‒ 現在 助教@東北⼤ (最近)関⼼のある研究分野 • Vision and Language NAS + 画像分類 [GECCOʼ17 (Best paper)] NAS+画像復元 [ICMLʼ18, CVPRʼ19] GT-1: a child is brushing her hair in the mirror GT-2: a little girl is brushing GT-1: an ele to far from a GT-2: an ele GT-2: A cat is sleeping on a skateboard. M2: a kitten laying on the floor next to a skateboard GRIT: a cat laying on a skateboard on the floor GT-2: A small standing next to M2: an elephan two birds in the GRIT: a baby e walking in a fie GT-1: a kitchen with a refrigerator next to a sink. GT-2: a red bucket sits in a sink next to an open refrigerator M2: an open refrigerator with the door open in a kitchen GRIT: a kitchen with a sink and an open refrigerator GT-1: a woman luggage past an GT-2: a woman suitcase past a f M2: a person rid down a street w GRIT: a person suitcase next to GT-1: a small teddy bear is wedged into an opening in a car dashboard GT-1: horses ra track with jocke GT-2: a group o BHSPVQPGKPDLF POB BMJUUMFHJSMCSVTIJOHIFSIBJS XJUIBCSVTI V&L [ECCVʼ20, IJCAIʼ21, ECCVʼ22]
thing about this image is that a man is ironing clothes on an ironing board attached to the roof of a moving taxi. GPT-4 以降,22pageまでの図はhttps://openai.com/research/gpt-4 から引⽤
with a VGA connector (a large, blue, 15-pin connector typically used for computer monitors) plugged into its charging port. • この画像だけからでは,VGAが 15-pinのケーブルであることは 判断できない • VGAがPCモニター⽤のものとして 使⽤されているという知識も
Someone, back in elf guise, is trying to calm the kids. Someone grabs a vodka bottle standing open on the counter and liberally pours some on the hand. [Rohrbach+, IJCVʼ17] から引⽤
a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience • だが,そもそもAGIの定義⾃体が難しいとも⾔及している • この論⽂の趣旨は「GPT-4はどんなことができて,どんなことができないか」 を共有すること 47 タイトルに「AGI」が⼊っているが [*] Linda S Gottfredson. Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history, and bibliography, 1997
in the style of the painter Kandinsky” • アートとプログラミングという異なる分野の能⼒を適切に使いこなしている ことがわかる 50 例:アートを出⼒するコード⽣成 Composition 8, art by Wassily Kandinsky GPT-4 chatGPT
• “Letʼs think step by step to solve the expression, write down all the intermediate the steps, and only then produce the final solution.” のようなプロンプトで改善可能ではある 62 演算に関しては特に苦⼿ 演算問題に対しては,ワーキングメモリが ものすごく⼩さくなる?
Personalization • Planning and conceptual leaps • Transparency, interpretability and consistency • Cognitive fallacies and irrationality • Challenges with sensitivity to inputs 66 より汎⽤的なAIへの道標