must be in DEBUG mode ▸ App downloaded from App Store / TestFlight / HockeyApp won’t work (which are in RELEASE mode) ▸ To Perform automation, your app is suggested to be Built and Run / Profiled directly from Xcode
point to note: If you would like to do this on a real device, remember to turn the following switch ON on your device. ▸ Settings > Developer > Enable UI Automation
even if you don’t know anything about programming, you could still create a testing script ▸ Use the Capture button ▸ Press on it. Start your actions. And they will be recorded as a script :D
▸ Testing on real device, but always no response on Capture / Stop instantly on run… Did you turn “Enable UI Automation” ON? ▸ Testing on simulator, but type string is not working… Go to Simulator Menu > Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard ▸ Can I run multiple tests at the same time? Yes, you can run multiple instruments at the same time. But don’t add the same script to different instruments. They will overwrite each other.