Interest in using electromagnetic methods for reservoir monitoring problems such as hydraulic fracturing, en- hanced oil recovery or carbon-capture and storage is motivating the need to examine the behaviour of electro- magnetic fields and fluxes in the presence of steel cased wells. In many of these scenarios, a transmitter is placed on or in the steel cased well. Such a scenario has large physical property contrasts, both in electrical conduc- tivity and magnetic permeability that are atypical of most geologic settings. Using this problem as motivation, we discuss a modular framework for simulating and computing sensitivities for electromagnetic problems. The implementation is a part of SimPEG, an open source package for Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics (Cockett et al., 2015). Two applications of EM simulations and inversions in reservoir monitoring settings are discussed. The first example demonstrates forward simulations on a cylindrically symmetric mesh to interrogate and visualize electromagnetic fields and fluxes in the presence of steel cased wells. The second example demonstrates a sensitivity analysis for a parametric model of a target within a reservoir layer.
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