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Fun with Profunctors

Fun with Profunctors

Phil Freeman

June 28, 2017

More Decks by Phil Freeman

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  1. Functor class Functor f where fmap :: (a → b)

    → f a → f b data Burrito filling = Tortilla filling instance Functor Burrito where fmap f (Tortilla filling) = Tortilla (f filling)
  2. Contravariant Functors class Contravariant f where cmap :: (a →

    b) → f b → f a data Customer filling = Eat (filling → IO ()) instance Contravariant Customer where cmap f (Eat eat) = Eat (eat ◦ f)
  3. Aside • Something is a Functor when its type argument

    only appears in positive position. • Something is Contravariant when its type argument only appears in negative position. Examples (positive, negative): • a • a → a • a → a → a • (a → a) → a • ((a → a) → a) → a Can we mix the two?
  4. Invariant Functors class Invariant f where imap :: (b →

    a) → (a → b) → f a → f b data Endo a = Endo (a → a) instance Invariant Endo where imap f g (Endo e) = Endo (g ◦ e ◦ f)
  5. Invariant Functors What can we do with Invariant things? Not

    much, but: data Iso a b = Iso (a → b) (b → a) iso :: Invariant f => Iso a b → f a → f b iso (Iso to from) = imap from to
  6. Invariant Functors • Invariant functors can be quite tricky to

    work with in general. • The Functor => Applicative => Monad hierarchy doesn’t seem to fit. • To map, we have to be able to invert the function we want to map. Instead, split the type argument into two type arguments.
  7. Profunctors class Profunctor p where dimap :: (a → b)

    → (c → d) → p b c → p a d instance Profunctor (→) where dimap f g k = g ◦ k ◦ f
  8. Profunctors What can we do with Profunctors? We get the

    same lifting operation from before: isoP :: Profunctor p => Iso a b → p a a → p b b isoP (Iso to from) = dimap to from
  9. Profunctors swapping :: Profunctor p => p (a, b) (x,

    y) → p (b, a) (y, x) swapping = dimap swap swap assoc :: Profunctor p => p ((a, b), c) ((x, y), z) → → p (a, (b, c)) (x, (y, z)) assoc = dimap (\(a, (b, c)) → ((a, b), c)) (\((a, b), c) → (a, (b, c))) -- Try composing these: swapping ◦ swapping :: Profunctor p => p (a, b) (x, y) → p (a, b) (x, y) assoc ◦ swapping :: Profunctor p => p (a, (b, c)) (x, (y, z)) → p (b, (c, a)) (y, (z, x))
  10. Examples data Forget r a b = Forget { runForget

    :: a → r } instance Profunctor Forget where dimap f _ (Forget forget) = Forget (forget ◦ f)
  11. Examples data Star f a b = Star { runStar

    :: a → f b } instance Functor f => Profunctor (Star f) where dimap f g (Star star) = Star (fmap g ◦ star ◦ f)
  12. Examples data Costar f a b = Costar { runCostar

    :: f a → b } instance Functor f => Profunctor (Costar f) where dimap f g (Costar costar) = Costar (g ◦ costar ◦ fmap f)
  13. Examples data Fold m a b = Fold { runFold

    :: (b → m) → a → m } instance Profunctor (Fold m) where dimap f g (Fold fold) = Fold $ \k → fold (k ◦ g) ◦ f
  14. Examples data Mealy a b = Mealy { runMealy ::

    a → (b, Mealy a b) } instance Profunctor Mealy where dimap f g = go where go (Mealy mealy) = Mealy $ (g *** go) ◦ mealy ◦ f
  15. Strengthening Profunctors class Profunctor p where dimap :: (a →

    b) → (c → d) → p b c → p a d class Profunctor p => Strong p where first :: p a b → p (a, x) (b, x) second :: p a b → p (x, a) (x, b) -- The function arrow is a strong profunctor instance Strong (→) where first f (a, x) = (f a, x) second f (x, a) = (x, f a)
  16. Examples instance Strong (Forget r) instance Functor f => Strong

    (Star f) instance Comonad w => Strong (Costar w) instance Strong (Fold m) instance Strong Mealy
  17. Strengthening Profunctors -- Try composing these: first :: Strong p

    => p a b → p (a, x) (b, x) first ◦ first :: Strong p => p a b → p ((a, x), y) ((b, x), y) first ◦ second :: Strong p => p a b → p ((x, a), y) ((x, b), y) -- These are starting to look a lot like lenses!
  18. Strengthening Profunctors -- Our new functions also compose with isos:

    assoc ◦ first :: Strong p => p (a, b) (x, y) → p (a, (b, z)) (x, (y, z)) -- These are starting to look a lot like lenses!
  19. Profunctor Lenses -- Let’s define our lens and iso types

    in terms of these classes: type Iso s t a b = forall p. Profunctor p => p a b → p s t type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => p a b → p s t -- Note: every Iso is automatically a Lens!
  20. Lenses as Isos -- Consider how we can construct a

