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Reactive in Reverse, a guest talk by Daniel Spi...

Reactive in Reverse, a guest talk by Daniel Spiewak

The New York Times Developers invited Daniel Spiewak to give a guest talk at on reactive programming at TimesOpen, our public developer event series. Daniel is a software developer based out of Boulder, CO. Over the years, he has worked with Java, Scala, Ruby, C/C++, ML, Clojure and several experimental languages. He currently spends most of his free time researching parser theory and methodologies, particularly areas where the field intersects with functional language design, domain-specific languages and type theory.

The New York Times Developers

September 10, 2014

More Decks by The New York Times Developers

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Pull vs Push • "Reactive" streams • Java 8 streams

    • Akka streams • "Coreactive" streams • Haskell's Kmett's Machines • scalaz-stream
  2. Pull vs Push • "Reactive" streams • Java 8 streams

    • Akka streams • "Coreactive" streams • Haskell's Kmett's Machines • scalaz-stream
  3. • Push streams • Data assertively pushed into your flow

    • Multi-output trivial; multi-input hard Pull vs Push
  4. • Push streams • Data assertively pushed into your flow

    • Multi-output trivial; multi-input hard • Pull streams • "Turn the crank" from the end and request data • Multi-output hard; multi-input trivial Pull vs Push
  5. • Push streams • Backpressure is something you need to

    design • More intuitive control flow (imperatively) Pull vs Push
  6. • Push streams • Backpressure is something you need to

    design • More intuitive control flow (imperatively) • Pull streams • Backpressure is trivial (it "just works") • More declarative control, which can be weird Pull vs Push
  7. Concepts • Task[A] • Like Future, but more controlled •

    Process[Task, A] • A strict sequence of actions
  8. Concepts: Task • Fully lazy • Creating a Future executes

    immediately • No more memory leaks!
  9. Concepts: Task • Fully lazy • Creating a Future executes

    immediately • No more memory leaks! • Easy to move tasks between thread pools
  10. Concepts: Task • Fully lazy • Creating a Future executes

    immediately • No more memory leaks! • Easy to move tasks between thread pools • Better thread utilization
  11. Concepts: Task • Fully lazy • Creating a Future executes

    immediately • No more memory leaks! • Easy to move tasks between thread pools • Better thread utilization • Explicit parallelism
  12. def fib(n: Int): Task[Int] = n match { case 0

    | 1 => Task now 1 case n => { for { x <- fib(n - 1) y <- fib(n - 2) } yield x + y } } fib(42).run
  13. def fib(n: Int): Task[Int] = n match { case 0

    | 1 => Task now 1 case n => { val ND = Nondeterminism[Task] for { pair <- ND.both(fib(n - 1), fib(n - 2)) (x, y) = pair } yield x + y } } fib(42).run
  14. def futureToTask[A](f: Future[A]): Task[A] = { Task async { cb

    => f onComplete { case Success(v) => cb(\/.right(v)) case Failure(e) => cb(\/.left(v)) } } }
  15. def futureToTask[A](f: Future[A]): Task[A] = { Task async { cb

    => f onComplete { case Success(v) => cb(\/.right(v)) case Failure(e) => cb(\/.left(v)) } } }
  16. Concepts: Process • An ordered sequence of actions • Ask

    for an action…then the next…then the next • If you can't keep up, you ask less frequently • Easy to merge (just ask for data from either "side") • Explicit parallelism
  17. def fetchUrl(num: Int): Task[String] = { val fetch: Task[Task[String]] =

    Task delay { val svc = url(s"http://api.stuff.com/record/$num") Task fork futureToTask(Http(svc OK as.String)) } fetch.join }
  18. val nums: Process[Task, Int] = Process.range(0, 10) val adjusted =

    nums map { _ * 2 } filter { _ < 10 } val pages = adjusted flatMap { num => Process.eval(fetchUrl(num)) } val found = pages find { _ contains "Waldo!" } val stuff: Task[Unit] = found to io.stdOutLines run stuff.run
  19. val nums1: Process[Task, Int] = Process.range(0, 10) val nums2: Process[Task,

