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Don't Trust Your Eye: Apple Graphics Is Comprom...

Marco Grassi
March 18, 2016

Don't Trust Your Eye: Apple Graphics Is Compromised!

CanSecWest 2016

Marco Grassi

March 18, 2016

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  1. Don't Trust Your Eye: Apple Graphics Is Compromised! Liang Chen

    (@chenliang0817) Marco Grassi (@marcograss) Qidan He (@flanker_hqd) CanSecWest Vancouver 2016
  2. About Us • Liang Chen • Senior Security Researcher @

    Tencent KEEN Security Lab • Main focus: Browser exploitation, OS X/iOS sandbox escape • Marco Grassi • Senior Security Researcher @ Tencent KEEN Security Lab • Main focus: Vulnerability Research, OS X/iOS, Android, Sandboxes • Qidan He • Senior Security Researcher @ Tencent KEEN Security Lab • Main focus: Vulnerability auditing/fuzzing, OS
  3. Tencent KEEN Security Lab • Previously known as KeenTeam •

    All researchers moved to Tencent because of business requirement • New name: TencentKEEN Security Lab • Yesterday our union team with TencentPC Manager (Tencent Security Team Sniper) won “Master of Pwn” in Pwn2Own 2016
  4. Why attack the graphic drivers • This part of the

    graphic stacks is reachable from the browser sandbox and resides in the kernel. • Achieving kernel code execution will give us pretty much unrestricted access to the target machine. • Especially true now that OS X introduced “System Integrity Protection”, often gaining userspace root is not the end of the exploitation kill chain, you have to compromise the kernel to disable “SIP”. • Compromising the kernel before was a necessity only on iOS, now it’s starting to become more relevant also on OS X.
  5. Safari WebProcess sandbox attack surface • You can find the

    ”com.apple.WebProcess.sb” sandbox profile and see what is reachable (and the imported “system.sb”). • (allow iokit-open • (iokit-connection "IOAccelerator") • (iokit-user-client-class "IOAccelerationUserClient") • (iokit-user-client-class "IOSurfaceRootUserClient") • iokit-connection allows the sandboxed process to open all the userclient under the target IOService(much less restrictive than iokit- user-client-class )
  6. UserClients under IntelAccelerator UserClient Name Type IGAccelSurface 0 IGAccelGLContext 1

    IGAccel2DContext 2 IOAccelDisplayPipeUserClient2 4 IGAccelSharedUserClient 5 IGAccelDevice 6 IOAccelMemoryInfoUserClient 7 IGAccelCLContext 8 IGAccelCommandQueue 9 IGAccelVideoContext 0x100
  7. UserClients under IntelAccelerator • Each userclient has a IOService points

    to IntelAccelerator object • IntelAccelerator object is global unique • Created upon booting • Most operation on the IntelAccelerator requires Lock (otherwise vulnerable to race condition attack) • Except for some read operations
  8. UserClient Interface • Implemented by different Kexts • For example:

    IGAccelGLContext • Method 0x200 – 0x206 • Class IGAccelGLContext in AppleIntelBDWGraphics • Method 0x100 – 0x105 • Class IOAccelGLContext in IOAcceleratorFamily2 • Method 0x0 – 0x7 • Class IOAccelContxt2 in IOAcceleratorFamily2 • Even within method calls, its child class’s method can be called because of polymorphism • Any problems? • Problem 1: Does the developer fully understand what their parent’s implementation is? • Problem 2: Does the method implementer know which function call him, what check is performed? • If not, vulnerabilities are introduced IGAccelGLContext IOAccelGLContext2 IOAccelContext2 AppleIntelHD5000Graphics IOAcceleratorFamily2 IOAcceleratorFamily2
  9. Passive Fuzzing • Load some 2D or 3D game/App •

    Write a dylib to hook IOKit APIs: • IOConnectMapMemory/IOConnectUnmapMemory • IOConnectCallMethod/IOConnectCallScalarMethod • Randomly change the content of the parameters • Ian Beer from Google Project Zero did it 2 years ago. • Found several bugs in processing sideband buffers in GLContext/CLContext::submit_data_buffers
  10. Passive Fuzzing – Pros and Cons • Pros: • Easy

    to implement • Even for random fuzzing, it is effective • Cons: • Hard to reproduce the issue • Cannot cover all the interface
  11. Active fuzzing • By sending random data to each interface

    • Need quite some reverse engineering work to constrain the user input • Otherwise not effective • How to make it more effective?
  12. Active fuzzing – How to make more effective TIPS 1

    • Ideal target for fuzzing : IGAccelSurface • Not too much parameter check before perform complicated operation • Is majorly called by WindowServer process: • Not suppose to be frequently used by Safari/User Apps • Many situations are not well considered when being called from Safari/User Apps directly. • Several crashes by fuzzing with this single userclient.
  13. Active fuzzing – How to make more effective TIPS 2

    • Use similar approach for IGAccelGLContext will not generate any crashes, why? • The userclient is better tested. • GL context is not initialized by just calling IOServiceOpen • We must make its m_context to non-NULL • Two approaches: • Initialize the GL context by running some hello world OpenGL apps, then find the mach_port of the opened GLContext userclient • Call IOConnectAddClient to add a IGAccelSharedUserClient to the newly created IGAccelGLContext • Will set the m_context field
  14. Active fuzzing – How to make more effective TIPS 3

    • User clients are inter-connected • For example • If a IGAccelSurface user client is created, it will be added to IntelAccelerator::IOAccelSurfaceList • Each IGAccelSurface has a unique surface ID, there are system created IGAccelSurface (with Surface ID 1, 2, 0xffffffe0) • User created IGAccelSurface ranges its surface ID from 0x3 – 0xffffffff • Can be obtained by calling IOAccelDevice2::get_surface_info to brute force enumerate the IDs • These IDs can be used to fuzz interfaces in other userclients (such as IOAccel2DContext2::set_surface) • Creating a lot of user clients with such rules built, will increase the effectiveness a lot.
  15. Hybrid fuzzing – combine active and passive fuzzing • Use

    dylid hook to record the IOConnect call • For each call, dump the mapped memory (for example, memory type 0, 1 , 2 for IGAccelGLContext) • During active fuzzing, give possibility to use the recorded parameter • Got several crashes
  16. IOKit vulnerability: CVE-????-???? • Race condition in an externalMethod in

    AppleIntelBDWGraphics. • Affects every recent Mac with Intel Broadwell CPU/Graphics. • Discovered by code auditing when looking for sandbox escapes into IOKit UserClients reachable from the Safari WebProcess sandbox. • Unfortunately it got partially patched 1-2 weeks before pwn2own! LLL . A replacement was needed. L • Unpatched in OSX 10.11.3, only partial fix in 10.11.4 beta6. • Reliably exploitable. • Wrong/partial fix mistake responsibly disclosed to Apple.
  17. IOKit vulnerability: CVE-????-???? • IGAccelCLContext and IGAccelGLContext are 2 UserClients

    that can be reached from the WebProcess Safari sandbox. • The locking mechanisms in these UserClients is not too good, some methods expects only a well behaved single threaded access. • First we targeted unmap_user_memory
  18. Race condition – How to trigger it? 1. Open your

    target UserClient (IGAccelCLContext) 2. Call map_user_memory to insert one element into the IGHashTable 3. Call with 2 racing threads unmap_user_memory. 4. Repeat 2 and 3 until you are able to exploit the race window. 5. Double free on first hand 6. PROFIT!
  19. Chance of stable exploit? • The unmap race is not

    stable • Easy to trigger null pointer dereference if we’re removing *same* element • Both threads passes IGHashtable::contains • One thread removes and when another do gets, NULL is returned • No check on return value • Actually a good null-pointer-dereference bug • But cannot bypass SMAP and cannot used as Sandbox bypass • Double free window is small
  20. Chance of stable exploit? • Structure of IGHashTable<unsigned long long,

    IGAccelMemoryMap> • Key is the userspace address of passed in map_user_memory • When map_user_memory is called • ::contains searches hashtable for dup • Iterate through corresponding slot’s hashlist and do memcmp on key • If not found, insert it and create/save ref to an IOAccelMemoryMap • When unmap_user_memory is called • ::contains searches again • If found, call ::remove and call saved IOAccelMemoryMap’s ptr’s release virtual function
  21. IGHashTable structure • struct IGVector • Int64 currentSize • Int64

    capacity • Void* storage • struct IGElement (or whatever name your like) • Vm_address_t address • IOAccelMemoryMap* memory • IGElement* next • IGElement* prevs
  22. IGHashTable structure (cont.) • struct IGHashTable::Slot • IGElement* elementHead •

    void* tail • Size_t linkedListSize • When the hashtable is empty… init with 16 slots
  23. IGHashTable insertion • When map_user_memory called • Retrieves hashindex using

    passed address • If slot already occupied • Append to tail of linked list on Slot • When (totElemCnt – occupiedSlotCnt)/totElementCnt> 0.51 • And occupiedSlotCnt/vecCapacity> 26 • The hashtable slots will be expanded *2 • Create new slot vector, iterate all old values and add into it • Free old storage (double free here?)
  24. IGHashTable example figure • When element is removed • Locate

    slot using hash index function • Iterate all items on list, compare for value (head Qword) • When match, do remove
  25. IGHashTable example figure • When element is removed • Locate

    slot using hash index function • Iterate all items on list, compare for value (head Qword) • When match, do remove
  26. Race to unlink • Call two threads to continuously remove

    two *adjacent* *different* elements • If the remove finished normally • Just try again, nothing bad will happened • If the remove finished *abnormally* • We’ll have a freed kalloc.32 element on list! • Next->prev = prev; • *prev = next; (prev->next = next)
  27. Race to unlink (if race suceed) • When begins list

    is: • ele1->ele2->ele3->ele4 • ele2->prev = ele3 • ele3->prev = ele4 • ele1->next = ele3 • ele2->next = ele4 • Now list is (searching using next ptr): • ele1->ele3->ele4 • However ele3 is freed actually!
  28. Turning into UAF • Filling freed holes using io_service_open_extended •

    Call unmap_user_memory with tail address after each race to detect • If race failed, nothing happens as list is intact • If race succeeded, contains and get will use our corrupted element! • Traverse the list and trigger virtual call • Unmap_user_memory
  29. Race condition – the partial fix • By reversing OS

    X 10.11.4 around beta 5 we sadly noticed that Apple introduced some additional locks. L
  30. Race condition – the partial fix • Unfortunately for Apple,

    this fix is incomplete in 10.11.4 betaX • Who says we can only race unmap_user_memory? • This “add” operation inside map_user_memory is outside any lock! • We can race with 1 thread unmap_user_memory and with another map_user_memory for example, to corrupt the IGHashTable!
  31. Turning it into a infoleak • By racing ::add and

    ::remove, we’re possible to craft a dangling element connected by “prev” pointer. • Add Operation • cur->prev = *tail • Prev->next = cur • *tail = cur • Remove Operation on tail • cur->prev->next = 0 • *tail = cur->prev
  32. Turning it into a infoleak • By racing ::add and

    ::remove, we’re possible to craft a dangling element connected by “prev” pointer.
  33. Turning it into a infoleak • By racing ::add and

    ::remove, we’re possible to craft a dangling element connected by “prev” pointer.
  34. Turning it into an infoleak (CVE-2016-????) • The window is

    small but still has success rate • Roughly after 10 secs we can get a panic • “A freed zone has been modified at offset 0x10 blabla….” (the “next” location) • POC will be also available at flankerhqd/unmap_poc • We can get a heap address if we can fill in the freed zone then read out • Using open_extendedproperties and read out properties • Or more? Use imagination!
  35. Turning it into an infoleak (CVE-2016-????) • The window is

    small but still has success rate • Roughly after 10 secs we can get a panic • “A freed zone has been modified at offset 0x10 blabla….” (the “next” location) • POC will be also available at flankerhqd/unmap_poc • We can get a heap address if we can fill in the freed zone • Using open_extendedproperties and read out properties • Or more? Use imagination!
  36. kASLR infoleak: CVE-????-???? • OS X kernel implements kernel Address

    Space Layout Randomization. • In order to do kernel ROP for our sandbox escape, and bypass SMEP/SMAP mitigations we must know the kASLR slide. • A infoleak was needed! • Fortunately Intel BDW graphic driver is very generous, and offers also a kASLR infoleak vulnerability! • Still unpatched in 10.11.3 and 10.11.4 betas, responsibly disclosed to Apple.
  37. kASLR infoleak: CVE-????-???? • This time we will look at

    another KEXT in BDW graphic driver stack: AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer • It affects the same Mac models as the race discussed before. • This particular IOKit driver is leaking information inside the IOKit registry, that will help us to guess the kASLR slide
  38. • This code simply will set the “fInterruptCallback” property in

    IO registry as the POINTER v3+3176. • This is not a TEXT pointer as we will see, but that allocation is done very early in the boot process, this will allow us to guess the kASLR slide anyway even without an exact information. • This information can be leaked from the WebProcess Safari sandbox so it’s perfect to help in a kernel based sandbox escape.
  39. kASLR infoleak: some tests and experiments • We will retrieve

    the “fInterruptCallbacks” pointer several times after reboot, in order to get different kernel randomization offsets. • We will retrieve the real kASLR slide every time, by disabling SIP and running as root a program that leverages “kas_info” system call, that allows you to get the kASLR slide if you run as root and SIP is off. Testbed:
  40. Focus on the red lines columns, this is the “band”

    of interest for kASLR slide, the other parts of the difference Is irrelevant to our purposes. As you can see we have only 3 outcomes in the difference between the leak and kASLR slide, 0x9e7,0x9e8, 0x9e9
  41. kASLR infoleak: outcomes • With just a quick analysis, thanks

    to this infoleak, we have improved our chances to predict the kASLR slide from around 1 in 256 values (a full byte of possible kASLR random slides) to just 1 in 3. • It can be probably be even improved statistically since those 3 values seems to don’t have a equally distributed probability.
  42. Summary • Graphic drivers offer a big attack surface reachable

    from the browser sandbox. • Race conditions in XNU are only starting to get attention by the security community now. • OS X deploys several effective mitigations (think about SMAP, not yet widespread on other Oses), but good exploitation techniques and good vulnerabilities can bypass them.