    lens type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => p a b → p s t -- All we have are dimap and first dimap :: Profunctor p => (c → a) → (b → d) → p a b → p c d first :: Strong p => p a b → p (a, x) (b, x) -- Every profunctor lens has a normal form nf :: (s → (a, x)) → ((b, x) → t) → Lens s t a b nf f g pab = dimap f g (first pab)
  21. Lenses as Isos -- In other words: iso2lens :: Iso

    s t (a, x) (b, x) → Lens s t a b iso2lens iso pab = iso (first pab) -- A lens asserts that -- the family of types given by s and t -- is (uniformly) isomorphic to a product -- We can go the other way with some work: lens2iso :: Lens s t a b → exists x. Iso s t (a, x) (b, x)
  22. Lens Combinators -- Let’s write some useful functions with lenses:

    get :: Lens s t a b → s → a get lens = runForget (lens (Forget id)) set :: Lens s t a b → b → s → t set lens b = lens (const b) modify :: Lens s t a b → (a → b) → s → t modify lens f = lens f -- We didn’t really need a full lens
  23. Choice class Profunctor p where dimap :: (a → b)

    → (c → d) → p b c → p a d class Profunctor p => Choice p where left :: p a b → p (Either a x) (Either b x) right :: p a b → p (Either x a) (Either x b) -- The function arrow has choice instance Choice (→) where left f (Left a) = Left (f a) left _ (Right x) = Right x right _ (Left x) = Left x right f (Right a) = Right (f a)
  24. Examples instance Monoid m => Choice (Forget m) instance Applicative

    f => Choice (Star f) instance Comonad w => Choice (Costar w) instance Monoid m => Choice (Fold m) instance Choice Mealy
  25. Choice -- left and right compose as before: left ::

    Choice p => p a b → p (Either a x) (Either b x) left ◦ left :: Choice p => p a b → p (Either (Either a x) y) (Either (Either b x) y) left ◦ right :: Choice p => p a b → p (Either (Either x a) y) (Either (Either x b) y)
  26. Choice -- left and right also compose with isos and

    lenses first ◦ left :: (Strong p, Choice p) => p a b → p (Either a x, y) (Either b x, y)
  27. Prisms -- We’ve rediscovered Prisms! type Iso s t a

    b = forall p. Profunctor p => p a b → p s t type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => p a b → p s t type Prism s t a b = forall p. Choice p => p a b → p s t -- Note: every Iso is automatically a Prism!
  28. 0-1 Traversals type AffineTraversal s t a b = forall

    p. (Strong p, Choice p) => p a b → p s t first ◦ left :: AffineTraversal (Either a x, y) (Either b x, y) a b
  29. Prisms as Isos -- Normal forms for prisms: iso2prism ::

    Iso s t (Either a x) (Either b x) → Prism s t a b iso2prism iso pab = iso (left pab) -- A prism asserts that -- the family of types given by s and t -- is (uniformly) isomorphic to a sum
  30. Arrows class (Strong a, Category a) => Arrow a instance

    Arrow (→) instance Applicative f => Arrow (Star f) instance Comonad w => Arrow (Costar w) instance Monoid m => Arrow (Fold m) instance Arrow Mealy
  31. Proc Notation {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} assoc :: Arrow a

    => a b c → a (b, x) (c, x) assoc arr = proc (b, x) → do c ↢ arr ↢ b returnA ↢ (c, x) b x c x
  32. Lenses in Pictures nf :: Iso s t (a, x)

    (b, x) → Lens s t a b nf iso pab = iso (first pab) -- Many optics can be thought of in terms of -- these “diagram transformers” a x b x s t
  33. More Optics type Optic c s t a b =

    forall p. c p => p a b → p s t type Iso = Optic Profunctor type Lens = Optic Strong type Prism = Optic Choice type Traversal = Optic Traversing type Grate = Optic Closed type SEC = Optic ((→) ~) class (Strong p, Choice p) => Traversing p where traversing :: Traversable t => p a b → p (t a) (t b) class Profunctor p => Closed p where closed :: p a b → p (x → a) (x → b)
  34. More Optics Iso Profunctor s i ~ a i Lens

    Strong s i ~ (a i , x) Prism Choice s i ~ Either a i x Traversal Traversing s i ~ t a i Grate Closed s i ~ x → a i AffineTraversal Strong, Choice s i ~ Either (a i , x) y
  35. Pros & Cons Pros: • More consistent API • Many

    optics can be “inverted” • We can apply our optics to more structures Cons: • Indexed optic story isn’t great • Some changes to the API needed for performance
  36. Real-World Example -- data UI state = UI { runUI

    :: (state → IO ()) → state → IO Widget } data UI a b = UI { runUI :: (a → IO ()) → b → IO Widget } instance Profunctor UI instance Strong UI instance Choice UI instance Traversing UI type UI’ state = UI state state animate :: UI’ state → state → IO () animate ui state = do widget ← runUI ui (animate ui) state render widget
  37. Real-World Example first :: UI’ state → UI’ (state, x)

    left :: UI’ state → UI’ (Either state x) traversing :: UI’ state → UI’ [state]