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本番環境のKubernetesマニフェストに 最低限必要な 7 のこと @ Japan Co...

本番環境のKubernetesマニフェストに 最低限必要な 7 のこと @ Japan Container Days v18.12 / jkd1812-prd-manifests



Masaya Aoyama (@amsy810)

December 04, 2018

More Decks by Masaya Aoyama (@amsy810)

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  1. Japan Container Days v18.04 Keynote  Cloud Native Day Tokyo

    co-chair Cloud Native Meetup Tokyo Organizer (+ KubeCon)    for Kubernetes CKA #138CKAD #2 OpenStack / Kubernetes Contributor Masaya Aoyama (@amsy810) Infrastructure Engineer
  2. Agenda page 04 • &# %32+/4 • &# %3(0/4 •

    %  • !&&' •  "'$& • $'*-,1 • '%#!'"'& • &' ).
  3. 0<3/>@:= page 06 1. Entrypoint +2 />@ • $(( $*

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  4. 2. Init Container' page 09 • #&*  , •

    $("Volume %) • +    -! Volume Store data Use data
  5. 3. Sidecar  %$ page 011 • Pod  Main

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  6. 4. postStart  $ page 012 •   &%!

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  7. !  page 013     $ %#

    1. entrypoint $ % 2. initContainers $ % 3. Sidecar $ " 4. postStart $ %
  8. spec.restartPolicy (Pod) page 015 • Always • Pod  Pod

     • OnFailure • PodPod  • Never • Pod Pod    Deployment Always  Job OnFailure or Never 
  9.     page 016 +0s Terminating SIGTERM 

    preStop  (optional) Service   SIGKILL  Running spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds = 30 (   30 ) ~ 30s
  10.  !  page 017 +0s Terminating SIGTERM " preStop

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  11.  "-#  page 019 spec.containers[].livenessProbe Check %)*!+ 0" (1

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  12. ); $ &? page 021 kubectl drain' #$ $<+0@,> A7Pod4.

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  13. *( page 023 1. 2+0 Node Affinity5nodeSelector6 •  &

    / 2. Node Affinity / Node Anti-Affinity • -3 ,!(# .'   • )4,!"$,! 3. Inter-Pod Affinity / Inter-Pod Anti-Affinity • .' Pod51%6 
  14. NodePool / Instance Group page 024 +#)%   &$'

    • GKE  NodePool • EKS  Instance Group K8s  "!    *(Node
  15. $+ page 027 Limits5"/3 !.2   Requests5"/ 3 ,

    #/ *4 ! " (& ClusterAutoscaler  Pending status  Pod )'0% Requests -1
  16. page 028 Kubernetes Node Allocatable CPU: 1000m Requests(%) ": 1000m

    &  $: 10m Request(%) : 100m & #!     Cluster Autoscale  Requests '
  17. page 029 Requests(&) #: 100m ' !%: 10000m Request(&) :

    10m ' $" (   Cluster Autoscale   Requests   Kubernetes Node Allocatable CPU: 1000m
  18. '+ 4/) page 030 • Requests 3%  • Requests

    / Limits * 5   CPU .($#1-  Requests / Limits/) ! " &0 ,2 !4/
  19. LimitRange  "8*- page 031 LimitRange  (3% +$ /

    +& (3% requests / limits '73% GKE #!CPU  Requests  100m 13% ,3%#!.74 6 #! OOM -  CPU #!952/) Container: Pod 7 0
  20.    page 033 1. spec.securityContext.sysctls • Kubernetes v1.11

     2. Annotations (security.alpha.kubernetes.io/sysctls) • Kubernetes v1.10  3. Privileged InitContainer •    • 
  21. %  page 035 Kubernetes v1.10  Annotation # security.alpha.kubernetes.io/sysctls'"

     & security.alpha.kubernetes.io/unsafe-sysctls'"  & $!
  22.  ! %2! &3 page 038 1. “type: LoadBalancer” LB

    $ &3 • LB$ &+!$ *4)  2. NetworkPolicy Node $ &3 • NetworkPolicy !#Node$ iptables &3 • -.!" !1/ 3. Ingress LB $ &3 • GKE ('BackendConfig # Cloud Armor 0,
  23. 1. ”type: LoadBalancer” Service  page 039   

     IP Address  Load Balancer NIC NIC iptables iptables
  24. 2. Network Policy   Node   • In-bound

    / Out-bound • Label   • Namespace   Load Balancer NIC NIC iptables iptables page 040
  25. 3. Ingress % page 041 GCP Cloud Armor$ Load Balancer

    NIC NIC iptables iptables  Service  Annotation #"   !K8s 
  26. Conclusion page 043 • &# %32+/4 • &# %3(0/4 •

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