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Using Oracle Big Data Discovery as the Data Sci...

Mark RIttman
September 07, 2016

Using Oracle Big Data Discovery as the Data Scientists' Toolkit

As presented at Trivadis Tech Event 2016, Zurich.

Mark RIttman

September 07, 2016

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  2. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Oracle

    ACE Director, blogger + ODTUG member •Regular columnist for Oracle Magazine •Past ODTUG Executive Board Member •Author of two books on Oracle BI •Co-founder & CTO of Rittman Mead •15+ Years in Oracle BI, DW, ETL + now Big Data •Implementor, trainer, consultant + company founder •Based in Brighton, UK About The Presenter 2
  3. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •A

    visual front-end to the Hadoop data reservoir, providing end-user access to datasets •Data sampled and loaded from Hadoop (Hive) into NoSQL Dgraph engine for fast analysis •Catalog, profile, analyse and combine schema-on-read datasets across the Hadoop cluster •Visualize and search datasets to gain insights, potentially load in summary form into DW Oracle Big Data Discovery - What Is It? 3
  4. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman Tools

  5. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman Tools

    And Techniques Used By Data Scientists 8 IMPORTING AND TIDYING DATA MODELING AND INFERRING •Whilst Big Data Discovery 1.1 enabled data wrangling, it was single-row only •No ability to aggregate data or perform inter-row calculations •No special null handling or other regularly-used techniques •No ability to materialise joins (only in data visualizations) •No ability to access commonly-used R, Python and other stats libraries •No solution for machine learning or predictive analytics
  6. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman IMPORTING

    AND TIDYING DATA METADATA AND DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY COMMUNICATING AND BUNDLING •Metadata Curation •Attribute-level Search from Catalog •Activity Hub •Python Interface to 
 BDD Datasets •Streamlined UI •Faster Data Indexing •Activity Hub •Sunburst Visualization •Aggregation •Materialised Joins •Better Pan and Zoom •Speed and Scale New Features In Oracle Big Data Discovery 1.2 10
  7. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Interactive

    tool designed to work with BDD without using Studio's front-end •Exposes all BDD concepts 
 (views, datasets, data sources etc) •Supports Apache Spark •HiveContext and SQLContext exposed •BDD Shell SDK for easy access to BDD
 features, functionality •Access to third-party libraries such as
 Pandas, Spark ML, numPy •Use with web-based notebook such as
 iPython, Jupyter, Zeppelin Big Data Discovery Python Shell - What Is It? 11
  8. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Over

    the past months I’ve been on sabattical, taking time out to look at new Hadoop tech •Building prototypes, working with with startups & analysts outside of core Oracle world •Asking myself the question “What will an analytics platform look like in 5 years time?” •But also during this time, getting fit, getting into cycling and losing 14kg over 12 months •Using Wahoo Elemnt + Strava for workout recording •Withings Wifi scales for weight + body fat measurement •Jawbone UP3 for steps, sleep, resting heart rate •All the time, collecting data and storing it in Hadoop Personal Data Science Project - “Quantified Self” 14
  9. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Quantified

    Self is about self-knowledge through numbers •Decide on some goals, work out what metrics to track •Use wearables and other smart devices to record steps, heart rate, workouts, weight and other health metrics •Plot, correlate, track trends and combine datasets •For me, goal was to maintain new “healthy weight” •Understand drivers of weight gain or loss •See how sleep affected productivity •Understand what behaviours led to a “good day” Personal Data Science Project - “Quantified Self” 15
  10. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Various

    smart appliances, sensors, lights and switches linked via HomeKit and SmartThings •Used to automate the house, respond to voice control … and all logged to Hadoop cluster Smart Devices Logging Data To Hadoop Cluster 18 Siri On Iphone, Watch Hadoop Cluster Smart Things Watch App 18 Philips Hue 
 Lighting Nest Protect (X2), 
 Thermostat, Cam Withings
 Smart Scales Airplay
 Speakers Homebridge
 Homekit / Smarthings 
 Connector Samsung
 Smart Things Hub (Z-Wave, Zigbee) Door, Motion, Moisture,
 Presence Sensors Apple Homekit,
 Apple TV, Siri
  11. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Data

    extracted or transported to target platform using LogStash, CSV file batch loads •Landed into HDFS as JSON documents, then exposed as Hive tables using Storage Handler •Cataloged, visualised and analysed using Oracle Big Data Discovery + Python ML Hadoop Cluster Dataset - “Personal Data Lake" 19 Data Transfer Data Access “Personal” Data Lake Jupyter
 Web Notebook 6 Node Hadoop Cluster (CDH5.5) Discovery & Development Labs
 Oracle Big Data Discovery 1.2 Data sets and samples Models and programs Oracle DV
 Desktop Models BDD Shell,
 Spark ML Data Factory LogStash
 via HTTP Manual
 CSV U/L Data streams CSV, IFTTT
 or API call Raw JSON log files in HDFS Each document an event, daily record or comms message Hive Tables
 w/ Elastic
 Storage Handler Index data turned into tabular format Health Data Unstructured Comms Data Smart Home
 Sensor Data
  12. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •As

    well as visualising the combined dataset, we could also use “machine learning” •Find correlations, predict outcomes based on regression analysis, classify and cluster data •Run algorithms on the full dataset to answer questions like: •“What are the biggest determinants of weight gain or loss for me?” •“On a good day, what are the typical combination of behaviours I exhibit”? •“If I raised my cadence RPM average, how much further could I cycle per day?” •“Is working late or missing lunch self-defeating in terms of overall weekly output?” And Use Machine Learning For Insights… 20 MODELING AND INFERRING
  13. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Analysis

