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Mercari CS/CRE Tech Talk #2

August 25, 2021

Mercari CS/CRE Tech Talk #2


August 25, 2021

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 1

  2. 3 • Event is recorded by Mercari. • All talks

    are in English • No recording & screenshots • Feel free to leave questions anytime • Share us on ◦ #mercari_cs_cre Event Info Use Youtube Live chat comment to leave comments or questions anytime!
  3. 5 Time Schedule Time Contents 19:00 - 19:05 Start 19:05

    - 19:20 Opening 19:20 - 19:40 LT① How do we achieve Trust and Safety Marketplace? @kikki 19:40 - 20:00 LT② Content moderation using Machine Learning @suganprabu96 20:00 - 20:05 break 20:05 - 20:25 LT③ Our journey to Cross-Functional Team @jason 20:25 - 20:45 LT④ ML-driven Violation Detection for TnS Moderation @tobyliu 20:45 - 20:55 Q&A
  4. 6 Self-Introduction @kenta - Joined as TL in 2018 at

    Mercari - Currently working as EM at Customer Reliability Engineering Group. - Manages a cross functional team for ML, BE and FE. - Before Mercari, I worked as a full stack engineer in the US and Japan for more than 10 years. - Certified Scrum Master.
  5. 7 Speakers @kikki


  6. 9 What is reliability? • At Mercari, reliability is ◦

    Solving issues specific to C2C, Consumer to Consumer, services ◦ Maintaining the Trust and Safety of the marketplace. ※ Introducing Google Customer Reliability Engineering (CRE)
  7. 10 • Cyber crime protection • Development and operation of

    Moderation System for a Trust and Safety marketplace ◦ Item moderation ◦ Text moderation • Development and operation for HelpCenter • Development and operation of a customer service platform for CS ◦ CS-Tool ◦ Contact-Tool ◦ Authorization-Tool What we do
  8. 11 The overview of Moderation System Moderation System Frontend Mercari

    marketplace LT1 : How do we achieve Trust and Safety Marketplace? @kikki Features Item moderation Text moderation Item Listing Message LT2 : Content Moderation using Machine Learning @sugan LT4 : ML-driven Violation Detection for TnS Moderation @toby LT3 : Our Journey to Cross-Functional Team @jason Backend SWE -> Backend X Frontend SWE Personalization Recommendation Buy Search Home Price User ACL Behavior moderation message notification Rule management
  9. 12 Team Structure Team Responsibilities CRE TnS CS-Tool Defence Force

    CX-Platform • Development and operation of the system for Trust and Safety • Development and operation of the system for customer service foundation • Protect customers from security risks and achieve safety as a user experience • Development and operation of Contact Center and Help Center. Location Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo / Fukuoka Fukuoka CRE-AI • Development and operation of AI/ML solution Tokyo
  10. 13 Fukuoka Tokyo Team members CX-Platform team CS-Tool team TnS

    / TnS-AI team Defence Force CRE-AI team
  11. 15 Current Openings Engineering Manager (Fukuoka) Software Engineer Engineering Manager

    Software Engineer (Fukuoka) Fukuoka Tokyo Project Manager (CS Technical Solution) Senior Product Manager (Customer Support)
  12. 21 Questions from the application form. Q). So far my

    understanding is microservice is mainly implemented in server end, If we want to introduce microservice in our client end (iOS Application), how we can start ? A). There is an engineering area called “microservice frontend”. Learning with the keyword should be a good starting point.
  13. 23 Current Openings Engineering Manager (Fukuoka) Software Engineer Engineering Manager

    Software Engineer (Fukuoka) Fukuoka Tokyo Project Manager (CS Technical Solution) Senior Product Manager (Customer Support)