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A Tribute to Ezra Zygmuntowicz

A Tribute to Ezra Zygmuntowicz

Ezra's influence and legacy in the Ruby community was immense. He will be missed.

Go here to donate to his family: http://bit.ly/ezrafund

Mike Perham

December 02, 2014

More Decks by Mike Perham

Other Decks in Programming


  1. From 2006-2010, Ezra was THE tech tastemaker in the Ruby

    OSS world. "One name" Rubyists of the era: DHH, Matz, Zed, Ezra, ...
  2. Merb • Mongrel + ERB • Created Merb to work

    around Rails perf problems for EY customers • Merb merged with Rails as part of the 3.0 release
  3. Nginx • The first to use Nginx in the Ruby

    world • For about a year, his blog post at brainspl.at was the only config documentation for setting it up with Mongrel. Everyone used his config as a starting point.
  4. Redis • Gave the first conference talk on Redis in

    2009 • Created the "redis" gem, first Ruby client
  5. There's more? • Married with one kid • Worked early

    on at CloudFoundry • was a pro glass blower • Ran a 3D printing startup (Trinity Labs) • Recently co-founded Stuffstr
  6. By All Accounts... • Loved to hack with others •

    Keep that Open Source generosity alive