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Optimizing MongoDB: Lessons Learned at Localyti...

October 07, 2011

Optimizing MongoDB: Lessons Learned at Localytics - Ben Darfler, Localytics

MongoBoston 2011

Localytics uses MongoDB to process over 100M datapoints every day for their mobile analytics service. They will present a technical deep dive on... scaling MongoDB without breaking the bank. This presentation will explore how Localytics optimized their document design, indexes, and EC2 configurations, accounting for MongoDB's internal data structure and concurrency model.


October 07, 2011

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  1. Introduction • Benjamin Darfler o @bdarfler o http://bdarfler.com o Senior

    Software Engineer at Localytics • Localytics o Real time analytics for mobile applications o 100M+ datapoints a day o More than 2x growth over the past 4 months o Heavy users of Scala, MongoDB and AWS • This Talk o Revised and updated from MongoNYC 2011
  2. MongoDB at Localytics • Use cases o Anonymous loyalty information

    o De-duplication of incoming data • Scale today o Hundreds of GBs of data per shard o Thousands of ops per second per shard • History o In production for ~8 months o Increased load 10x in that time o Reduced shard count by more than a half
  3. Disclaimer These steps worked for us and our data We

    verified them by testing early and often You should too
  4. Quick Poll • Who is using MongoDB in production? •

    Who is deployed on AWS? • Who has a sharded deployment? o More than 2 shards? o More than 4 shards? o More than 8 shards?
  5. Use BinData for uuids/hashes Before {u:"21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D"} After {u:BinData(0, "...")} •

    Used BinData type 0, least overhead • Reduced data size by more then 2x over UUID • Reduced index size on the field
  6. Override _id Before {_id:ObjectId("..."), u:BinData(0, "...")} After {_id:BinData(0, "...")} •

    Reduced data size • Eliminated an index • Warning: Locality - more on that later
  7. Pre-aggregate Before {u:BinData(0, "..."), k:BinData(0, "abc")} {u:BinData(0, "..."), k:BinData(0, "abc")}

    {u:BinData(0, "..."), k:BinData(0, "def")} After {u:BinData(0, "abc"), c:2} {u:BinData(0, "def"), c:1} • Actually kept data in both forms • Fewer records meant smaller indexes
  8. Prefix Indexes Before {k:BinData(0, "...")} // indexed After { p:BinData(0,

    "...") // prefix of k, indexed s:BinData(0, "...") // suffix of k, not indexed } • Reduced index size • Warning: Prefix must be sufficiently unique • Would be nice to have it built in - SERVER-3260
  9. Sparse Indexes Create a sparse index db.collection.ensureIndex({middle:1}, {sparse:true}); Only indexes

    documents that contain the field {u:BinData(0, "abc"), first:"Ben", last:"Darfler"} {u:BinData(0, "abc"), first:"Mike", last:"Smith"} {u:BinData(0, "abc"), first:"John", middle:"F", last:"Kennedy"} • Fewer records meant smaller indexes • New in 1.8
  10. Upgrade to {v:1} indexes • Upto 25% smaller • Upto

    25% faster • New in 2.0 • Must reindex after upgrade
  11. You are using an index right? Create an index db.collection.ensureIndex({user:1});

    Ensure you are using it db.collection.find(query).explain(); Hint that it should be used if its not db.collection.find({user:u, foo:d}).hint({user:1}); • I've seen the wrong index used before o open a bug if you see this happen
  12. Only as much as you need Before db.collection.find(); After db.collection.find().limit(10);

    db.collection.findOne(); • Reduced bytes on the wire • Reduced bytes read from disk • Result cursor streams data but in large chunks
  13. Only what you need Before db.collection.find({u:BinData(0, "...")}); After db.collection.find({u:BinData(0, "...")},

    {field:1}); • Reduced bytes on the wire • Necessary to exploit covering indexes
  14. Covering Indexes Create an index db.collection.ensureIndex({first:1, last:1}); Query for data

    only in the index db.collection.find({last:"Darfler"}, {_id:0, first:1, last:1}); • Can service the query entirely from the index • Eliminates having to read the data extent • Explicitly exclude _id if its not in the index • New in 1.8
  15. Prefetch Before db.collection.update({u:BinData(0, "...")}, {$inc:{c:1}}); After db.collection.find({u:BinData(0, "...")}); db.collection.update({u:BinData(0, "...")},

