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Learning AI with Van Gogh, Michelena, and Cruz-...

Learning AI with Van Gogh, Michelena, and Cruz-Diez

Raul Pino

March 16, 2019

More Decks by Raul Pino

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  1. Who am I? » Born in Venezuela » Living in

    Chile » Elementus » uBiome » Groupon » <3 DS, AI, Coffee, Diving Github/Twitter: @p1nox 3
  2. Agenda » Artificial Intelligence » Machine Learning » Deep Learning

    » Artistic Style » High level implementation » Live example » Related research, Implementations, Takeaways 4
  3. Wait, why Art? "The principles of true art is not

    to portray, but to evoke." - Kosinski. "We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand." - Picasso. 5
  4. Artificial intelligence Sub-problems * Reasoning * Knowledge representation * Planning

    * Learning: Machine Learning * Natural language processing * Perception * Motion and manipulation * Social intelligence * General intelligence 6
  5. Machine Learning Data >[ Model ]> Prediction Approaches * Deep

    learning: Artificial Neural Networks - Structured data - Unstructured data 7
  6. Artistic Style A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style. Leon Gatys,

    Alexander Ecker, Matthias Bethge - 2015 In a Convolutional Neural Network, "Content" is independent from "Style"! 13
  7. Convolutional Neural Network Pre-trained VGG19 model (University of Oxford) »

    14-million images » 1000 categories Identify objects in images checked! 14
  8. Layer Extraction » Content = conv layer 5_2 » Style

    = conv layers 1_1, 2_1, 3_1, 4_1 and 5_1 Mix content and style! iterate cont = get_content(content_img) style = get_style(style_img) cost fn() compare(content_img, get_content(cont)) compare(content_img, get_style(style)) 18
  9. Live Example » Pre-trained VGG19 model » TensorFlow » NumPy

    » SciPy » Docker Repo: learningaiwith_art 19
  10. Related research » Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks »

    Using Machine Learning for Identification of Art Paintings » Artistic style transfer for videos » Artistic style transfer for videos and spherical images 20
  11. Takeaways » Adictive & fun! » Imitating first like an

    artist? » Future art simulation/ classification? Beauty, meaning, uniqueness, intention... 22
  12. Sources & Resources » A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

    » Deep Learning & Art: Neural Style Transfer » Siraj collection on AI and Art » Painting like Van Gogh with Convolutional Neural Networks » VGG19 - MatConvNet » Vincent: AI Artist 23
  13. Sources & Resources » Deep Learning Course - Coursera »

    Creating art with deep neural networks » Computer algorithm can accurately identify Jackson Pollock paintings » When A Machine Learning Algorithm Studied Fine Art Paintings, It Saw Things Art Historians Had Never Noticed » Is Art Created by AI Really Art? 24
  14. Sources & Resources » MIT Deep Learning » Norman AI

    » Deep Empathy » Shelley AI » Nightmare Machine » CycleGAN 25
  15. Sources & Resources » Putting the art in artificial intelligence

    » Why AI is a revolution » JWT's 'The Next Rembrandt' Wins Two Grand Prix at Cannes, in Cyber and Creative Data » Delivering real-time AI in the palm of your hand » TensorFlow Implementation of "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" 26
  16. Paintings » Cover 1: » Miranda en La Carraca »

    Paisaje del Paraiso » Induction Chromatique » Physichromie 625 » The Starry Night 27
  17. Paintings » Cover 2: » The Study of Vermeer »

    Rubens and His Wife » Induction Chromatique » Physichromie 625 » The Starry Night 28
  18. Paintings » Slide 2: Fisicromía 2250 » Slide 3: Kitchen

    Table » Slide 4: Guernica » Slide 5: Study on the proportions of head and eyes » Slide 6: Flying machine » Slide 11: The Starry Night » Slide 20: The School of Athens 29
  19. Paintings » Slide 21: Blue (Moby Dick) » Slide 22:

    » The Girl with a Pearl Earring » The Study of Vermeer » Menina (After Velazquez) » Las Meninas 30