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[CODEGATE] The nightmare behind the cross platf...

Marco Grassi
April 08, 2015

[CODEGATE] The nightmare behind the cross platform mobile apps dream

Codegate 2015

Marco Grassi

April 08, 2015

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  1. The nightmare behind the cross platform mobile apps dream Marco

    Grassi Mobile Security Researcher - NowSecure @marcograss [email protected]
  2. Agenda • Background introduction • What Cross-platform Frameworks are out

    there? • Concerns • The uniform attack surface • Code formats and code retrieval • Runtime manipulation and dynamic analysis • Some examples of vulnerabilities in the frameworks • Conclusions
  3. ➜ ~ whoami • R&D Team Member @ NowSecure (formerly

    viaForensics) • I’m from Italy • I work mainly on Android/iOS
  4. Background The  mobile  market  is  fragmented.  Developers  want  their  app

     on   multiple  platforms,  at  least  iOS  and  Android.   This  caused  a  growth  in  the  number  of  tools  and  frameworks   available  for  cross  platform  development  (code  reuse  between   multiple  platforms)  with  different  technologies.
  5. Background Those  frameworks  usually  achieve  code  portability  by  leveraging  

    HTML5  technology  or  interpreters  with  bindings  on  the  native   code  platform,  to  expose  the  API  of  the  underlying  system  in  a   way  as  platform  independent  as  possible.   The  result  is  that  lot  of  code,  if  not  all,  can  be  reused.
  6. How does it works? (PhoneGap example) • The HTML, CSS,

    Javascript is bundled inside of a shell application obtaining a regular .apk or .ipa • The web code will run in a WebView, and a bidirectional bridge (platform dependant) will be exposed to the javascript code to invoke the native device APIs and get the results back. Native Shell App Device APIs WebView (Javascript) Javascript Bridge
  7. How does it works? (Titanium example) • The Javascript is

    bundled inside of a shell application obtaining a regular .apk or .ipa, with a interpreter. • The js code will be parsed and interpreted, the interpreter, being native code, can access and call native methods. Image credits: @olivier_morandi
  8. Background So  far  everything  seems  great,  we  can  code  once

     and  run  in  every   platform!   But  how  is  the  quality  of  the  code  of  these  frameworks?   Do  they  introduce  security  vulnerabilities  if  we  use  them?   Are  those  vulnerabilities  shared  by  all  the  applications  using  the   same  framework?
  9. Cordova/PhoneGap • Mobile development framework to write Mobile applications using

    web technologies such as HTML5, Javascript and CSS3. • Cordova is the Opensource core, PhoneGap is owned by Adobe which leverages Cordova. • Cordova leverages a “bridge” between javascript and native code, to invoke native methods from javascript code. • OpenSource - https://cordova.apache.org/
  10. Cordova/PhoneGap • Some history of known vulnerabilities and CVEs •

    Great job by David Kaplan and Roee Hay of IBM Security Systems • CVE-2014-3500, CVE-2014-3501, CVE-2014-3502, all related to Android Intents somehow “mistrusted” leading to XAS, bypasses and leak of data.
  11. • Cross platform game creation system, including the major mobile

    platforms. • You can develop the game with Mono, so in .NET • http://unity3d.com/
  12. Adobe AIR • Very popular cross platform runtime, not only

    on mobile but also on desktop. Used both in apps and games. • You can develop your project with Adobe Flash or ActionScript.
  13. Adobe AIR • Lot of CVE, maybe mainly because they

    are shared with Adobe Flash Player for Desktop browsers • In this context (cross platform application), those vulns are less relevant because you don’t run remote/untrusted code like in the browser, you just execute code shipped within your application. (if you don’t do strange things)
  14. Titanium Appcelerator • Open source - http://www.appcelerator.com/ • You can

    develop your native mobile application in javascript • The javascript runs on a interpreter and uses native UI and functionalities • The IDE is Eclipse based
  15. • SDK to develop 2d games and apps • You

    write Lua code using bindings to C++ and OpenGL
  16. Kony Framework • Platform to develop cross platform applications. •

