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How Frontend Developers can drive the Switch to...

December 09, 2017

How Frontend Developers can drive the Switch to Microservices

My slides including speaker notes for the closing keynote at the 2017 Frontend Conference Munich on 9 December 2017 at Microsoft Germany.


Original talk description:

Software is easy until you need to scale. But luckily for you, JavaScript and frontend developers have a clear advantage when moving to event-driven architectures and microservices. Events on clicks and blurs were your training wheels. Asynchronous is a given. You may have used a statement management framework like Redux or Vuex. You are destined for this.

To demonstrate, we'll examine a full stack JavaScript upload service written with Vue, Express and RabbitMQ. Ignore the frameworks. We'll focus on the messaging and state patterns that trip up many developers, preventing them from building true microservices. At the end of the talk, you will understand how to chunk file uploads on the front- and backend for happy users and developers.


Note: I changed the topic from JavaScript to Frontend developers in general, inspired by a tweet from Yehuda Katz about how frontend development is the hardest kind of development out there.


December 09, 2017

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    Julie Ng Architect, Allianz Germany 9 December 2017
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  27. Demo shows broken worker with a bug → no need

    to redeploy app Queued uploads wait for available workers Large files are stored in chunks and streamed back as single file
  28. Offload uploads to Workers Frontend (3 MB) Backend Proxy message

    broker worker (1 MB) worker (1 MB) worker (1 MB) e.g. /api/worker01/upload/123 upload is saved in n chunks and streamed back as single file ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ Everything scalable: frontend, backend, workers Bottle is backend, so break off worker job missing direct line between proxy and worker I stupidly realized this morning, instead of absolutely positioning div s, I should have used PowerPoint and screenshots
  29. Uploading - Get identifier app.get('/api/upload/new', function (req, res) { let

    id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex') res.json({ subscription: { id: id, } }) }) synchronously fetch ID via REST better error handling. No need for timeout.
  30. Uploading - worker waits for chunks queue.on('connect', () => {

    http.listen(port, () => { console.log(`=== [${workerName}] listening on ${port}… ===` ) }) }) queue.on('message', (attrs) => { let route = `/api/${workerName}/upload/${attrs.id}` queue.transmit('ready', Object.assign({ route: route }, attrs)) http.post(`/upload/${attrs.id}`, (req, res) => { let upload = new Upload(attrs.id, req.headers) queue.transmit('begin', attrs) upload.on('file:end', () => { queue.transmit('done', attrs) res.writeHead(200, { 'Connection': 'close' }) res.end("That's all folks!") }) return req.pipe(upload) }) }) worker listens for particular URL writes file/chunk to disk, could be stored in memory
  31. Downloading - stream 4 chunks back as 1 file app.get('/api/download/:id',

    function (req, res) { let id = req.params.id Upload.findOne({id: id}, (err, upload) => { if (!err && upload) { let chunks = upload.chunks.split(',') res.set({ 'Content-Type': upload.contentType, 'Content-Disposition': `attachment; filename="${upload.name}"` }) // What is this? pipeChunks(chunks, res) } else { if (err) console.log(err) res.status(404).send('File not found') } }) })
  32. Client (vueJS) Messages Command Destination Description SEND /upload/new send file

    details to backend SUBSCRIBE /upload/ready receive chunk upload end points SUBSCRIBE /upload/create receive download url a er upload is created on backend
  33. Message Example, ack s and s >>> SEND (app) x-upload-id:73750a171c67a8d54d1cfe67f81853c3

    x-upload-event:done content-type:application/json subscription:done@73750a171c67a8d54d1cfe67f81853c3 ack:client destination:/topic/upload.done timestamp:1504711122064 content-length:345 {"upload":{"id":"73750a171c67a8d54d1cfe67f81853c3","name":"jqueryconf_final_2.pdf","contentType":"app
  34. Backend Messages - Chunks Command Destination Description SUBSCRIBE /topic/chunk.ready transform

    into upload/ready message for frontend SUBSCRIBE /topic/chunk.done check if all chunks are done. If so, send upload.done message subscribes are whenevers reactive programming change message route for frontend (in retrospect I'm not sure if this was a good idea?)
  35. Microservices: challenges But easier for frontend developers Easy in JavaScript

    - not much code. You already know real-time and streams. Leverage both synchronous and asynchronous calls. Leverage both REST and web sockets - error handling. Messy is OK, and by design. You don't need 100% perfect control. Splitting logic is difficult. ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃ ⁃