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Implementation and Evaluation of CYPHONIC clien...

October 15, 2023

Implementation and Evaluation of CYPHONIC client focusing on Sequencing mechanisms and Concurrency for packet processing


October 15, 2023

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  1. Ren Goto1), Kazushige Matama1), Ryouta Aihata2), Shota Horisaki3), Hidekazu Suzuki3),

    Katsuhiro Naito2) 1) Graduate School of Business Administration and Computer Science, Aichi Institute of Technology 2) Faculty of Information Science, Aichi Institute of Technology 3) Faculty of Information Engineering, Meijo University The 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics: GCCE 2023 2023, October, 13 Implementation and Evaluation of CYPHONIC client focusing on Sequencing mechanisms and Concurrency for packet processing
  2. ‹#› Presentation outline • Solutions for realizing P2P communication •

    Overview of CYPHONIC • Challenges with conventional systems and client programs • Objectives • Proposed schemes • Performance evaluation • Conclusions 2
  3. ‹#› CYPHONIC: Solutions for realizing P2P model • Requires 1

    : Communication across NAPT router • Requires 2 : Inter-connectivity with IPv4 to IPv6 • Requires 3 : Secure authentication and communication Public IPv4 Network Public IPv6 Network Threats in the network Private IPv4 Network Interruption due to NAPT IPv4 and IPv6 incompatibility Private IPv4 Network 2 1 3 3 NAPT: Network Address Port Translation Cloud CYber PHysical Overlay Network over Internet Communication The communication framework comprehensively the issues of the P2P and provides secure communication services. 3

    Cloud CYPHONIC Node Virtual IP-based overlay network communication Cooperation AS: Authentication Service NMS: Node Management Service TRS: Tunnel Relay Service FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name ・FQDN ・Virtual IP address Cooperation CYPHONIC Cloud • These services provide device authentication and management functions. CYPHONIC Node • The end device identifies the peer node with a unique FQDN and communicates directly with the peer node using a virtual IP address. • The client program ( CYPHONIC Daemon ) provides communication processing functions. CYPHONIC Nodes cooperation with CYPHONIC Cloud to autonomously construct tunnel between devices to establish direct communication. 4
  5. ‹#› Functions and Challenges of conventional client programs Issues: •

    When processing intercepted application data, processing load at one point affects other processing. • When tunnel communication is established with multiple end devices, performance degradation is noticeable. In prototyping, single-threaded packet processing was implemented for simplicity of sequential packet processing. 2 Issues: • Since the management of signaling information depends on the processing module, it is difficult to support multi-threading. • Communication requests that occur at the same time cannot be processed in parallel. State information associated with the exchange of signaling messages for tunnel construction exists inside the processing function. 1 5
  6. ‹#› Objectives Supporting internal processing independent of state information •

    Add state information inside signaling messages. • Add an in-memory cache to temporarily store information. Supporting multi-threaded based packet processing • Multi-threaded based processing with dedicated worker threads. • Add packet order maintenance mechanism for asynchronous processing. Proposal of multi-thread based asynchronous processing scheme focusing on concurrency and packet ordering mechanisms Faster and more efficient multi-threaded based processing provides enhanced client programs. 6
  7. ‹#› Conventional system of client programs : Overview 1. Signaling

    Module : Establishes an overlay network. • Receiving communication route instructions for the desired peer node. • The encryption key is exchanged directly with the peer node according to the obtained route. 2. Packet Handling Module : Handles overlay network communications. • In outgoing side, encapsulate application data, process encryption with a common key, and send it to the overlay network. • In incoming side, decrypt and decapsulate data received through the overlay network and pass data to the application. Notifying the start of communication CYPHONIC Cloud Send and receive encrypted data Obtaining the communication path of the peer node Direct exchanges of encryption keys 1. Signaling Module 2. Packet Handling Module Tunnel communication 1. Signaling Module Initiator Node Responder Node 2. Packet Handling Module 7
  8. ‹#› Conventional system of client programs : System model CYPHONIC

    Daemon Virtual Network Interface Real Network Interface Signaling Packet Handling User Kernel CYPHONIC Resolver App Packet Hook VIP App Capsulation/Decapsulation Encryption/Decryption App VIP CYP App VIP CYP Application Signaling message flow Application data Flow App︓ Application data VIP︓ Virtual IP Header CYP︓ CYPHONIC Header 5 6 4 2 3 DNS 1 1. Establishes an overlay network • Signaling Module initiates communication by triggering a DNS request containing the FQDN of the peer node. • Signaling Module processes signaling messages associated with tunnel construction. 2. Handles overlay network communications • Packet Handling Module encapsulates and encrypts the application data intercepted through the virtual interface. 8
  9. ‹#› Internal processing independent of state information Set and Get

    State info. Job passing Cache Packet data State info. ・・・ Processing Module Signaling Module State info. State info. CYPHONIC Cloud Peer Node ・・・ Packet data ・・・ State information is added to the packet and stored in a cache store. Processing modules can easily access the state information and process multiple operations concurrently. Proposed scheme Conventional scheme 9 Signaling Module
  10. ‹#› Multi-threaded based packet processing Prepare a dedicated worker thread

    for the encryption/encapsulation process. Receiving thread passes the packets to each worker thread for concurrency processing. Received packet Packet Handling Module Serial processing Tunnel Communication Worker threads Supports multi-thread based packet processing ・・・ Packet Handling Module Receiving Module Receiving Module Decryption Decapsulation Decapsulation function Decryption function ・・・ Job passing Proposed scheme Conventional scheme Received packet 10
  11. ‹#› Implementation issues of the proposed scheme 1. Thread creation

    and allocation • Creation of worker threads may cause processing delays. → Dedicated processing threads are pre-generated and receive jobs from parent threads. 2. Transaction in multi-thread processing • Transactions must be identified between all asynchronously executed modules. → Include key information uniquely identifying the cache in all incoming and outgoing messages. 3. Multi-threaded Packet Handling Module • Packet order may differ between receiving and sending. → Packet ordering schemes and sequential processing are essential. Transaction: Sequence of signaling from sending a request to receiving and processing a response. 11
  12. ‹#› Thread creation and allocation Multi-threading based on event-driven architecture

