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MirrorConf: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Gr...

MirrorConf: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends

A talk about some of the problems grid layout solves, and some of the things that might be to come in future.

Rachel Andrew

October 12, 2017

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  1. Rachel Andrew ▸ @rachelandrew on Twitter ▸ https://rachelandrew.co.uk ▸ Invited

    Expert to the CSS Working Group ▸ Google Developer Expert ▸ co-founder Perch and Perch Runway CMS - https://grabaperch.com
  2. .col { padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 2.093333%; width: 6.20%;

    float: left; } .row::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .col.span2 { width: calc((6.20%*2) + 2.093333%); } A float based “grid” We have to give the items a width. By stacking these carefully sized items up we get the appearance of a grid. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/brjymK
  3. There is no grid. We made it look like there

    is a grid by the fact things line up.
  4. .wrapper .row { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .col {

    padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 2.093333%; width: 6.20%; flex: 0 0 auto; } .col.span2 { width: calc((6.20%*2) + 2.093333%); } A flexbox “grid” Using the width as the flex-basis. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/KvBLbJ
  5. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, minmax(0,1fr)); grid-gap: 20px; }

    .col.span2 { grid-column: auto / span 2; } A Grid … grid No row wrappers. No sizing information on the items, just an instruction on how many columns to span. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/VzBOJW
  6. Grid container grid-column: 2 / span 4; 1fr 1fr 1fr

    1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
  7. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 20px;

    } The fr unit With this track listing the available spaces divided into 4. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/BdeqoJ
  8. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 400px; grid-gap: 20px;

    } The fr unit Mix absolute length units and fr units. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/RZYZad
  9. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, minmax(0,1fr)); grid-gap: 20px; }

    The fr unit Creating a 12 column flexible grid with no percentage calculations. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/VzBOJW
  10. .panel { max-width: 800px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 2fr 3fr; grid-auto-rows:

    minmax(200px, auto); grid-gap: 1px; } minmax() Row tracks will be 200 pixels tall unless there is more content, in which case they will grow as the max is auto. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/Mvqvbm
  11. figure { display: grid; grid-template-rows: 1fr minmax(100px, auto); } figure

    img { grid-row: 1 / -1; grid-column: 1; object-fit: cover; height: 100%; width: 100%; } figure figcaption { grid-row: 2; grid-column: 1; padding: 20px; } Nested grids The figure is a grid item that also becomes a grid container, so we can make use of the ability to layer items on the grid. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/xLePZY
  12. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 20px;

    } min-content Roughly, the inline size that would fit around its contents if all soft wrap opportunities within the box were taken. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/xLejpK
  13. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: max-content 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 20px;

    } max-content Usually the narrowest inline size it could take while fitting around its contents if none of the soft wrap opportunities within the box were taken. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/KvYRZB
  14. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: fit- content(200px) fit-content(200px) 1fr; grid-gap:

    20px; } fit-content If the available space in a given axis is finite, equal to min(max-content size, max(min-content size,stretch-fit size)). Otherwise, equal to the max-content size in that axis. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/NvLvRG
  15. .grid > div { float: left; } .grid { display:

    grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); width: 500px; } .grid > div { // I’m now a grid item, and act as if I am not floated! } Float & clear properties Have no effect on a grid item. You can float an item for old browsers then try it into a grid item for new ones. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/NvmMOM
  16. .grid > div { display: inline-block; } .grid { display:

    grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); width: 500px; } .grid > div { // I’m now a grid item, inline-block behaviour such as preserving white space is gone. } Display: inline-block An inline-block item that becomes a grid item loses any attributes that would apply when it was inline-block. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/LjvmXG
  17. .grid > div { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; } .grid

    { border-spacing: 10px; } .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); width: 500px; } Display: table Anonymous element creation does not happen if an item with display: table-cell or another table-* property becomes a grid item. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/OjGZaO
  18. .grid > div { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; } .grid

    { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); width: 500px; } vertical-align Can be used as a fallback for the Box Alignment properties in inline-block or table layout and stops applying when the item becomes a grid item. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/NvmMEM
  19. .grid { column-count: 3; width: 500px; } .grid { display:

    grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); } Multiple-column layout Can be used as a fallback for some grid layouts, and the column-* properties cease to apply once the container becomes a grid container. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/MvRGzL
  20. .grid { display: flex; align-items: center; width: 500px; height: 200px;

    border: 1px dotted #694486; } .grid > div { flex: 1; } .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); } Flex Layout Flexbox can also be used as a fallback, making things easier as they both use the Box Alignment properties. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/MvRGzx
  21. .grid > div { float: left; width: 33.333%; } .grid

    { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); width: 500px; } A problem! The width set to make the floated item the right size to fit into our layout will be interpreted on the grid item as a percentage of the grid track.
  22. .grid > div { float: left; width: 33.333%; } @supports

    (display: grid) { .grid > div { width: auto; } } .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); width: 500px; } Feature Queries Test for support of a property and value. Inside the Feature Query add code only for browsers that claim support. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/ayxGPz
  23. .grid { display: grid; max-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; grid-template-columns:

    repeat(3, 1fr); grid-gap: 20px; } CSS Grid Creating a three column layout on the parent element with fr units.
  24. .card { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .card .inner {

    flex: 1; } Make the card a flex item Allow the inner to grow, it pushes the footer down to the bottom of the cards https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/XgdydE
  25. .card { border: 4px solid rgb(24,154,153); background-color: #fff; grid-row: auto

    / span 4; display: subgrid; } display: subgrid The card is a direct child of the grid so needs to span four rows of the grid to make room for the four rows in the subgridded internals.
 display: subgrid means the card now uses the tracks of the parent grid. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/ZyWmVM
  26. Subgrid Links & Thoughts ▸ https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2017/03/16/subgrid-moved-to-level-2-of-the- css-grid-specification/ ▸ https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/958 ▸

    https://github.com/rachelandrew/cssgrid-ama/issues/13 ▸ http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2016/01/15/subgrids-considered-essential/
  27. .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 40px; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(160px, 1fr));

    grid-auto-rows: minmax(100px, auto); } .grid > div:nth-child(1) { grid-row-end: span 2; } .grid > div:nth-child(2) { grid-row-end: span 3; } .grid > div:nth-child(4) { grid-row-end: span 3; } .grid > div:nth-child(5) { grid-column-end: span 2; } Using auto-placement Allowing items to auto-place with certain items spanning rows and columns. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/NvmZeR
  28. .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 40px; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto- fill, minmax(160px,

    1fr)); grid-auto-rows: minmax(100px, auto); grid-auto-flow: dense; } Set auto-flow to dense Grid will backfill gaps taking items out of document order visually. https://codepen.io/rachelandrew/pen/WEWqWR
  29. Grid Resources ▸ Visit Grid by Example for worked examples,

    patterns with fallbacks, and a free video tutorial: https://gridbyexample.com ▸ I created a huge set of guides for MDN: 
 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_Layout ▸ Over 5 years of grid thoughts on my site at:
 https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/tag/cssgrid ▸ GridBugs! I’m collecting and trying to get fixed interop issues: