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The Product Manager Apprenticeship

The Product Manager Apprenticeship

I gave this talk at ProductCamp Boston 2017: http://sched.co/B2kC

We have seen an increasing number of apprenticeship programs appearing. However, they mostly focus on Design and Development. At Subvisual we have created our program years back, and it has been a success. However, being a small team, that wants to stay small, when we faced the need to have more people in the team with Product Management skills we had to face the question: should we hire product managers or update our skills? We went to the last and added to our apprenticeship program a track for Product Management. In this session, I want to go over how we did it and show the results of our first batch.

If you want to know more about Subvisual visit: https://subvisual.co/

PS: Thank you to our designer João Ferreira that helped with the slides.

Roberto Machado

June 10, 2017

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  1. The fundamental learning situation is one in which a person

    learns by helping someone who really knows what he is doing. Christopher Alexander et al., A Pattern Language, p. 413
  2. Who should do an Apprenticeship? Everyone that want to learn

    a new trade Make sure that you have access to mentors Make sure that you have a complete program Define a “graduation” date upfront
  3. How we do it at Subvisual? 10 Weeks, 40h/week, in-person

    Always have a mentor We pay a basic salary In the end we hire or introduce to partner
  4. Some results? We had 8 Apprentices until now 5 developers,

    2 designers, 1 marketing 2 Hired by Subvisual 5 Hired by Subvisual’s partners
  5. We Are A Small Team The need for a Product

    Apprenticeship 12 People 8 Developers, 2 Designers, 1 Operations, 1 CEO (Product Manager)
  6. How we do it at Subvisual? 10 Weeks, 40h/week, in-person

    Always have a mentor We pay a basic salary In the end we hire or introduce to partner
  7. How we do it at Subvisual? We pay a basic

    salary People already have their salary
  8. How we do it at Subvisual? In the end, we

    hire or introduce to partner In the end, we hire or introduce to partner
  9. We Are A Small Team The need for a Product

    Apprenticeship 8 Developers (2 Product Manager), 2 Designers (1 Product Manager), 1 Operations (1 Product Manager), 1 CEO (1 Product Manager)