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Agile Leadeship

Agile Leadeship

Dr. Kim W Petersen

March 11, 2024

More Decks by Dr. Kim W Petersen

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  1. “Horizontal” and “Vertical” Leadership Development ▪ Vertical – Growinginto a

    new stageof personaldevelopment ▪ Horizontal – learning new competenciesconsistent with one’s current or next stageof personaldevelopment ▪ Almost all 360sfocuson horizontal development only CHANGEWISE Copyright © 2013ChangeWis w e, w Inc w . – . A c l l h R a i g n h t g s e Re w se i r s v e ed .bi
  2. ChildhoodStages Conformer Operator Enthusiast Explorer Synergist Co-Creator Catalyst Achiever Expert

    Adult Stages Copyright © 2013 ChangeWise, Inc. – All RightsReserved “Vertical” Development CHANGEWISE www.changewise.bi
  3. Copyright © 2013 ChangeWise Inc.. – All Rights Reserved PaceofChange

    www.changewise.bi DegreeofInterdepedence/Complexity CHANGEWISE LeadershipAgility Levels 10% 35% 55%
  4. Expert Leadership Assumption: Leaders are respected and followed due to

    authority and expertise Organizational change: Tactical focus on incremental improvements within one’s unit. Minimal stakeholder engagement Team leadership: One-on-one supervision vs. management/leadership of direct reports as a system Pivotal conversations: Low conflict tolerance: Assertive or accommodative – advocates or inquires
  5. Achiever Leadership Assumption: Motivate by making it challenging and satisfying

    to contribute to larger objectives Leading change: Strategic outcome focus. Makes episodic changes addressing new environmental realities. Seeks stakeholder buy-in Team leadership: Orchestrates direct reports as a team Pivotal conversations: Moderate tolerance for conflict: Primarily assertive or accommodative
  6. Catalyst Leadership Assumption: Articulate an inspiring vision and empower &

    develop others to make it a reality Organizational change: Aim through the target: Develop organizational capacity to meet any strategic challenge Team leadership: Creates a highly participative, empowered team that leads change together Pivotal conversations: Greater tolerance for conflict: Combines advocacy and inquiry a s needed in specific situations
  7. Catalyst Leadership “…so, they're working simultaneously on achieving the current

    strategic objective and creating that kind of culture, and they do that by starting with themselves” “…they realize that ‘hey, if I’m not modeling this culture that I want to create, nothing's going to happen, so got to start there’ ” “…and then I'm going to start with my direct leadership team, and before we announce anything about a big culture change; we're going to start learning how to be that culture and that of course makes them more coherent, more able to lead change, and then people will see they're for real” “…and the people will see the role models and so on and so forth so that makes it a lot easier to bring about working on those cultural aspects that really needed to complement the more systems and structures that are often the primary focus in agile” (Joiner).
  8. Simon Sinek: “How do we create an environment in which

    our people can work at their natural best? Leaders are not responsible for results, they’re responsible for the people who are responsible for the results.”