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containerd: Project Update and Deep Dive (KubeC...

containerd: Project Update and Deep Dive (KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023)

Join containerd maintainers for an introduction and deep dive into the latest updates on containerd. For Kubernetes users, we will cover how to get started and configure containerd. We’ll then dive into the exciting work going on in the containerd ecosystem. In 1.7, exciting new experimental features like the Sandbox API bring the ability to better-model non-traditional runtime environments while the Transfer Service builds a new model of extensibility for image operations. 2.0 is around the corner, and will bring stability to the new features and form a strong base for long-term maintenance through the removal of deprecated functionality. The ecosystem is vibrant and expanding, with subprojects of containerd (nerdctl, wasm, some snapshotters) and as vendor- or community-driven projects for image streaming, developer experience, and new OS platforms. Rust has made its appearance in the containerd ecosystem too, with a new non-core library to build Rust-based shims.

Samuel Karp

April 20, 2023

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  1. containerd's support lifecycle Three types of releases: • Active ◦

    At least one year of support ◦ Bug fixes and security fixes • Extended ◦ After the Active window ends ◦ Security fixes only ◦ No set window length • Long Term Stable ◦ At least three years of support ◦ Bug fixes, security fixes, and dependency version updates ◦ Should remain usable by current containerd clients
  2. containerd 1.6 - first LTS! • Supported until February 2025

    (3 years from release) ◦ Longer support window for bug fixes and security patches ◦ Expanded scope for backports ▪ (and compatibility with current Kubernetes versions) • Converts to a regular stable release up to 6 months before (August 2024) • Kubernetes versions ◦ Existing versions: 1.24 – 1.27 ◦ Future versions: 1.28 (2023), 1.29 (2023), 1.30 (2024)
  3. containerd 1.7 - just released! • New! Sandbox API (experimental)

    ◦ Shim-level API to support groups of containers ◦ Try it with CRI using ENABLE_CRI_SANDBOXES=1 environment variable • New! Transfer Service (experimental) ◦ Support new workflows with images • Supported until March 2024 (1 year from release) ◦ Or 6 months after 2.0 is released ◦ This is before the EOL of 1.6 • Kubernetes versions ◦ Existing versions: 1.24 – 1.27 ◦ Future versions: 1.28 (2023), 1.29 (2023) • Last 1.x release of containerd
  4. containerd 2.0 • Production-ready Sandbox API (sbserver) ◦ Modular sandboxed

    CRI plugin ◦ Legacy CRI server to be removed • Production-ready Transfer Service ◦ Cover more use cases ◦ Sandbox API integration • Container runtime interface (CRI) updates • Node resource interface (NRI) updates • Removing deprecated features
  5. Sandbox API == New API for container groups: • Controller

    interface to handle sandbox lifecycle ◦ pod-sandbox (extract from CRI) ◦ microVM ◦ VM • Shims provide Controller implementation • CRI invokes Controller Sandbox API
  6. Ongoing CRI integration: • CRI server fork to enable integration

    (sbserver directory) ◦ Calls sandbox Controller interface instead of podsandbox ◦ Adding RemoteController to call shims • Default implementation in v2.0 • Try it out with ENABLE_CRI_SANDBOXES environment variable in v1.7 Sandbox API
  7. Source Destination Description Local Implementation Version Registry Image Store "pull"

    1.7 Image Store Registry "push" 1.7 Object stream (Archive) Image Store "import" 1.7 Image Store Object stream (Archive) "export" 1.7 (in progress) Object stream (Layer) Mount/Snapshot "unpack" Not implemented Mount/Snapshot Object stream (Layer) "diff" Not implemented Image Store Image Store "tag" Not implemented Registry Registry mirror registry image Not implemented Transfer service
  8. • New use cases and extension points ◦ Signing and

    image validation ◦ Credential management ◦ Custom pull logic ◦ Image decryption ◦ Pluggable sources / destinations • Sandbox API integration in future ◦ Confidential computing ◦ Custom image handling (skip snapshotter) Transfer service
  9. containerd config file (/etc/containerd/config.toml) version = 2 required_plugins = ["io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri"]