    Native Mobile Applications can be written in Lua or Javascript.
  17. Concerns • Code reuse implies uniform attack surface between apps

    using the same framework. • Vulnerabilities and attacks can be reused among different apps. • The code is stored in high level languages or byte code. This makes reverse engineering process easier or non-existent as we will see soon.
  18. Cordova/PhoneGap • Almost all the code is written in javascript,

    the UI is developed in HTML5 and CSS3. • The code by default it’s just bundled in plain text inside of the mobile app, so retrieving it and reversing is trivial
  19. Cordova/PhoneGap • On iOS the Cordova code is bundled as

    a resources, or in a www/ subfolder of the app bundle • On Android it’s usually bundled in the assets/ folder of the apk
  20. Cordova/PhoneGap ➜ assets tree . ├── OpenSans-Light.ttf ├── OpenSans-Regular.ttf ├──

    defappratepack.json ├── deflanpack.json ├── defpermissions.json └── www ├── akbank.lib.js ├── cashflow_dummy.js ├── cordova.android.js ├── cordova.js ├── index.html ├── index_cashflow.html
  21. • .NET code, trivial to reverse if not obfuscated, lot

    of good quality decompilers out there, like ILSPY. • You can find the code in the assets/ folder in Android for example.
  22. Adobe AIR • You can find the .swf file in

    the assets/ folder on Android • Trivial to reverse if not obfuscated, some decompilers available
  23. Kony Framework •If  Lua  is  used,  the  code  is  stored

     inside  a   “konyappluabytecode.o.mp3”  (wut) ➜ assets file konyappluabytecode.o.mp3 konyappluabytecode.o.mp3: Lua bytecode, version 5.1 •Can  be  decompiled  with  OSS  decompilers
  24. Titanium Framework • Real code is written in JavaScript. •

    Load asset data at runtime through the AssetCryptImpl class. • Assets range are defined in a HashMap within the initAssets class. • Assets bytes are contained in a CharBuffer defined in the initAssetsBytes.
  25. Titanium Framework •One  python  script  to  rule  them  all:  

    •Parse  the  code  looking  for  the  ‘initAssets’  method:   •.method  private  static  initAssets()Ljava/util/Map;   •Apply  some  regular  expression  to  spot  the  HashMap  containing  all  the   assets:   •'invoke-­‐direct  \{(v[0-­‐9]+),  (v[0-­‐9]+),  (v[0-­‐9]+)\},  Lcom/******/ *****/AssetCryptImpl\$Range;-­‐><init>\(II\)V’   •Repeat  the  same  process  for  the  Ljava/util/Map  call:   •'invoke-­‐interface  \{(v[0-­‐9]+),  (v[0-­‐9]+),  (v[0-­‐9]+)\},  Ljava/util/ Map;.*’   •Once  all  the  ranges  have  been  retrieved,  its  time  to  extract  the  assets   bytes:   •start_init_assets  =  ".method  private  static  initAssetsBytes()Ljava/ nio/CharBuffer;"   •const_string  =  'const-­‐string  v1,  "'
  26. Titanium Framework • But the assets are encrypted… NO PROBLEM,

    DO YOU EVEN REVERSE ENGINEERING, BRO?!? • The crypto is described in the JNI function ‘Java_org_appcelerator_titanium_TiVerify_filterD ataInRange’ in ‘libtiverify.so’ byte[]  filterDataInRange(byte[]  bytes,  int  offset,  int  count)  {          SecretKeySpec  key  =  new  SecretKeySpec(bytes,  bytes.length  -­‐  0x10,  0x10,  "AES");          Cipher  cipher  =  Cipher.getInstance("AES");          cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,  key);          return  cipher.doFinal(bytes,  offset,  count);   }
  27. Titanium Framework • Yeah, OK, enough theory, show me some

    real stuff. [+] Extracting "xxx/ui/checkDeposit/DepositLandingPage.js" [+] Extracting "xxx/ui/transfers/TransferApprovedPage.js" [+] Extracting “shared/xxx/gbapi/checkDepositHistoryResponse.js" … ./xxx/modules: total 40 -rw-r--r-- 1 sebas staff 1560 Mar 9 03:09 BalanceHelper.js -rw-r--r-- 1 sebas staff 1618 Mar 9 03:09 StepUpServiceWrapper.js -rw-r--r-- 1 sebas staff 5675 Mar 9 03:09 UserContext.js -rw-r--r-- 1 sebas staff 1703 Mar 9 03:09 events.mod.js
  28. Runtime attacks, leveraging the shared codebase • Like we said