    Int] = Process.range(11, 20) val nums: Process[Task, Int] = nums1 interleave nums2 ...
  20. val i = new AtomicInteger val read = Task delay

    { i.getAndIncrement() } val src = Process.eval(read).repeat val left = src map { i => s"left: $i" } val right = src map { i => s"right: $i" } left interleave right to io.stdOutLines
  21. left: 0 right: 1 left: 2 right: 3 left: 4

    right: 5 left: 6 right: 7 left: 8 right: 9 left: 10 right: 11 left: 12 right: 13 ...
  22. val queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Message](10) // looks like I'm a

    wimp val read: Task[Message] = Task delay { queue.take() } val src: Process[Task, Message] = Process.eval(read).repeat ... // bounded queues are for wimps...
  23. Sinks • Data has to go somewhere • Writing out

    to a channel • Writing to disk
  24. Sinks • Data has to go somewhere • Writing out

    to a channel • Writing to disk • …or all of the above
  25. Sinks • Data has to go somewhere • Writing out

    to a channel • Writing to disk • …or all of the above • What is a sink anyway?
  26. Sinks • Data has to go somewhere • Writing out

    to a channel • Writing to disk • …or all of the above • What is a sink anyway? • A stream of functions!
  27. def write(str: String): Task[Unit] = Task delay { println(str) }

    val sink: Sink[Task, String] = Process.constant(write _) val src = Process.range(0, 10) map { _.toString } val results = src zip sink flatMap { case (str, f) => Process eval f(str) } val universe: Task[Unit] = results.run
  28. val stdOut: Sink[Task, String] = ... val channel: Sink[Task, String]

    = ... val src = Process.range(0, 10) map { _.toString } val results = src zip stdOut zip channel flatMap { case ((str, f1), f2) => { for { _ <- Process eval f1(str) _ <- Process eval f2(str) } yield () } } val universe: Task[Unit] = results.run
  29. val stdOut: Sink[Task, String] = ... val channel: Sink[Task, String]

    = ... val src = Process.range(0, 10) map { _.toString } val results = src observe stdOut to channel val universe: Task[Unit] = results.run
  30. Concurrency • Always explicit! • Two forms of parallelism •

    Racing two streams into one • Turning a stream "sideways"
  31. Concurrency • Always explicit! • Two forms of parallelism •

    Racing two streams into one • Turning a stream "sideways" • Almost everything implemented on top of wye
  32. wye

  33. val left: Process[Task, Message] = ... val right: Process[Task, Message]

    = ... val merged: Process[Task, Message] = left.wye(right)(wye.merge)
  34. val left: Process[Task, Message] = ... val right: Process[Task, Message]

    = ... val merged: Process[Task, Message] = left merge right // should be "race"
  35. val left: Process[Task, Message] = ... val right: Process[Task, Line]

    = ... // oh NOES! teh symbols cometh! val merged: Process[Task, Message \/ Line] = left either right
  36. val nums: Process[Task, Int] = Process.range(0, 10) val adjusted =

    nums map { _ * 2 } filter { _ < 10 } val pages = adjusted flatMap { num => Process.eval(fetchUrl(num)) }
  37. val nums: Process[Task, Int] = Process.range(0, 10) val adjusted =

    nums map { _ * 2 } filter { _ < 10 } val pages: Process[Task, Task[String]] = adjusted map { num => fetchUrl(num) } val parallel: Process[Task, String] = pages.gather(4)
  38. gather(n) • Grabs chunks of n and parallelizes • Last

    chunk of stream may be truncated • Great for finite streams!
  39. gather(n) • Grabs chunks of n and parallelizes • Last

    chunk of stream may be truncated • Great for finite streams! • Causes DEADLOCK on infinite streams
  40. gather(n) • Grabs chunks of n and parallelizes • Last

    chunk of stream may be truncated • Great for finite streams! • Causes DEADLOCK on infinite streams • Don't use if you source from a queue!
  41. val nums: Process[Task, Int] = Process.range(0, 10) val adjusted =

    nums map { _ * 2 } filter { _ < 10 } val pages: Process[Task, Process[Task, String]] = adjusted map { num => Process.eval(fetchUrl(num)) } val parallel: Process[Task, String] = merge.mergeN(pages)
  42. merge.mergeN • A little weirder to use… • Process of