    [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri"] sandbox_image = "registry.k8s.io/pause:3.9" Configuring containerd Use registry.k8s.io, not k8s.gcr.io now!
  10. • Middleware between CRI and OCI • Reworked in 1.7

    • New API for tracking state changes of containers, pod-sandboxes, and other new sandbox types like micro VMs • Sandbox API integration in 2.0 NRI updates
  11. Deprecations in 2.0 Component Deprecation release Target release for removal

    Recommendation Runtime V1 API and implementation (io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux) containerd v1.4 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use io.containerd.runc.v2 Runc V1 implementation of Runtime V2 (io.containerd.runc.v1) containerd v1.4 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use io.containerd.runc.v2 config.toml version = 1 containerd v1.5 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use config.toml version = 2 Built-in aufs snapshotter containerd v1.5 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use overlayfs snapshotter Container label containerd.io/restart.logpath containerd v1.5 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use containerd.io/restart.loguri label cri-containerd-*.tar.gz release bundles containerd v1.6 containerd v2.0 Use containerd-*.tar.gz bundles Pulling Schema 1 images (application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json) containerd v1.7 containerd v2.0 Use Schema 2 or OCI images CRI v1alpha2 containerd v1.7 containerd v2.0 ✅ Use CRI v1
  12. containerd's expanded ecosystem • Built to be extensible • Lots

    of places to plug in new functionality! ◦ Snapshotters ◦ Runtimes ◦ Clients • Plugins/projects that are part of the containerd organization • Community projects • Vendor products • Lots of adopters!
  13. Kubernetes distros adopting containerd • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service •

    Azure Kubernetes Service • Google Kubernetes Engine • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service • Rancher K3s • VMware Tanzu Kubelet command-line flag --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock
  14. containerd clients • ctr - command-line development tool ◦ typically

    bundled with containerd ◦ core containerd project • crictl - a CLI for CRI ◦ Kubernetes project (part of cri-tools) • nerdctl - a Docker-like CLI ◦ expanded functionality ▪ Lazy-loading images, image encryption, image signing ◦ non-core containerd project • Colima - Docker-like experience on MacOS ◦ Built in nerdctl and LIMA ◦ community project • Rancher Desktop - Docker-like experience on MacOS, Windows, and Linux ◦ Built on nerdctl + LIMA ◦ Includes a GUI ◦ vendor product • Finch - Docker-like CLI on MacOS ◦ Built on nerdctl + LIMA + plugins ◦ vendor product
  15. Snapshotters • Built-in ◦ overlay (Linux) ◦ btrfs (Linux) ◦

    devmapper (Linux) ◦ native (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD) ◦ lcow (Windows) ◦ windows (Windows) ◦ zfs (Linux, FreeBSD) • Extension via proxy plugins • Remote (lazy-loading) ◦ eStargz (non-core project) ◦ Nydus (non-core project) ◦ overlayBD (non-core project) ◦ SOCI (OSS vendor project) ◦ GKE image streaming (vendor product)
  16. Runtimes and shims • runc - standard OCI runtime for

    Linux containers • crun - alternative OCI runtime for Linux containers • runwasi - OCI runtime for WASM • hcsshim/runhcs - containerd shim and OCI runtime for Windows containers • runj - experimental OCI runtime for FreeBSD jails • Kata Containers - hypervisor-based isolation for pods • gVisor/runsc - independent kernel for isolation • firecracker-containerd - hypervisor-based isolation for containers based on Firecracker
  17. Getting involved • #containerd and #containerd-dev channel on CNCF Slack

    (https://slack.cncf.io) • Community Meeting on the second Thursday each month ◦ See CNCF Calendar for your timezone ◦ https://cncf.io/calendar • Build something in the ecosystem! • Discussion, issues and pull requests welcome! https://github.com/containerd/containerd
  18. Session Q+A • Virtual attendees may submit questions to speakers

    through the CNCF Slack channel: #2-Kubecon-sessions • Please create a thread and tag the speaker(s) with questions about their talk. • Questions will be answered by the speaker and/or other community members after the session concludes.
  19. Session QR Codes will be sent via email before the

    event Please scan the QR Code above to leave feedback on this session