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OpenAir2015- Things You Need to Know Before Sta...

OpenAir2015- Things You Need to Know Before Starting an App

Sana Nasar

May 29, 2015

More Decks by Sana Nasar

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  1. Things you need to know before starting an app By,

    Sana Nasar Software Engineer/ Developer @SanaNasar_ 

  2. Questions to think before starting • What programming language should

    I choose? • What framework should I pick (Rails, Nodejs, Express) ? • What database (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, RethinkDB)? • What API should I use? • Where should I deploy this? • How do I deploy this? • How can I make it scale? • How can I make it secure?
  3. Always think about why you want to code and what

    is your end goal. Things I Wish Someone had Told me when I was learning to code
  4. There is nothing mystical about coding • You will never

    have to re-invent the wheel. • It’s okay to be confused – Impostor Syndrome is a real thing. • There will be always someone better than you. • Get used to being frustrated. • It’s normal to forget things.
  5. Remember it never works the first time. It never works

    the first and probably won’t the second or third time.
  6. Talk to Your Errors • Try talking to your errors

    instead of getting annoyed or frustrated. • Always go back to the basics – from where you started. • Analyze the root cause of the problem. • Try debugging and find ways remove the error.
  7. Few more things to remember… • Always start with something

    small. • Coding is not easy and it will never be, but we can make it better by being persistent. • Take a lot of time thinking about what you want to build, how you want to build before even starting with the code. • Finally, do not allow yourself to quit.
  8. CleanUp City was born. CleanUp city is an application that

    helps people be aware of their environment and work towards cleaner and greener community. Users can post pictures of dirty streets, potholes, graffiti on walls or anything that needs to be fixed. Built with: Ruby on Rails, AWS S3 to store in cloud, paperclip gem, Google Maps API and hosted on Heroku. With all this confusion and trauma, my first app CleanUp City was born (Tada!)
  9. Challenges Faced during CleanUp City • Understanding Rails - ActiveRecord

    class. class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :orders, dependent: :destroy end • Understanding “erb”.
  10. Things that helped me over come the challenge • Going

    back to the basics. • Reading documentation on ActiveRecord Basics. • Understanding about Migrations, Validations and Associations. • Any class inherits from ActiveRecord::Base to get it’s super powers. • Finally read, read, read..