    started with data from Jawbone UP2 ecosystem (manual export, and via IFTTT events) •Base activity data (steps, active time, active calories expended) •Sleep data (time asleep, time in-bed, light and deep sleep, resting heart-rate) •Mood if recorded; food ingested if recorded •Workout data as provided by Strava integration •Weight data as provided by Withings integration Initial Base Dataset - Jawbone Up Extract 21 1 2 3
  14. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Understand

    the “spread” of data using histograms •Use box-plot charts to identify outliers and range of “usual” values •Sort attributes by strongest correlation to a target attribute Perform Exploratory Analysis On Data 22
  15. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Initial

    row-wise preparation and transformation of data using Groovy transformations Transform (“Wrangle”) Data As Needed 23
  16. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Very

    typical with self-recorded healthcare and workout data •Most machine-learning algorithms expect every attribute to have a value per row •Self-recorded data is typically sporadically recorded, lots of gaps in data •Need to decide what to do with columns of poorly populate values Dealing With Missing Data (“Nulls”) 24 1 2 3
  17. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Previous

    versions of BDD allowed you to create joins for views •Used in visualisations, equivalent to a SQL view i.e. SELECT only •BDD 1.2.x allows you to add new joined attributes to data view, i.e. materialise •In this instance, use to bring in data on emails, and on geolocation Joining Datasets To Materialize Related Data 25
  18. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Only

    sensible option when looking at change in weight compared to prior period •Change compared to previous day too granular Aggregate Data To Week Level 26 1 2 3
  19. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman Use

    BDD Shell API to Identify Main Dataset ID 28
  20. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman Use

    Linear Regression on BDD Dataset via Python 31 •To answer the question - which metric is the most influential when it comes to weight change?
  21. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman And

    the Answer … Amount of Sleep Each Night 32 •Most influential variable/attribute in my weight / loss gain is “# of emails sent” •Inverse correlation - more emails I sent, the more weight I lose - but why? •In my case - unusual set of circumstances that led to late nights, burst of intense work •So busy I skipped meals, didn’t snack, stress and overwork perhaps •And then compensated once work over by getting out on bike and exercising •Correlation and most influential variable 
 will probably change in time •This is where the data, measuring it, 
 and analysing it comes in •Useful basis for experimenting •And bring in the Smart Home data too
  22. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman Current

    State Of The Feeds And Cluster Setup 34 Philips Hue 
 Lighting Nest Protect (X2), 
 Thermostat, Cam Withings
 Smart Scales Airplay
 Speakers Homebridge
 Homekit / Smarthings 
 Connector Samsung
 Smart Things Hub (Z-Wave, Zigbee) Door, Motion, Moisture,
 Presence Sensors Apple Homekit,
 Apple TV, Siri IFTTT Maker Channel 
 JSON via HTTP POST LogStash (real-time) (real-time) (real-time) • Gmail • Withings Scales • Strava • Jawbone UP • Weather • Youtube • IOS Photos • Twitter • RescueTime • Pocket • Instagram • Google Calendar • Facebook (real-time) 6-Node CDH5.8 Hadoop Cluster in garage,
 + Oracle Big Data Discovery 1.2.0
 on VMWare ESXi 4-node cluster
  23. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Uses

    IFTTT cloud workflow service to subscribe to events on wearables’ APIs •Triggers HTTP GET request via IFTTT Maker Channel to Logstash running at home •Event data sent as JSON documents, loaded
 into HDFS via webhdfs protocol •Structured in Hadoop using Hive JSONSerDe •Then loaded hourly into DGraph using
 Big Data Discovery dataprocessing CLI •Event data automatically enriched, and can
 be joined to smart home data for analysis Landing Wearables Data In Real-Time 35 New workout
 logged using
 Strava 1 Workout details uploaded
 to Strava using cloud API 2 3 IFTTT recipe gets workout event from Strava API, triggers an HTTP GET web request 4 JSON document received by
 Logstash, then forwarded to 
 Hadoop using webhdfs PUT 5 JSON documents landed in HDFS in raw form, then structured using Hive JSONSerDe 6 Hive data uploaded into Oracle Big Data Discovery, visualised and wrangled, and modelled using pySpark In the Cloud Home
  24. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •All

    smart device events and sensor readings are routed through Samsung Smart Things hub •Including Apple HomeKit devices, through custom integration •Event data uploads to Smart Things cloud service + storage •Custom Groovy SmartApp subscribes to
 device events, transmits JSON documents
 to Logstash using HTTP GET requests •Then process flow the same as with
 wearables and social media / comms data Landing Smart Home Data In Real-Time 36 Sensor or other smart device
 raises a Smart Things event 1 Event logged in Samsung Smarthings Cloud Service from Smart Things Hub 2 4 JSON document received by
 Logstash, then forwarded to 
 Hadoop using webhdfs PUT 5 JSON documents landed in HDFS in raw form, then structured using Hive JSONSerDe 6 Hive data uploaded into Oracle Big Data Discovery, visualised and wrangled, and modelled using pySpark In the Cloud Home SmartApp subscribes to device events, forwards them as JSON document using HTTP GET requests 3
  25. (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman •Load

    device + event data into Cloudera Kudu rather than HDFS + Hive •Current limitation is around Big Data Discovery - does not work with Kudu or Impala •Use Kafka for more reliable event routing? •Push email, social media, saved documents etc into Cloudera Search? •Do more on the machine learning / data integration + correlation side For The Future..? 37

    O F T E X T - S I M P L E A N D E A S Y T O U S E T H E T H E M E O F T H E D E M O T E M P L AT E B L A C K A N D W H I T E W O R L D (C) Mark Rittman 2016 W: http://www.rittman.co.uk T : @markrittman THANK YOU 39