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Pythonic functional itertools for your data cha...

Pythonic functional itertools for your data challenge

Nowadays Python is very likely to be the first choice for developing machine learning or data science applications. Reasons for this are manifold, but very likely to be found in the fact that the Python language is amazing (⚠️ _opinionated_), and the open source community in the PyData ecosystem is absolutely fantastic (💙 _that's a fact_ [1](https://youtu.be/d9Qm3PPoYNQ?t=800) [2](https://pydata.org/diversity-inclusion/) [3](https://numfocus.org/)). In this context, one of the most remarkable features of the Python language is its ability in supporting multiple programming styles (from _imperative_ to _OOP_ and also _functional programming_). Thanks to this versatility, developers have their freedom to choose whichever programming style they prefer.

Functional programming is indeed very fascinating, and it is great for in-demand tasks such as _data filtering_ or _data processing_. Of course, this doesn't say anything about other paradigms, but sometimes the solution to a data problem could be more [naturally expressed](https://gist.github.com/leriomaggio/aef46a144119544df37649e46b51d64c) using a functional approach.

In this talk, we will discuss Python's support to functional programming, understanding the meaning of _pure functions_ (also _why mutable function parameters are **always** a bad idea_), and Python classes and modules that would help you in this style, namely `itertools`, `functools`, `map-reduce` data processing pattern.
As for reference data challenges, we will discuss _functional-style_ solutions to [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com/) coding puzzles, to make it fun, and interactive.

Valerio Maggio

April 21, 2023

More Decks by Valerio Maggio

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Pythonic functional (iter)tools for your data challenges [email protected] @leriomaggio Image

    Source: https://scryfall.com/card/apc/112/mystic-snake All content released under the Wizards of the Coast’s Fan Content Policy Valerio Maggio
  2. Still • Researcher and Data Scientist • ML/DL for BioMedicine

    • Data Scientists Advocate • SSI Fellow • Python Geek 
 • Casual M:TG Player me pun Who 🧙 “a short summary of myself in logos” @mtg_lotus_vale I’m Valerio
  3. This talk is absolutely brilliant! And This (this 👇) talk

    can be considered as a RECAP + COMPLEMENT
  4. Pythonic functional (iter)tools for your data challenges [email protected] @leriomaggio Image

    Source: https://scryfall.com/card/vis/155/snake-basket All content released under the Wizards of the Coast’s Fan Content Policy Clumsy and Convoluted Python code (that only you can possibly understand (maybe)) (( )) Valerio Maggio
  5. from Advent of Code to Coders of Advent Private Leaderboards

    to have fun with stats Public shout out to my friends and colleagues! You folks rock! 🫶 Honorable Mentions: @Taifu 
 @antigones, @edobld, @davrizzo, @Andrea 
 @paulox, @veggero, @greenkey, @akiross, @DaBenny, @SaltySpaghetti Special Thanks: 
 Daniel Holth & 
 Michael C. Grant
  6. from Advent of Code to Coders of Advent https://github.com/leriomaggio/AoC We

    had only one rule: 
 Just use the Standard Library Valerio: Why not using functional programming too sometimes?
  7. 1. Functions Functional Programming “(pure) functional programming” is a gradient

    among various languages Our definition: FP has to do with functions over stream of data 🙃
  8. Functional Programming 1. Pure functions •In FP, input fl ows

    through a set of functions •Every function should not have any side e ff ects 🧟 •Every output must depend only on its input
  9. ReLU function max(0, x) Functional Programming 1. Pure functions &

    Mutability ⚠ Side e ff ect 🫶 List Comprehension
  10. • FP languages require functions to: 1.To take another function

    as an argument 2.To return another function to its caller • A higher-order function takes one or more functions as input and returns a new function. Lambda functions Functions are fi rst-class citizens in FP & Functional Programming 1.5 High-Order Functions
  11. Image Source: https://scryfall.com/card/4ed/34/land-tax All content released under the Wizards of

    the Coast’s Fan Content Policy functools Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects
  12. 1. Functions Functional Programming “(pure) functional programming” is a gradient

    among languages Our definition: FP has to do with functions over stream of data 2. Iterators and Iterables! ✔
  13. Functional Programming 2. Iterators vs Iterables (vs Generators) • Iterator:

    an object representing a stream of data (key: Laziness) • Returns one element at a time - next(it) • If there are no more elements, a StopIteration exception is raised. • Iterable: an object is an iterable, if you could get an iterator for it • Generator: a convenient function to return an iterator over a stream of data • Function: return a value (i.e. data) • Generator: return an iterator which yields a value
  14. Functional Programming Common operations on iterator’s output: • Element wise

    ops (e.g. ReLU function) • Selection and fi ltering 2. Iterators vs Iterables (vs Generators) listcomps & genexps (borrowed from Haskell)
  15. Functional Programming • Iterators are stateful • Once you’ve consumed

    the iterator, it’s gone. You’d need a new one! many built-ins return iterators (e.g. map, f i lter, enumerate, reversed, zip) ⚠ range is not an Iterator! 2. Iterators vs Iterables (vs Generators)
  16. Functional Programming ⚠ range is not an Iterator! Cannot call

    next() Can call len() Is never consumed Is subscriptable
  17. The range_object is a lazy iterable • The distinction may

    matter for your program! 1.You always expect an Iterator to be consumed 2.You always expect to call next() on Iterators
  18. itertools Image Source: https://scryfall.com/card/wth/130/harvest-wurm All content released under the Wizards

    of the Coast’s Fan Content Policy Functions creating iterators for e ff i cient looping
  19. Itertools Functions creating iterators for e ff i cient looping

    Very e ff i cient over large stream of data In itertools since Py3.10
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  26. Why Functional Programming ? • High level: focus on the

    result rather than explicitly specifying the steps to get it. • Transparent: The behaviour of a pure function depends only on its inputs and outputs, without intermediary values. • That eliminates the possibility of side e ff ects, which facilitates debugging. • Parallelizable: 
 Executions with no side e ff ects can more easily run in parallel with one another. • Data / Coding challenges ? • FP o ff ers an alternative way to express a solution that is more natural
  27. Neural Networks as High-Order Functions NN - > linear(relu(linear(…(relu(linear(X)))))) Image:

    Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT linear ~ > sum(itertools.starmap(operator.mul, zip(W_i, x_j))) https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/100485 math.sumprod PR by Raimond Hattinger
  28. References • Functional Programming HOWTO | https://docs.python.org/3/howto/functional.html • Joel Grus:

    Learning Data Science Using Functional Python | https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ThS4juptJjQ • "The Joy of Functional Programming (for Data Science)" with Hadley Wickham 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzUmK0Y07ck • Functional Programming in Python | https://realpython.com/python-functional-programming/ • Tour of Python Itertools | https://martinheinz.dev/blog/16 • (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) | https://norvig.com/lispy.html • (An ((Even Better) Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) | https://norvig.com/lispy2.html • https://github.com/norvig/pytudes/blob/main/py/lis.py