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Fun Done Learn at Agile 2019 Lightning Talks

Fun Done Learn at Agile 2019 Lightning Talks

Agile 2019

Fun! Done! Learn! - a positive retrospective born in Japan, is this work in other culture?

Submitted: Sun, 2019-07-21 12:25Updated: Sat, 2019-07-27 13:44
Presenter: Yasunobu Kawaguchi
Topic: ProcessType: 5 Minute Lightning Talk
In this talk, the speaker will present a brand new retrospective format quickly becoming popular in Japan. This method is heavily influenced by Japanese culture, but it may work great in other cultural contexts. We are looking for your feedback.

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Someone said Agile is not work in Asian Culture ( https://www.infoq.com/news/2016/06/agile-asia/ ). One of the difficulties is from retrospectives.

People in Japan prefer Hansei (reflection by oneself) and Kaizen (improvement). Parents and teachers have trained kids to do the same. This has caused severe side-effects. Since some many teacher and parents consider explanations as excuses, there lack the phycological safety.

In Japan, the KPT(Keep Problem Try) retrospective format is common. This format was originally taught by Alistair Cockburn, in early 2000. Keep is activities to continue, Problem is what we want to stop, Try is an idea to do some experiences. Many teams have been using KPT. The common issue is that people just collect too many Problems and generate too many Try's and leave them all without actually trying anything. Problems are left unsolved. Then the teams get bored and start to hate Retrospectives. Many even stop doing retrospectives completely. We thought this is from our cultural background; people commonly were forced to do Hansei and Kaizen from their childhood. In spite of training and facilitation, the team usually had a hard time to share their Keep.

In 2018, Japanese Agile coaches have Scrum Coaching Retreat. In the retreat, we've created a new way of a retrospective better fit for our culture. We call the new format: Fun! Done! Learn! Overall, the format focuses on the positive side.
- What fun did you have?
- What have you done/delivered?
- What have you learnd?

After we published the method in a blog in Japanese, many teams in Japan started using the method. We've not taught or facilitated directly; people just accepted and started using it.We'd like to share the method as well as how the teams accepted the technique in Japan. We are eager to hear from you whether this works for your team or not and why.

We have a Fun/Done!/Learn! Introduction workshop available.

We have learned a lot from
Linda Rising and Jeff Patton about lead great workshops in Agile 2010.
Agile Retrospectives - a Rising Patton Fusion

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There's one blog article in English:
Fun/Done/Learn — An alternative for scrum retrospective events

Yasunobu Kawaguchi

August 06, 2019

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  3. https://medium.com/@jpartogi/scrum-does-not-work-here-in-asia-72d7bccccb4d 1: Everything in life should have a hierarchy 2:

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  4. 1: Everything in life should have a hierarchy 2: Let’s

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  5. 1: Everything in life should have a hierarchy 2: Let’s

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  6. So I have a hope to 
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 fit in the force!
  7. A common problem in 
 Retrospective in Japan is ..

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 the resources available, 
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  9. "Regardless of what we discover, 
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 given what they knew at the time, 
 their skills and abilities, 
 the resources available, 
 and the situation at hand." Norm Kerth's Prime Directive Linda Rising
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 how was that?". 
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  11. The co-worker asks: 
 "I know you were on project

 how was that?". 
 Each person responds with 
 "It was great because...". 
 Instead of speaking the answers out loud, give each person 3 index cards and have them write their answers down in silence. Jeff Patton User Story Mapping