outputs. Coordination is ideal for tasks that can be done independently with clear inputs and outputs. Trust among team members enables more effective coordination. Repeatable activities are better suited for coordination than collaboration. Collaboration is necessary when real-time, high-throughput communication is required. Coordination is preferable when the process or results need to be persisted. Highly collaborative work often leads to slower progress and reduced accountability. Coordination allows for better scalability in teams and projects. A balance of coordination with intermittent collaboration often yields the best results. Startups often over-rely on collaboration, leading to inefficiencies as they grow. Converting collaborative work to coordinated work can significantly increase productivity. Coordination enables team members to work asynchronously and independently. Collaboration is beneficial for initial alignment and complex problem-solving. Coordination works best when team members understand how their individual tasks fit into the larger goal. Automation can enhance coordination in scenarios requiring both permanence and low latency. https://openai.com/index/new-models-and-developer-products-announced-at-devday/ COLLABORATION VS COORDINATION