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Whitening The Blackbox : Why And How To Explain...

Whitening The Blackbox : Why And How To Explain Machine Learning Predictions ?

PyData Paris 2015

Christophe Bourguignat

April 03, 2015

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    LEARNING PREDICTIONS ? PyData 2015 / Paris Christophe Bourguignat (@chris_bour) Marcin Detyniecki Bora Eang
  2. We are a new Data team We are Python &

    scikit-learn heavy users and hopefully contributors We like tricky problems, doubts, questions And love to share with data geeks about that ! DISCLAIMER - WHO ARE WE ? 2 | PyData 2015 - Paris
  3. Why explaining Machine Learning models ? 4 | PyData 2015

    - Paris Explain why a given loan application did not meet credit underwriting policy
  4. Why explaining Machine Learning models ? 5 | PyData 2015

    - Paris Explain why a given loan application did not meet credit underwriting policy Explain why a given transaction is suspicious
  5. Why explaining Machine Learning models ? 6 | PyData 2015

    - Paris Explain why a given loan application did not meet credit underwriting policy Explain why a given transaction is suspicious Explain why a given job is recommended for an unemployed
  6. Why explaining Machine Learning models ? 7 | PyData 2015

    - Paris French « Conseil d’Etat » recommendation Impose to algorithm-based decisions a transparency requirement, on personal data used by the algorithm, and the general reasoning it followed. Give the person subject to the decision the possibility of submitting its observations.
  7. What do we actually want ? 9 | PyData 2015

    - Paris We don’t ask for a “typical profile” of the selected population We want a reason why an observation got selected by our algorithm This reason must be simple and understandable (actionable), but can be specific to it Observation A, next to observation B on our selected population, can be selected for a completely different reason http://www.holehouse.org/mlclass/07_Regularization.html
  8. Toy Example : Titanic Dataset (2/2) 11 | PyData 2015

    - Paris These women were predicted with a high confidence as « survived »
  9. Toy Example : Titanic Dataset (2/2) 12 | PyData 2015

    - Paris These women were predicted with as high confidence as « not survived » These women were predicted with a high confidence as « survived »
  10. Toy Example : Titanic Dataset (2/2) 13 | PyData 2015

    - Paris These women were predicted with as high confidence as « not survived » These women were predicted with a high confidence as « survived » We are looking for a method saying : why ?
  11. A simple case : linear models 14 | PyData 2015

    - Paris -5 0 5 10 1 2 3 4 Beta x Beta.x -5 0 5 10 1 2 3 4 Beta x Beta.x Observation 1 Observation 2
  12. Unfortunately, predictive models that are the most powerful are usually

    the least interpretable http://machinelearningmastery.com/model-prediction-versus-interpretation-in-machine-learning/
  13. scikit-learn includes the .feature_importances_ attribute …  Implementation from Breiman,

    Friedman, "Classification and regression trees", 1984 (“Gini Importance" or “Mean Decrease Impurity“)  Louppe, 2014 “Understanding Random Forests”, PhD dissertation  R package also implements “Mean Decrease Accuracy” … but has nothing to show features contribution for a given observation A complicated case : Random Forests 16 | PyData 2015 - Paris http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/12/sequoias/quammen-text
  14. « What if » explanation Sensitivity of the variable (i.e.

    derivative) Feature contribution  « path approach » How to interpret a forest? 17 | PyData 2015 - Paris MENTION DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ
  15. « What if » explanation Sensitivity of the variable (i.e.

    derivative) Feature contribution  « path approach » How to interpret a forest? 18 | PyData 2015 - Paris
  16. State Of The Art 19 | PyData 2015 - Paris

  17. State Of The Art 20 | PyData 2015 - Paris

  18. Scikit-Learn IPython demo 21 | PyData 2015 - Paris Playing

    with Titanic Data Traversing the trees and using a trivial metric :  +1 when a feature is crossed  + impurity when a feature is crossed Limitations : Scikit learn stores :  The number of samples for each node (tree_.n_node_samples)  The breakdown by class (tree_.value), but only for leaves
  19. Be able to compare subsets induced by each tree What

    do we need ? (1/2) 22 | PyData 2015 - Paris Mr Smith
  20. Be able to compare subsets induced by each tree What

    do we need ? (1/2) 23 | PyData 2015 - Paris Mr Smith
  21. Be able to compare subsets induced by each tree What

    do we need ? (1/2) 24 | PyData 2015 - Paris Mr Smith
  22. Be able to compare subsets induced by each tree What

    do we need ? (1/2) 25 | PyData 2015 - Paris Mr Smith
  23. Be able to compare subsets induced by each tree What

    do we need ? (1/2) 26 | PyData 2015 - Paris Mr Smith
  24. Ideally, we would need easy access to all nodes attributes

    :  Average_score  Node_size (absolute or %)  Number of class 0 samples (absolute or %)  Number of class 1 samples (absolute or %)  … For each tree  For each node - Metric += F(parent_node, node, left_child_node, right_child_node, brother_node) - E.g : F = parent_node.average_score – node.average_score What do we need (2/2) 27 | PyData 2015 - Paris
  25. Thank You and join us, we have many other problems

    to crack ! Christophe Bourguignat (@chris_bour) Marcin Detyniecki Bora Eang