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Wardley Maps Meetup #14: Product Decomposition ...

Wardley Maps Meetup #14: Product Decomposition & Customer Journey

How do you discover something new? How do you innovate?
Building a product is much more than having an idea or simple enthusiasm.

The "Fail Fast, Fail Often" mantra has done a good job at helping people be more courageous, but was also awful as it pushed people to just "execute" without any plan whatsoever. It's a prerogative to first understand customer activities and user needs in order to innovate.

"Weeks of coding saves you hours of planning"

The 14th Business Strategy Map Meetup is about:

1. Analyzing, listening to the explanations of the meetup members on the products they are building and the user needs they discovered.
2. Short overview of customer research with Pavle and Sima, explaining how can we use an "old" approach called Structured Analysis for analyzing User Transactions and going further with Customer Journeys.
3. The initial maps

Aleksandar Simovic

February 12, 2020

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  1. Map Meetup #14 3 Talk about the meetup theme 1

    Reiterate the core of Wardley Maps 2 Showcase
  2. Simon Wardley ex CEO of Fotango first serverless platform -

    Zimki Researcher at the Leading Edge Forum Also known as
 “The Gandalf of Strategy”
 “Our Liberator from the chains of McKinsey”
 “The Arch Nemesis of strategy consultants”
 also “the guy who sees our presentations”
  3. Map Meetup #14 Climactic Patterns Rules of the Game. 

    Patterns applied across contexts, regardless of user choice all credits - Simon Wardley
  4. Map Meetup #14 Embrace failure, but don’t be reckless use

    maps to learn 
 and gain situational awareness
  5. Map Meetup #14 Core principles 1. Help everyone in the

    community to play “the game” 
 with Wardley Maps 2. Grow by “learning, succeeding, failing” together 3. Build a successful product for each member in the community 4. Exchange experience, successful gameplay moves “Lift up each other” Main long term goals
  6. Map Meetup #14 1 Choose your industry & Make your

    own map Wardley Maps Meetup Belgrade “Building Products and Mapping Together”
  7. Map Meetup #14 • Oskar & Milos • Nemanja P.

    • Ana P. • Aleksandar M. • Sofija • Pavle Mapping Initiatives:
  8. Map Meetup #14 Surprise Exercise Time Choosing PH (5-10 minutes)

    Exercise (20 minutes)
 Reviews (10 minutes)
  9. Map Meetup #14 1. Business Transactions 3. Customer Journey 

    (map the user activities) 4. User Needs How do we start with Mapping? 2. Actors https://blog.gardeviance.org/2016/04/on-user-needs-and-listening-to-customers.html Source: Simon Wardley “Bits and Pieces”
  10. Map Meetup #14 https://blog.gardeviance.org/2016/04/on-user-needs-and-listening-to-customers.html Source: Simon Wardley “Bits and Pieces”

    1. Business Transactions The transactions an organisation makes with the outside world 2. Actors Key stakeholders
  11. Map Meetup #14 Applying Structured Analysis
 with transactions analysis “Going

    back into the future” Can be Helpful for transactions
  12. Map Meetup #14 http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~sme/CSC444F/slides/L15-StructuredModeling.pdf Part of the DFD http://poslis.fon.bg.ac.rs/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=591&Itemid=16 http://www.ekof.bg.ac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/INF-2019-CAS07.pdf

    Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University in Belgrade Faculty of Economics, University in Belgrade Department of Computer Science, University in Toronto Structured Analysis
  13. Map Meetup #14 https://blog.gardeviance.org/2016/04/on-user-needs-and-listening-to-customers.html Source: Simon Wardley “Bits and Pieces”

    3. Customer Journey Examine the customer(s) journey when interacting with those transactions (map the user activities) Write down all activities of those customers / users. 
 (offline and online / in and out of your system)
  14. Map Meetup #14 https://blog.gardeviance.org/2016/04/on-user-needs-and-listening-to-customers.html Source: Simon Wardley “Bits and Pieces”

    4. User Needs Questioning the Customer Journey and talk with customers. Then you will often find what is really important. the need for some social status from the thing. the need to get from A to B +