What is HTML prototyping? • Why should I do it? • How does it fit in to the design process? • How do I do it? • How do I sell it? • How does it work with Drupal? • Demo Time! • Links & resources Monday, May 6, 13
a be-all-end-all, set in stone process. It will not cure cancer or spew forth double rainbows with kittens as pilots. What I WILL discuss with you are methods and processes which have been a success for ME in the real world. I will also discuss things that have failed miserably, and how I learned from them. Monday, May 6, 13
complex user interactions to clients and developers, “describing” these interactions with a static wireframe creates too many unanswered questions. Monday, May 6, 13
HTML / CSS Less time in prototyping phase, but more time in development phase. Sets HTML structure for final product Requires more collaboration between design & development More time in prototyping phase, but more less time in development phase. OR Monday, May 6, 13
final product Not reliant on any specific program or technology (Sass, Codekit, etc.) Can be customized / optimized for Drupal markup Over time, you can build up a component / style library. Monday, May 6, 13
relatively) No immediate baked-in styles, grid, typography, components, etc. Possibly longer implementation time On your own for support & testing Knowledge transfer may be difficult Monday, May 6, 13
or CSS Mobile First Uses Box-Sizing for grid Can disable presentational classes Large community of users Lots of support Only supports IE 9+ PROTOTYPING FRAMEWORKS Monday, May 6, 13
Desktop First Uses presentational classes Large community of users Lots of support & documentation Doesn’t always play well with Drupal Support for IE 7+ PROTOTYPING FRAMEWORKS Monday, May 6, 13
house cost?” Well it depends. First off, what are the essentials you need? Three bedrooms because you have two kids? Central air conditioning because you live down south? Now that we have the essentials, what are some of the less essential, yet nice features? Basement? Extra storage? Large backyard? Three car garage? What if you could have it your way? How about a pool? Sounds nice right? BRIAN HOFF Monday, May 6, 13
RIGHT? Overall, the amount of time you spend creating HTML prototypes should cut down on front-end development time as compared to a traditional wireframe approach. Monday, May 6, 13