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Miguel Grinberg - Asynchronous Python for the C...

Miguel Grinberg - Asynchronous Python for the Complete Beginner

With the introduction of the asyncio package in Python 3.4, you can hear lots of people talking about asynchronous programming, most in a favorable way, some not so much. In this talk, I will tell you what this async fever is about and what can it do for you that regular Python can't, not only with asyncio, but also with other frameworks that existed long before it.


PyCon 2017

May 21, 2017

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  1. Wikipedia says... “Asynchrony, in computer programming, refers to the occurrence

    of events independently of the main program flow and ways to deal with such events.”
  2. How Does Python Do Many Things At Once? • Multiple

    processes ◦ The OS does all the multi-tasking work ◦ The only option for multi-core concurrency ◦ Duplicated use of system resources • Asynchronous programming ◦ No OS intervention ◦ One process, one thread ◦ What’s the trick? • Multiple threads ◦ The OS does all the multi-tasking work ◦ In Python, the GIL prevents multi-core concurrency ◦ Threads also consume system resources (but less than processes)
  3. Real World Analogy: Chess Exhibition • Assumptions: - 24 opponents

    - Polgár moves in 5 seconds - Opponents move in 55 seconds - Games average 30 move pairs • Each game runs for 30 minutes • 24 sequential games would take 24 x 30 min = 720 min = 12 hours!!! Photo by Ed Yourdon Simultaneous chess exhibition by Judit Polgár, 1992
  4. Real World Analogy: Chess Exhibition • Polgár moves on first

    game • While opponent thinks, she moves on second game, then third, fourth... • A move on all 24 games takes her 24 x 5 sec = 120 sec = 2 min • After she completes the round, the first game is ready for her next move! • 24 games are completed in 2 min x 30 = 60 min = 1 hour Photo by Ed Yourdon Simultaneous chess exhibition by Judit Polgár, 1992
  5. A practical definition of Async... “A style of concurrent programming

    in which tasks voluntarily release the CPU during waiting periods, so that other tasks can use it.”
  6. How is Async Implemented? • Async functions must have the

    ability to “suspend” and “resume” • An “event loop” keeps track of all the asynchronous functions and their stages of completion and schedules their access to CPU • Ways to implement functions that can suspend/resume in Python: - Callbacks - Generator or coroutine functions - Async/await (Python 3.5+) - Greenlets (requires greenlet package) • There are lots of options for asynchronous programming in Python! - Asyncio, Twisted, Gevent, Eventlet, Tornado, Curio, ...
  7. from time import sleep def hello(): print('Hello') sleep(3) print('World!') if

    __name__ == '__main__': hello() Example: Standard (sync) Python Print “hello”, wait three seconds, then print “world”
  8. import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def hello(): print('Hello') loop.call_later(3, print_world)

    def print_world(): print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': loop.call_soon(hello) loop.run_forever() Example: Asyncio with Callbacks Print “hello”, wait three seconds, then print “world”
  9. from twisted.internet import reactor def hello(): print('Hello') reactor.callLater(3, print_world) def

    print_world(): print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': reactor.callWhenRunning(hello) reactor.run() Example: Twisted with Callbacks Print “hello”, wait three seconds, then print “world”
  10. Example: Asyncio with Generators/Coroutines Print “hello”, wait three seconds, then

    print “world” import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() @asyncio.coroutine def hello(): print('Hello') yield from asyncio.sleep(3) print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': loop.run_until_complete(hello())
  11. Example: Asyncio with Async/Await (3.5+) Print “hello”, wait three seconds,

    then print “world” import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def hello(): print('Hello') await asyncio.sleep(3) print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': loop.run_until_complete(hello())
  12. Example: Gevent and Eventlet Print “hello”, wait three seconds, then

    print “world” from gevent import sleep def hello(): print('Hello') sleep(3) print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': hello() from eventlet import sleep def hello(): print('Hello') sleep(3) print('World!') if __name__ == '__main__': hello()
  13. Pitfall #1: Async and CPU-Heavy Tasks • Long CPU-intensive tasks

    must routinely release the CPU to avoid starving other tasks • This can be done by “sleeping” periodically (such as once per loop iteration): Asyncio: await asyncio.sleep(0) Twisted: reactor.callWhenRunning(do_something) Gevent: gevent.sleep(0) Eventlet: eventlet.sleep(0)
  14. Pitfall #2: Async and the Python Standard Library • Blocking

    library functions are incompatible with async frameworks socket.*, select.* subprocess.*, os.waitpid threading.* time.sleep • Async frameworks provide their replacements for these • Eventlet and Gevent can “monkey-patch” the standard library Enables lots of Python packages to be asynchronous! • If nothing else works, async frameworks support running sync code in separate thread or process pools • There is no async support for file I/O
  15. Processes vs. Threads vs. Async Processes Threads Async Optimize waiting

    periods Yes (OS does it) Yes (OS does it) Yes Use all CPU cores Yes No No Scalability Low Medium High Use blocking std library functions Yes Yes No GIL interference No Some No
  16. Is Async for Me? • If you are using an

    async server, then you’re forced to use async too - Examples: aiohttp, sanic, gevent, eventlet, my own python-socketio (shameless plug!) • Writing something from scratch? The sweet spot of async is massive scaling - Extremely busy network servers of any kind - HTTP long-polling servers - WebSocket servers - Highly complex web scraping projects - Any other problem that requires a lot of tasks that mix network I/O with light processing • Anything else? Probably not worth the effort - Unless you want to impress your friends… then go for it!