but doesn't identify the its type. Examples are "Add", not "Add button”. Some of elements such as UILabel or UIButton are having default label. Label var accessibilityLabel: String?
disadvantageous for localization, so its better to set an accessibilityLabel. By default, if the button is set an icon only like below, the VoiceOver read an asset name.
action. Examples are “Adds a title” or “Opens the shopping list.” Some controls have default value such as UIDatePicker. var accessibilityHint: String?
specifies an element’s location and size. The UIView subclass defaults to the value same as `frame` property, otherwise zero. var accessibilityFrame: CGRect
value, thus the result of following code is like `0.5`. But, the default accessibilityValue is the text `50%`. Like so, the accessibilityValue should be text that is more user-friendly.
each tests. GTXiLib has XCTest integration and can be used with any XCTest-based frameworks such as google/EarlGrey. Can be introduced an arbitrary a11y checks.
frame = (135 418; 105 30); opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000223bde0>> + Check "Element has Minimum Tappable Area" failed, Suggest increasing element's frame height to at least 44 for a suggested tappable area of at least 44X44
accessibility. Continuous testing for a11y having some pains likewise E2E testing, but it's possible. It’s important to include concerns about a11y in the UI/UX design and debugging process.