog:

     itsmajax.com   Symfony  fanaDc  since  0.something   Co-­‐Founder  of  Point  Five  Foundry