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Building Ruby Native Extension using Ruby

Building Ruby Native Extension using Ruby

I talked on rubykaigi 2023 lightning talks.

MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi

May 11, 2023

More Decks by MATSUMOTO Katsuyoshi

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  1. Motivations I think that Programmers have studied the three major

    areas of programming, but have never actually created anything in them. CPU Compilers(Programming Language) OS Want to create a Compiler Creating a compiler from scratch is troublesome. I write Ruby, and I love Ruby! Create a compiler from Ruby!!!
  2. Goals Ruby is natively compiled and can be read using

    Fiddle in Ruby. Integer Calclation Variables Control Flows(if, while) Methods
  3. Unsupported Features… I won’t do it now, because once I

    start, there will be many things I need to do. Optimizations Type Inference Memory Managements… GC… Make something that works.
  4. Getting AST I won’t do my best here. I want

    to use RubyVM::AST, but I used parse.gem The Compiler has gotten AST, but this naively compiles to x86_64 assembler.
  5. Integer Calculation The compiler trace AST. ((1 + 2) *

    3) / (5-4) compile and exec result. $ bunle exec vaporware sample/plus.rb $ ./tmp && echo $? #=> 9
  6. Variables This is hard a little bit. Change the area

    to be secured by the number of variables. Actually, it’s a piece of cake for you guys here. code a = 1; b = 2; c = (a + b) / 3; c result $ bundle exec vaporware sample/variable.rb $ ./tmp && echo $? #=> 1
  7. Control Flows support only if and while cannot probably do

    a = if true then 1 else 0 end code a = 1 b = 1 1 if a == b result $ bundle exec vaporware sample/if.rb $ ./tmp && echo $? #=> 1
  8. Methods This is hard a little bit. The compiler has

    to defined method at first in program file. codes: method definition code fiddle code result $ bundle exec vaporware -s sample/method.rb $ ruby -r'sample/fiddle.rb' -e "puts X.aibo" #=> 10
  9. Conclusion Compile sample code, and run getting a result from

    exit code. Compile methods and load compiled mehtods using fiddle.
  10. Next Challenges Support Classes Data or Struct Classes Custom Classes

    Standard Librarie Classes… ruby compatibility Compile to ELF from this compiler Parsing Code use RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree