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Building end-user applications on embedded devi...

Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE

(c) Embedded Open Source Summit 2024
April 18th, 2024
Seattle - Washington (USA)

Mario Sánchez Prada

July 17, 2024

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  1. About me CS Engineer, partner of Igalia Involvement in some

    Open Source communities e.g. Chromium, WebKit, GNOME Other work done in the past: Linux-based OS’s (i.e. Endless OS, Litl OS) Maemo (Hildon Application Manager) Samsung SmartTV platform Currently coordinating Igalia's WebKit team Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 2 / 36
  2. About Igalia Specialized Open Source consultancy, founded in 2001 Fully

    remote, HQ in A Coruña (Spain). Flat structure. Top contributors to all the main Web Rendering Engines WebKit, Chromium, Gecko and Servo Active contributor to other areas and OSS projects V8, SpiderMonkey, JSC, LLVM, Node.js, GStreamer, Mesa, Linux Kernel... Members of several working groups: W3C, WHATWG, WPT, TC39, OpenJS, Test262, Khronos... Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 3 / 36
  3. Outline Web rendering engines What is WebKit? What is WPE

    Integrating WPE in your product Conclusion Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 4 / 36
  4. Web rendering engines (aka Web engines) Building end-user applications on

    embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 5 / 36
  5. What is a Web rendering engine? A Web rendering engine

    is the software component that enables you to leverage the power of the Web Platform in your product: Fetchs HTML/CSS/JavaScript content from multiple sources. Interprets the Web content to produce an internal representation. Produces a result that users can interact with. It's a extremely flexible platform. Some examples: Textual and non-textual content Multimedia playback Fully-fledge applications Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 6 / 36
  6. What is a Web rendering engine? Web rendering engine ≠

    Web browser Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 7 / 36
  7. Most popular Web engines Building end-user applications on embedded devices

    with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 8 / 36
  8. What is WebKit? Building end-user applications on embedded devices with

    WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 9 / 36
  9. What is WebKit? Open Source Web rendering engine Started as

    a fork of KHTML and KJS in 2001. Forked again become Blink in 2013. Main goals: Performance, portability, stability, compatibility, standards compliance, security, hackability and embeddability. Support for different platforms: Desktop & Mobile: Mac, iOS and Linux Embedded: set-top-boxes, video game consoles, smart home appliances, in-vehicle/inflight entertainment, GPS devices, digital signage... Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 10 / 36
  10. Advantages of WebKit 🕸 Complete implementation of the Web Platform

    🔌 Embeddable as top priority 🧩 Flexible and modular architecture 🔒 Privacy and security by design 🚀 Performance and stability 🐧 Independent Linux-based flavours 👌 Not controlled by any big corporation Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 11 / 36
  11. WebKit Architecture Application: What end-users interact with. WebKit: Exposes an

    API to applications and implements the split-process model. WebCore: Layout, rendering, network, multimedia, accessibility... JavaScriptCore: The JavaScript engine. Platform: Platform-specific hooks. Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 12 / 36
  12. WebKit Ports WebKit port: adaptation of WebKit to a specific

    platform. Official WebKit Ports (upstream ports) Mac: Safari, Apple Mail, iTunes, App Store... iOS: every browser on iOS devices (including Chrome). WinCairo: Microsoft Playwright, Playstation SDK Playstation: Playstation s4 & Playstation 5 WebKitGTK: GNOME Web, Evolution, Shotwell... WPE: Cog and other custom-made "browsers" for embedded devices. https://docs.webkit.org/Ports/Introduction.html Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 13 / 36
  13. WebKitGTK and WPE WebKit ports targeting Linux-based systems Common parts:

    GLib, libsoup (networking), GStreamer (multimedia)... Key differences: graphics stack, input handling. Different use cases. WebKitGTK: Go-to solution to embed Web content in GTK applications. Integration with GNOME components. Supports GTK3 and GTK4. WPE: Lower level, aimed at embedded devices. Requires graphics and input backend to work. Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 14 / 36
  14. WebKit Ports: WebKitGTK Building end-user applications on embedded devices with

    WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 15 / 36
  15. What is WPE? Building end-user applications on embedded devices with

    WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 16 / 36
  16. What is WPE? WebKit port optimized for Linux embedded devices

    Fully operational JavaScript engine (64-bit, also 32bit). Focus on flexibility, security and performance. Minimal set of dependencies Backends-based architecture for input and output. Low memory and storage footprint. Support for HW-accelerated graphics and multimedia. ℹ️ https://wpewebkit.org/ Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 17 / 36
  17. What is not WPE? NOT a general purpose Web Browser

    Provides just the building blocks for Web-based applications. Doesn't implement all the APIs found on other WebKit ports. Does not rely on any particular UI Toolkit (i.e. backends). Can also be useful for less conventional use cases e.g. server-side rendering, headless mode... Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 18 / 36
  18. WPE Architecture Application: The end application, which can use WPE

    directly or via the provided Cog launcher. WebKit: The actual WebKit port, including the API layer to link against from applications. Backend: Platform-specific implementation of the graphics and/or the input layers. Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 19 / 36
  19. WPE components WPEWebKit: The actual WebKit port. Relies on the

    backends for page display and input. libwpe: Provides rendering-related callbacks implemented by the graphical backend. Allows the input backend to rely events from the application to WebKit. WPEBackend-FDO: The reference FreekDesktop.Org-based backend (i.e. Wayland). Supports several architectures plus regular PC architectures. Can be replaced by a device-specific backend Cog: Small single “window” launcher for WPE, with no user interface. Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 20 / 36
  20. WPE-based products Some examples of use cases we are aware

    about: Set-Top-Boxes (both RDK and non RDK based) Smart Home Appliances HiFi audio/sound systems & music streaming Digital Signage GPS navigation devices Video/Audio conference Headless server-side rendering QA and testing ... Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 21 / 36
  21. Demos 📹 Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE

    Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 22 / 36
  22. Integrating WPE in your project 🛠️ Building end-user applications on

    embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 24 / 36
  23. 1. Carefully choose your hardware Determine the specifics of the

    HW you'll rely on. It might impose specific constraints (e.g. linear-only direct scanout) Determine the input devices needed: e.g. Physical keyboards, touch-based devices Determine the output devices needed: e.g. Standard screens, custom displays, no displays at all Figure out whether custom backends are needed Otherwise WPE provides Wayland and DRM already Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 25 / 36
  24. 2. Assemble the required components WPE libraries: Current API: WPEWebKit,

    libwpe, backends New API: WPEWebKit, WPEPlatform (includes built-in platforms) WPE dependencies: 2D/3D rendering: cairo, OpenGL, EGL, GLES... Multimedia pipeline: GStreamer Networking: libsoup Other: glib, atk, wayland... Other libraries: Anything else your application needs Launcher application: Cog (uses the old API) Your own application Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 26 / 36
  25. Example application (new API) #include <wpe/webkit.h> int main(int argc, const

    char *argv[]) { g_autoptr(GMainLoop) loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_autoptr(WebKitWebView) view = webkit_web_view_new(NULL); webkit_web_view_load_uri(view, (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "https://wpewebkit.org"); g_main_loop_run(loop); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 27 / 36
  26. 3. Develop your product Prototype/Write your Web application: Plain HTML/CSS/JS

    and/or common frameworks (e.g. React, Angular, Vue...) Prototype your application (e.g. on desktop device) Avoid poorly performing features on your platform: Certain constrained devices might impose specific limitations Ideally avoid particularly expensive operations (e.g. blur) Integrate with the rest of your platform: Leverage the Web Platform APIs to implement most features Possible to extend functionality through custom adaptation Testing & QA: Run tests on target HW (e.g. i.MX6, i.MX8, Broadcom...) Testing automation frameworks: WebDriver, PlayWright Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 28 / 36
  27. 4. Bundle up and ship Distribution packages available: Debian: Raspbian:

    Arch Linux: Source code: Tarballs available at Git repositories: WebKit: LibWPE: FDO Backend: Cog: https://packages.debian.org/source/stable/wpewebkit https://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/pool/main/w/wpewebkit https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/wpewebkit https://wpewebkit.org/release https://github.com/webKit/WebKit/ https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/libwpe https://github.com/Igalia/WPEBackend-fdo https://github.com/Igalia/cog Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 29 / 36
  28. 4. Bundle up and ship Yocto-based images: Layer available at

    Building an image with WPE: Recommended way of building WPE-based images Buildroot-based images: Support available at: Updated on a best-effort basis https://github.com/Igalia/meta-webkit https://github.com/Igalia/meta-webkit/wiki/WPE https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/blob/master/package/wpewebkit/wpewebkit.mk https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/blob/master/package/libwpe/libwpe.mk https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/blob/master/package/wpebackend-fdo/wpebackend-fdo.mk https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot/blob/master/package/cog/cog.mk Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 30 / 36
  29. Last but not least: collaborate upstream! WPE WebKit website: API

    documentation: Security Advisories: Mailing list: Matrix: Bug tracker: See also https://wpewebkit.org https://wpewebkit.org/reference/stable https://wpewebkit.org/security https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-wpe https://matrix.to/#/#wpe:matrix.org https://bugs.webkit.org https://webkit.org/reporting-bugs Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 31 / 36
  30. Conclusion Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario

    Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 32 / 36
  31. Conclusion Web Rendering Engines useful for more than Web Browsers.

    WPE leverages WebKit's strengths and makes it ideal for embedded devices, providing the extra flexibility needed. Integrating WPE in your project requires carefully choosing your Hardware and assembling the required components. Products can be developed as regular Web applications, and adaptations are still possible thanks to WPE's modular design. WPE and WebKit fully Open Source, contributions are welcome! Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 33 / 36
  32. Questions? Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario

    Sánchez Prada, Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 34 / 36
  33. Thanks! Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE Mario

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