    • Pre-generated worker threads are used for processing, reducing resource request overhead. • Next processing can be performed without waiting for the request to be fully processed Client1 Client2 Worker Thread Parent Thread Send Send Send Job Passing Job Passing Job Passing Job 1 Job 2 Job N Job 1 Job 2 Job N Receive Event driven architecture Socket ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Client2 Client1 Binding Receive Binding 12
  13. ‹#› Transaction in multi-thread processing KVS-based cache Receiving Module Binding

    Receive Binding Job Worker 1 Job Worker 2 Job passing Job passing Worker N Send Send Peer 1 Get info “ ” Parent Thread Worker Thread Packet Handling Module Payload data State info・ Store info “ ” Binding Receive Peer 2 Payload data State info・ ・ ・ ・ Data 1 Data 2 Cooperative processing by multiple worker threads • A key is added to the packet to reference cache information. • By introducing a cache store, a new worker thread can access the state information generated by the previous worker thread. ・ ・ ・ 13
  14. ‹#› Multi-threaded Packet Handling Module 1. Packet Staging Module Buffers

    incoming packets and stores the order of reception. 2. Packet Processing Module Pass processing to worker threads for asynchronous capsulation/encryption. 3. Packet Sending Module Processed packets are added to the queue and sent in the order received. Real I/F Virtual I/F User Kernel Ordering mechanisms and Sequential processing model • Packet order can be maintained regardless of worker thread processing status. Packet Hook CYPHONIC Daemon 1 2 3 4 5 “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” 1. Packet Staging 1 2 3 4 5 “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” 3. Packet Sending Order info. 2. Packet Processing Hooked. Capsulated/Encryption Refer to cache. Packet Handling Module Processed. Cache Sequential sending Irregular receiving 2 3 2 and 3 are processing. ︓Sending packet ︓Sequential information ︓Processed packet ︓Thread flow 14
  15. ‹#› Implementation of the proposed system CYPHONIC Daemon Runtime Go

    ver 1.20 Worker thread Goroutines Mutex sync package Multitask OS Thread 2 ・・・ Goroutines 1 Goroutines N ・・・ ・・・ Thread 1 Thread N Memory space Local run-queue Local run-queue : Thread scheduler : GoRuntime scheduler Worker thread implementation model Event-driven model • Goroutine creates M:N scheduler capable of processing N concurrently for M logical cores. • Context switches are hidden from the OS. Sequential processing scheme • A single packet gets a lock before being passed to a worker thread by mutex and is unlocked when processing is complete. • Prohibit unauthorized access to packets being processed. 15
  16. ‹#› Network performance • TCP and UDP throughput measurement. •

    We used by iperf3. • Measurement of RTT by ICMP. • We used ping. Internal processing trends • Trends in OS threads and Goroutines count and memory usage. • We used by NodeExporter and GoMetrics. 1 Responder node and 10 Initiator nodes are provisioned in the closed network network. • Establish tunnel connections with up to 10 peer nodes. Performance evaluation of CYPHONIC node when multiple tunnels are established. Verification subjects and evaluation environment Virtual Machine (CYPHONIC Node) OS Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900 [email protected], 2-cores / 2-threads Memory 1 GiB ・・・・・ NAPT Router CYPHONIC Cloud Monitoring Service Responder node Initiator 10 nodes 1Gps link Closed network 16
  17. ‹#› Evaluation results of the Communication performance Proposed system: TCP

    Proposed system: UDP Conventional system: TCP Conventional system: UDP Proposed system: ICMP Conventional system: ICMP • Focusing on a single connection, TCP and UDP improved throughput by 16.9 Mbit/sec and 13.1 Mbit/sec, respectively, and communication delay was improved by 4.0 ms. • We confirmed that the proposed scheme has a small increase in communication delay even when the number of connections increase. l TCP and UDP throughput l Communication delay 17
  18. ‹#› Evaluation results of the Application performance • The heap

    area is properly released at the end of the connection, so that more memory is released than allocated. • While worker threads increase, OS threads remain constant. • Hides the overhead associated with thread generation and context switches from the OS. 18 TCP: heap allocated UDP: heap allocated TCP: heap released UDP: heap released TCP: Goroutines UDP: Goroutines TCP: OS threads UDP: OS threads l Trends in APM metrics l Trends in Goroutine and Thread APM: Application Performance Management
  19. ‹#› Conclusions Supporting internal processing independent of state information •

    Add state information inside signaling messages. • Add an in-memory cache to temporarily store information. Supporting multi-threaded based packet processing • Multi-threaded based processing with dedicated worker threads. • Add packet order maintenance mechanism for asynchronous processing. We Proposed multi-thread based asynchronous processing scheme focusing on concurrency and packet ordering mechanisms Significantly improves throughput and maintains constant communication delay due to increased connections. The proposed processing model, CYPHONIC client processing performance can be significantly improved. 19