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マネーフォワードにおけるデータ戦略 / Data Strategy at Money Forward

マネーフォワードにおけるデータ戦略 / Data Strategy at Money Forward

イベント名:Money Forward Tech Day 2024
登壇者:Kazuhito Nomura

Money Forward, Inc.

September 25, 2024

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  1. Experience: Data Science Research: 6 years Data Science Consultant: 11

    years Data Strategy Director: 6 years Private: Parenting 2 kids Kazuhito Nomura Chief Data and Analytics Officer Head of Data Strategy Office Head of AI Forward Office
  2. Total Record about 135 billion Total Table 5,000 Over Total

    Dataset 88 Dataset Exclude SaaS Data Link Transfer Record about 200M / day Include Data MFBC、MFH、MFX Klavis、R&AC Active User about 190 / day Query User only マネーフォワードは膨大な貴重なデータを保持・管理 Money Forward holds and manages vast amounts of valuable data
  3. 1. Data Strategy Planning 5.R&D 2.Data Platform 3.Business Improvement 4.New

    Business Creation Data Strategy Business KPI Contribution Target ①Cross Business Planning ②Strategy Exection ③People Development ④Platform Integration ⑤Metadata ⑥Data Governance ⑦KPI Manegement ⑧Buisness Optimization ⑨Product Enhancement ⑩Data Business ⑪Strategic Alliance ⑫Research Therme Sourcing ⑬Seeds Tech Research マネーフォワードのデータ戦略 Data Strategy at Money Forward
  4. Business R&D Product AI Chatbot for Enterprises Financial Assistant Marketing

    Mix Model- based MROI Optimizaiton Data-based Credit Scoring データとAIによる価値提案 Value Proposition based on Data & AI
  5. 1. Integrated one knowledge data lake 1. Hub-based AI/LLM Orchestration

    1. Sustainable AI/ML/LLM Ops 1. Learnable Transaction Data Accumulation データ/AIアーキテクチャの4つの成功要因 4 key success factors of Data/AI Architecture
  6. Excerpt-Publicis Sapient-HFS-Horizons-Generative Enterprise™ Services, 2023 in Oct 2023 AUTHORS:Phil Fersht,

    CEO and Chief Analyst, David Cushman,Executive Research Leader, Niti Jhunjhunwala, Senior Analyst https://www.publicissapient.com/content/dam/ps-rebrand/news/2023/2023-market-leader-in-gen-ai-enterprise-services-by-hfs/E xcerpt-PublicisSapient-HFS-Horizons-Generative-Enterprise-Services-2023.pdf 急速に成長、変化する生成AIのエコシステム The Generative AI Ecosystem is growing & changing rapidly
  7. マネーフォワードのデータ/AIチームのミッション Mission of the Data / AI Teams at Money

    Forward Become the No. 1 Data & AI organization driving business growth in the SaaS and Fintech industries. SaaSおよびフィンテック業界におけるビジネス成長を牽 引する、No.1データ&AI組織になる