    {$inc:{c:1}}); • Prevents holding a write lock while paging in data • Most updates fit this pattern anyhow • Less necessary with yield improvements in 2.0
  16. Updates doc1 doc2 doc3 doc4 doc5 doc1 doc2 doc3 doc4

    doc5 doc3 Updates can be in place if the document doesn't grow
  17. Memory Mapped Files doc1 doc2 doc6 doc4 doc5 } }

    page page Data is mapped into memory a full page at a time
  18. Fragmentation RAM used to be filled with useful data Now

    it contains useless space or useless data Inserts used to cause sequential writes Now inserts cause random writes
  19. Fragmentation Mitigation • Automatic Padding o MongoDB auto-pads records o

    Manual tuning scheduled for 2.2 • Manual Padding o Pad arrays that are known to grow o Pad with a BinData field, then remove it • Free list improvement in 2.0 and scheduled in 2.2
  20. Fragmentation Fixes • Repair o db.repairDatabase(); o Run on secondary,

    swap with primary o Requires 2x disk space • Compact o db.collection.runCommand( "compact" ); o Run on secondary, swap with primary o Faster than repair o Requires minimal extra disk space o New in 2.0 • Repair, compact and import remove padding
  21. Migrations - hash/uuid shard key Chunk 1 k: 1 to

    5 Chunk 2 k: 6 to 9 Shard 1 Shard 2 Chunk 1 k: 1 to 5 {k: 4, …} {k: 8, …} {k: 3, …} {k: 7, …} {k: 5, …} {k: 6, …} {k: 4, …} {k: 3, …} {k: 5, …}
  22. Hash/uuid shard key • Distributes read/write load evenly across nodes

    • Migrations cause random I/O and fragmentation o Makes it harder to add new shards • Pre-split o db.runCommand({split:"db.collection", middle:{_id:99}}); • Pre-move o db.adminCommand({moveChunk:"db.collection", find:{_id:5}, to:"s2"}); • Turn off balancer o db.settings.update({_id:"balancer"}, {$set:{stopped:true}}, true});
  23. Migrations - temporal shard key Chunk 1 k: 1 to

    5 Chunk 2 k: 6 to 9 Shard 1 Shard 2 Chunk 1 k: 1 to 5 {k: 3, …} {k: 4, …} {k: 5, …} {k: 6, …} {k: 7, …} {k: 8, …} {k: 3, …} {k: 4, …} {k: 5, …}
  24. Temporal shard key • Can cause hot chunks • Migrations

    are less destructive o Makes it easier to add new shards • Include a temporal prefix in your shard key o {day: ..., id: ...} • Choose prefix granularity based on insert rate o low 100s of chunks (64MB) per "unit" of prefix o i.e. 10 GB per day => ~150 chunks per day
  25. Elastic Compute Cloud • Noisy Neighbor o Used largest instance

    in a family (m1 or m2) • Used m2 family for mongods o Best RAM to dollar ratio • Used micros for arbiters and config servers
  26. Elastic Block Storage • Noisy Neighbor o Netflix claims to

    only use 1TB disks • RAID'ed our disks o Minimum of 4-8 disks o Recommended 8-16 disks o RAID0 for write heavy workload o RAID10 for read heavy workload
  27. Pathological Test • What happens when data far exceeds RAM?

    o 10:1 read/write ratio o Reads evenly distributed over entire key space
  28. One Mongod Index out of RAM Index in RAM •

    One mongod on the host o Throughput drops more than 10x
  29. Many Mongods Index out of RAM Index in RAM •

    16 mongods on the host o Throughput drops less than 3x o Graph for one shard, multiply by 16x for total
  30. Sharding within a node • One read/write lock per mongod

    o Ticket for lock per collection - SERVER-1240 o Ticket for lock per extent - SERVER-1241 • For in memory work load o Shard per core • For out of memory work load o Shard per disk • Warning: Must have shard key in every query o Otherwise scatter gather across all shards o Requires manually managing secondary keys • Less necessary in 2.0 with yield improvements
  31. Reminder These steps worked for us and our data We

    verified them by testing early and often You should too