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Implementing Strangler pattern for microservice...

Implementing Strangler pattern for microservices migrations

Decomposing existing monolithic applications into microservices or other migration / hybrid application transitions requires a balancing act between moving efficiently and keeping existing services online. Strangler Fig is the most common pattern used for migrations of these types. See how to successfully implement Strangler Fig in an example monolithic to microservices application rewrite.

Keith Resar

May 24, 2022

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  1. Monolith Application // Defining A application Applications are typically born

    to serve a unified purpose. Simple is the design goal, right? • Easier to architect • Easier to debug • Easier to operate @KeithResar
  2. Monolith Application // Evolution A B C monolith container Organic

    growth leads to increased functionality. This usually makes sense – • Module A / B / C commonality • Shared resources (e.g. state store) • Development overlap • Business process / rules overlap independent modules @KeithResar
  3. Monolith Application // Weaknesses Runtime scalability. • All or nothing

    scaling • Decreased resource efficiency • Deployment interlock • Lowered performance
  4. Monolith Application // Weaknesses Development scalability. • Single team →

    Overloaded • Multiple teams → Interlock cost • Decreased availability @KeithResar
  5. Microservices // Solution A B C The microservices solution often

    looks like the initial clean-sheet design for the first component. Each element is developed, deploys, and scales independently. State and inter-process coordination facilitates loosely coupled integrations. independent services state / message bus @KeithResar
  6. 2010 Apache Kafka created at LinkedIn 2022 Most fortune 100

    companies trust and use Kafka Kafka and the Rise of Event Streaming
  7. Anatomy of a Kafka Topic 1 2 3 4 5

    6 8 9 7 Partition 1 Old New 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Partition 0 10 9 11 12 Partition 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 10 9 11 12 Writes 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 10 9 11 12 Producers Writes Consumer A (offset=4) Consumer B (offset=7) Reads @KeithResar
  8. Monolith → Microservices? Strangler Fig enables migrations from monolithic applications

    to microservices without the risks associated with a large cut-over or re-write. @KeithResar
  9. Monolith → Microservices? De-risking benefits of Strangler Fig: • Incremental

    migration - Baby Steps! • Pause or stop migration • Reversible @KeithResar
  10. Strangler Fig by Example A B C monolith container database

    Module A is a write endpoint that persists data to the database Module B is a read endpoint that returns data from the database @KeithResar
  11. Strangler Fig by Example client Monolith application before applying any

    change. Clients directly access application via standard interfaces (could be network, message queues, etc.) Next we begin to replace services as atomic units. Step 0 A B C monolith container database @KeithResar
  12. Strangler Fig by Example proxy Create a proxy which intercepts

    network / messaging calls between clients and the monolith application. (sometimes referred to as an anti-corruption layer) Initially this is more of a no-op – just supporting transparent pass-through. client Step 1 A B C database monolith container @KeithResar
  13. Strangler Fig by Example proxy Write traffic to continues to

    monolith unchanged (1) We could read results of service directly from the database (2). Need to resolve timing issues. Also leads to future scalability concerns. A B C client database Step 2 2 A B 1 monolith container @KeithResar
  14. Strangler Fig by Example proxy A B C client database

    Step 3 Write traffic to continues to monolith unchanged (1) Use CDC to get realtime updates for from database (2). Async results are pushed from Kafka back to proxy / client (3, 4) A B 4 B’ 3 1 2 monolith container @KeithResar
  15. Strangler Fig by Example proxy A B C client database

    Step 4 Write traffic to hits the new microservice (1) and state is persisted in Kafka (2) Updates are pushed to from Kafka (3) and async are available to client via proxy (4) A 1 A’ 2 4 B’ 3 B x x monolith container @KeithResar
  16. Strangler Fig by Example and were an easy use case.

    What about ? Many intricacies to account for… let’s review some examples. • Non-atomic modules • Internal state / messaging • Async / sync external calls A B C database x x A B C monolith container @KeithResar
  17. Atomic Modules A B monolith container state A B monolith

    container state Internal state representation hides intermediate work product within the monolith Externalize intermediate state to support decomposition. @KeithResar
  18. Caches Caches hidden in monoliths are deadly. • DNS •

    Objects • Intermediate results @KeithResar
  19. Large Data Objects A microservice Large data in object storage

    s3://../payload/.. Leverage Claim Check pattern to mitigate impact of large intermediate objects. Microservice makes two writes, • Commits serialized data to S3 • Produces message with data address @KeithResar
  20. Change Data Capture microservice @KeithResar A Taps into transaction log

    to capture INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE events Propagated to constream consumers of target topics. database Debezium CDC table 1 table 2 B microservice
  21. Event Commands @KeithResar microservice A B microservice Events are direct

    commands from A to B. A: “Disable sensor, B!” Optional result stream