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Keeping your APIs Honest - Gluecon 2017

Keeping your APIs Honest - Gluecon 2017

Ever had your API documentation go out of sync with your API implementation? Or broke API clients with a refactor of your back-end code? Or maybe you deployed the wrong version of a microservice to production instead of staging... If the above sends chills down your spine, then this talk is for you! We'll learn how to use open source tooling to test your code against an API spec, during development or in production, so you can ensure your documentation is in sync and that you don't break everyone out there that depends on your API.

Emmanuel Paraskakis

May 24, 2017

More Decks by Emmanuel Paraskakis

Other Decks in Programming


  1. “This is the story of how a company with nearly

    $400 million in assets went bankrupt in 45-minutes because of a failed deployment”
  2. API Deployments • Have I implemented what was agreed? •

    Have I deployed the right thing - to the right env? • Does my API Documentation describe what I just deployed? • Am I introducing breaking changes to my (non- evolvable) clients?
  3. • Contract • Documentation • “How the API should behave”

    • Executable Specification, by Example API Description
  4. What You Can Do: 1. Try Dredd out:
 dredd.readthedocs.io 2.

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