    Process • Uses a variable bounded queue
  43. merge.mergeN • A little weirder to use… • Process of

    Process • Uses a variable bounded queue • Races all input streams
  44. merge.mergeN • A little weirder to use… • Process of

    Process • Uses a variable bounded queue • Races all input streams • Up to n at a time
  45. merge.mergeN • A little weirder to use… • Process of

    Process • Uses a variable bounded queue • Races all input streams • Up to n at a time • Almost always what you really want
  46. Chat Server • Uses scalaz-netty project • Currently closed-source, but

    OSS soon™! • Would also work with scalaz-nio
  47. Chat Server • Uses scalaz-netty project • Currently closed-source, but

    OSS soon™! • Would also work with scalaz-nio • Uses scodec
  48. Chat Server • Uses scalaz-netty project • Currently closed-source, but

    OSS soon™! • Would also work with scalaz-nio • Uses scodec • Use this. Use it. It's amazing.
  49. Chat Server • Uses scalaz-netty project • Currently closed-source, but

    OSS soon™! • Would also work with scalaz-nio • Uses scodec • Use this. Use it. It's amazing. • Demonstrates the power of Process abstraction
  50. Server • Accept connections asynchronously • …and in parallel! •

    Pipe inbound data to a relay queue • Pipe relay queue into the outbound channel • …including all history!
  51. Server • Accept connections asynchronously • …and in parallel! •

    Pipe inbound data to a relay queue • Pipe relay queue into the outbound channel • …including all history! • Continue until client closes connection
  52. val address: InetSocketAddress = ??? val relay = async.topic[BitVector] val

    handlers = Netty server address map { client => for { Exchange(src, sink) <- client in = src to relay.publish out = relay.subscribe to sink _ <- in merge out } yield () } val server: Task[Unit] = merge.mergeN(handlers).run
  53. Client • Establish connection • Pipe standard input to the

    server (as UTF-8) • Pipe server response to standard output
  54. Client • Establish connection • Pipe standard input to the

    server (as UTF-8) • Pipe server response to standard output • Continue until user fail-sauce Ctrl-C kills us
  55. implicit val codec: Codec[String] = utf8 def transcode(ex: Exchange[BitVector, BitVector])

    = { val decoder = decode.many[String] val encoder = encode.many[String] val Exchange(src, sink) = ex val src2 = src flatMap decoder.decode val sink2 = sink pipeIn encoder.encoder Exchange(src2, sink2) }
  56. val clientP = for { rawData <- Netty connect address

    Exchange(src, sink) = transcode(rawData) in = src to io.stdOutLines out = io.stdInLines to sink _ <- in merge out } yield () val client: Task[Unit] = clientP.run
  57. Notes • Resources are managed and cannot leak • Logic

    is pure and encapsulated from networking
  58. Notes • Resources are managed and cannot leak • Logic

    is pure and encapsulated from networking • Backpressure "just works" (sort of)
  59. Notes • Resources are managed and cannot leak • Logic

    is pure and encapsulated from networking • Backpressure "just works" (sort of) • Our Topic is unbounded, because I'm lazy
  60. Notes • Resources are managed and cannot leak • Logic

    is pure and encapsulated from networking • Backpressure "just works" (sort of) • Our Topic is unbounded, because I'm lazy • Handshaking would be almost trivial
  61. Notes • Resources are managed and cannot leak • Logic

    is pure and encapsulated from networking • Backpressure "just works" (sort of) • Our Topic is unbounded, because I'm lazy • Handshaking would be almost trivial • Client and server logic looks almost the same!
  62. • A different take on "reactive" • Purity helps us

    understand complex logic! • No more puzzling about state or resource leaks
  63. • A different take on "reactive" • Purity helps us

    understand complex logic! • No more puzzling about state or resource leaks • Simple and easy combinators scale well
  64. • A different take on "reactive" • Purity helps us

    understand complex logic! • No more puzzling about state or resource leaks • Simple and easy combinators scale well • You know almost everything you need