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Paving your Path to Becoming a Better (Android)...

Paving your Path to Becoming a Better (Android) Developer

Making a well-designed Android app can be quite a difficult task to accomplish. Taking the time to step back and look at the bigger picture is even tougher - how do you know you are doing a great job? How can you make a difference in your team, whilst improving yourself?

In this talk, Rebecca will talk about different steps you can take to become a better Android Developer, from small tips that you can implement today - to long-term suggestions for taking your development career to the next level.

Rebecca Franks

April 19, 2018

More Decks by Rebecca Franks

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  1. You

  2. How do I prioritise my learning? 1. Support from Google

    / Android Team 2. Reach of the topic / library 3. Many people talking about it 4. Tech and libraries that interest me
  3. We could also use Retrofit or Volley to do Network

    requests I’m the senior, the ONLY way to do networking is the way I described. The only way to do an API call is with HttpsUrlConnection
  4. We could also use Retrofit or Volley to do Network

    requests The only way to do an API call is with HttpsUrlConnection Oh interesting! Please show me some examples?