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DDD Strategic Design with Spring Boot Examples

Michael Plöd
September 08, 2016

DDD Strategic Design with Spring Boot Examples

Michael Plöd

September 08, 2016

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  1. DDD Strategic Design With Spring Boot Michael Plöd - innoQ

    @bitboss Confidential
 (no it’s not a pet shop)
  2. Michael Plöd - innoQ
 @bitboss The Spring Boot / code

    part of this presentation can be found at:
  3. Disclaimer Michael Plöd - innoQ
 @bitboss Most of these ideas

    do not come from me personally. I have to thank Eric Evans for all the inspiration / ideas. If you haven’t: go out and get his amazing book: Domain Driven Design.
  4. Strategic Design Strategic Design consists of Bounded Context Context Map

    Shared Kernel Customer / 
 Supplier Conformist Anticorruption
 Layer Separate Ways Open / Host 
 Service Published 
  5. Strategic
 Design Bounded Context Every sophisticated business domain consists of

    a bunch 
 of Bounded Contexts Each Bounded Context contains models and maybe other contexts The Bounded Context is also a boundary for the meaning of a given model
  6. Strategic
 Design Bounded Context Example Reservations Event
 Management Badges Customer

    Name Payment Details Adress Company Session Registrations Lunch Preferences Name Job Description Twitter Handle
  7. Strategic
 Design Bounded Context Example Reservations Event
 Management Badges Name

    Payment Details Adress Company Session Registrations Lunch Preferences Name Job Description Twitter Handle Each Bounded Context has its own model of a customer This is a major enabler for independent Microservices Take a look at the name of the customer? Maybe we want some shared data?
  8. Strategic Design Strategic Design consists of Bounded Context Context Map

    Shared Kernel Customer / 
 Supplier Conformist Anticorruption
 Layer Separate Ways Open / Host 
 Service Published 
  9. Context Map Strategic
 Design The Bounded Context by itself does

    not deliver an overview of the system By introducing a Context Map we describe the contact between models / contexts The Context Map is also a great starting point for future transformations
  10. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

 Supplier Conformist Anticorruption
 Layer Separate Ways Open / Host 
 Service Published 
  11. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language Two teams share a subset of the domain model including code and maybe the database. The shared kernel is often refered to as the core domain.
  12. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language There is a customer / supplier relation ship between two teams. The downstream team is considered to be the customer, sometimes with veto rights.
  13. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language The downstream team conforms to the model of the upstream team. There is no translation of models and no vetoing. If the upstream model is a mess, it propagates to the downstream model.
  14. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language The anticorruption layer is a layer that isolates a client’s model from another system’s model by translation.
  15. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language There is no connection between the bounded contexts of a system. This allows teams to find their own solutions in their domain.
  16. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language Each Bounded Context offers a defined set of services that expose functionality for other systems. Any downstream system can then implement their own integration. This is especially useful for integration requirements with many other systems.
  17. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Patterns Shared Kernel Customer /

    Supplier Conformist Anticorruption Layer Separate Ways Open / Host Service Published Language Published Language is quite similar to Open / Host Service. However it goes as far as to model a Domain as a common language between bounded contexts.
  18. Strategic
 Design Context Map - Why? Credit
 Application Credit

    Scoring Credit
 Agency CRM Currently we only see call stacks
  19. Strategic
 Design Context Map Credit
 Application Credit
 Decision Scoring Credit

    Agency CRM U D D D D U U U C
 F O
 S C
 S O
 S O H S A C L S K S K