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Failure is not an Option. Error handling strate...

Nat Pryce
December 06, 2019

Failure is not an Option. Error handling strategies for Kotlin programs

By Nat Pryce and Duncan McGregor.

Kotlin largely inherits Java's exception mechanism, but exceptions and functional programming are uneasy bedfellows, leading to most projects adopting a wing-and-a-prayer as their error handling strategy.

It needn’t be so ad-hoc though. We compare and contrast different techniques for handling errors in Kotlin programs. We will discuss the sweet spots, pitfalls and trade-offs encountered in each technique, illustrated with examples from real projects.

Presented at KotlinConf 2019.

Video: https://youtu.be/pvYAQNT4o0I

Nat Pryce

December 06, 2019

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  22. No language support for monads fun handlePost(request: HttpRequest): Result<HttpResponse,Error> =

    request.readJson() .flatMap { json -> json.toCommand() .flatMap { command -> loadResourceFor(request) .flatMap { resource -> performCommand(resource, command) .map { outcome -> outcome.toHttpResponseFor(request) } } } } http://wiki.c2.com/?ArrowAntiPattern
  23. Arrow's binding API Very clever emulation of Haskell's do syntax

    for monadic binding fun handlePost(request: HttpRequest): Either<Error, HttpResponse> = Either.fx { val (json) = request.readJson() val (command) = json.toCommand() val (resource) = loadResource(request) val (outcome) = performCommand(resource, command) outcome.toHttpResponseFor(request) }
  24. fun handlePost(request: HttpRequest): Result<HttpResponse,Error> { val json = request.readJson().onFailure {

    return it } val command = json.toCommand().onFailure { return it } val resource = loadResource(request).onFailure { return it } val outcome = performCommand(resource, command).onFailure { return it } return Success(outcome.toHttpResponseFor(request)) } Flatten nesting with inline functions & early returns inline fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.onFailure(block: (Failure<E>) -> Nothing): T = when (this) { is Success<T> -> value is Failure<E> -> block(this) }
  25. Exceptions or sealed class hierarchy? One hierarchy for all errors?

    • You lose the exhaustiveness check in when expressions • Less assistance from the type checker: bugs creep into error handling code Separate hierarchies for bounded contexts? • Type checker keeps you honest • But more work: must be translated or wrapped as they cross boundaries Do we care about stack traces? (Nat’s conclusion: only for programming errors) How to model error reasons in the Failure case?
  26. A Result type is fine when... … your team are

    used to a functional programming style … you don't need stack traces For example • Propagating exceptional cases in business logic to web pages • Looking up data that may not be present Be aware of when that context changes And convert exceptions to Failures close to source & fuzz test
  27. The sweet spot for our system • Null for "simple"

    parse errors • Result to reporting the location of parse errors in "complicated" data • Result for explicit errors from application logic • Result when errors are recoverable • Exceptions for environmental failures and programmer error • All exceptions handled in one place • Fuzz test to make sure we do not propagate unexpected exceptions • Push code that can fail to the outer layers • Prefer immutable data • Carefully control mutable data so exceptions don’t break persistent state
  28. #KotlinConf THANK YOU AND REMEMBER TO VOTE Nat Pryce @natpryce

    Duncan McGregor @duncanmcg Failure is not an Option http://oneeyedmen.com/failure-is-not-an-option-part-1.html Result4K https://github.com/npryce/result4k Snodge https://github.com/npryce/snodge