    before, apps using those frameworks share most of the code. • This fact comes handy also for runtime attacks. We can deploy a runtime attack and use it against all applications that leverage the same framework with little or without any change!
  29. Can I have it for free Adobe? In App items

    for free! 1.Reverse  engineer  the  Adobe  AIR  code   2.Spot  implementation  of  in  app  purchases  on   Android   3.Verify  it’s  shared  between  multiple  apps   4.Develop  a  runtime  attack  to  make  the   purchases  appear  legitimate  when  they  are  not   5.???   6.PROFIT!
  30. Reversing and spotting the shared code •Very  well  known  trivial

     code  copy  pasted  from   Google’s  examples  that  can  be  found  in  almost  all   the  apps  using  In  app  purchases  on  Google  Play
  31. Develop a runtime attack • Leverage a framework to patch

    verifyPurchase to return always true and other small mods (with Xposed framework for example) • if the app doesn’t check signatures server side for the purchase (which almost none do) we are done • For more informations on runtime attacks on iOS or Android: ZeroNights ’14 - Steroids For Your App Security Assessment - https://speakerdeck.com/marcograss/steroids- for-your-app-security-assessment • Credits to Ryan Welton ( @fuzion24 ) for providing insights and internals of Google Play IAP!
  32. A tale about chained vulns in Cordova • CVE-2014-3500 XAS

    via Android Intent URLs. • CVE-2014-3501 Whitelist Bypass for Non-HTTP URLs. • CVE-2014-3502 Apps can leak data to other apps via URL Loading. • Great paper by IBM Security Systems - http:// www.slideshare.net/ibmsecurity/remote- exploitation-of-the-cordova-framework
  33. Adobe AIR’s EncryptedLocalStorage API “The  EncryptedLocalStore  class  (ELS)  provides  an

      encrypted  local  storage  mechanism  that  you  can   be  use  as  a  small  cache  for  an  application's   private  data.  ELS  data  cannot  be  shared  between   applications.  The  intent  of  ELS  is  to  allow  an   application  to  store  easily  recreated  items  such  as   login  credentials  and  other  private  information.”  -­‐   Adobe  documentation
  34. Adobe AIR WTF On  Android,  the  data  stored  by  the

      EncryptedLocalStorage  class  are  not   encrypted.   Adobe  basically  rely  on  the  fact  that  application  private  folder   are  not  accessible  by  an  attacker  thanks  to  Android  uid/gid   separation  between  apps.  As  we  will  see  this  assumption  is   not  valid. So  basically  a  developer   expects  to  store  data   encrypted  but….
  35. Adobe AIR WTF Instead  the  implementation  of  the   “EncryptedStorage”

     is  just  a  Base64   Encoding!   Probably  lot  of  others  platform   specific  quirks  around  the  code   base…
  36. Small parenthesis… adb backups • Functionality introduced in Android 4.0.

    • If you have physical access to the phone and you can activate usb debugging, you can backup to your computer the content of the private application folder that have the flag “allowBackup” set to true in their AndroidManifest.xml • If the flag is omitted, the default value is true.
  37. Adobe AIR WTF The Adobe AIR applications by default have

    the flag allowBackup unset, so the default value of true kicks in. This allows an attacker without root to backup the content of the private folder of the Adobe application with adb backup and retrieve those unencrypted supposedly private informations.
  38. Titanium Broken Default HTTPS So the applications developed by this

    framework are often vulnerable by MiTM. Why? By default the framework doesn’t validate the certificate on Android!
  39. Titanium Broken Default HTTPS If the developer doesn’t specify a

    pinning for his certificate, the framework simply leverage dummy classes called “NonValidatingSSLSocketFactory / NonValidatingTrustManager” and so on. So the result is that if you rely on the defaults (which pretty much everyone does), the SSL validation is completely skipped, allowing an attacker to MiTM traffic even without a trusted certificate!
  40. Titanium Broken Default HTTPS You can use their APIs to

    pin your own certificate to workaround this issue, but it will require to pin every single cert you use.
  41. Conclusions • Security is not taken too much seriously. •

    Mechanisms used to protect the application’s assets are not good enough. (so your IP is at risk!) • Few hours were necessary to find these issues. What could possibly go wrong if more time is dedicated to it?
  42. To the infinity and beyond • Automatic framework recognition and

    develop instrumentation to trace also interpreted execution. • Merge all the code extractors in one unique utility. • Find more vulnerabilities in the framework cores. • Suggestions?