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Rethink image manipulations with Glide (ForumPH...

Rethink image manipulations with Glide (ForumPHP 2015)

Jonathan Reinink

November 24, 2015

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  1. Jonathan Reinink Software developer from Canada. Been writing PHP for

    over 15 years. Marketing agency for over a decade. Started contract development this year. I <3 open source.
  2. Only save your original images, not the manipulations. Then request

    different image sizes when they are needed.
  3. Use Glide in an app, or create a separate image

    server. Offload image manipulations to a separate server on larger projects
  4. Route::get('/img/users/{id}', function ($id) { ! $server = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' =>

    'path/to/source', 'cache' => 'path/to/cache', ]); ! $server->outputImage('users/'.$id.'.jpg', [ 'w' => 300, 'h' => 400 ]); });
  5. Route::get('/img/{path}', function ($path) { ! $server = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' =>

    'path/to/source', 'cache' => 'path/to/cache', ]); ! $server->outputImage($path, $_GET); });
  6. Route::get('/img/{path}', function ($path) { ! $server = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' =>

    'path/to/source', 'cache' => 'path/to/cache', ]); ! return $server->getImageResponse($path, $_GET); });
  7. $source = new Local('path/to/source'); $cache = new Local('path/to/cache'); ! $server

    = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' => new Filesystem($source), 'cache' => new Filesystem($cache), ]);
  8. $client = S3Client::factory([ 'key' => 'your-key', 'secret' => 'your-secret', ]);

    ! $s3 = new AwsS3Adapter($client, 'your-bucket'); $cache = new Local('path/to/cache'); ! $server = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' => new Filesystem($s3), 'cache' => new Filesystem($cache), ]);
  9. $server = ServerFactory::create([ 'presets' => [ 'small' = [ 'w'

    => 200, 'h' => 200, 'fit' => 'crop', ], ] ]);
  10. Prevent URL hacking by signing the image URLs. An important

    security step that should always be used in production.
  11. // Create a URL builder $builder = UrlBuilderFactory::create( 'http://example.com', 'your-sign-key'

    ); ! // Generate a URL $url = $builder->getUrl('cat.jpg', ['w' => 500]); ! // Use the URL in your app echo '<img src="'.$url.'">';
  12. use League\Glide\Signatures\SignatureFactory; use League\Glide\Signatures\SignatureException; ! try { // Validate HTTP

    signature SignatureFactory::create('your-sign-key') ->validateRequest($path, $_GET); } catch (SignatureException $e) { // Handle error }
  13. $source = new Local('path/to/source'); $cache = new MemoryAdapter(); ! $server

    = ServerFactory::create([ 'source' => new Filesystem($source), 'cache' => new Filesystem($cache), ]);
  14. // Handle your image upload $image = ... ! //

    Dispatch the job to your queue $this->dispatch( new ProcessImageManipulations($image) ) ! // Run the job foreach (['small', 'medium', 'large'] as $size) { $glide->makeImage($image['path'], ['p' => 'small']); }