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Mastering Gradle 3

Sneh Pandya
October 01, 2017

Mastering Gradle 3

Gradle tips for Android. Presented talk at GDG DevFest Baroda 2017. Simple and straightforward tips with "Why?" & "How?".

Sneh Pandya

October 01, 2017

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  1. • It is for everyone! • Gradle!? • Tips →

    What, Why & How? • Resources! Quickie
  2. • Build Automation Tool or Build System • Groovy based

    → DSL • Java, Groovy, Scala, etc What is Gradle?
  3. android { buildTypes { release { shrinkResources true minifyEnabled true

    proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android.txt’), ‘proguard-rules.txt’ } } } Shrink code & resources
  4. minifyEnabled → ProGuard (project) → remove unused code shrinkResources →

    remove unused resources only minifyEnabled vs shrinkResources?
  5. productFlavors { dev { minSdkVersion 21 } prod { minSdkVersion

    16 } } Avoid Legacy MultiDex •Legacy multiDex == multiDex + minSdkVersion < 21 •Slows down build significantly •Android Studio 2.3+ avoids this automatically, whenever possible
  6. splits { abi { enable false exclude “tvdpi” “560dpi” }

    density { enable false } } Disable multi-APK generation •Multiple smaller APKs that target specific device configurations for release •Not needed during debug or development phase
  7. android { aaptOptions { cruncherEnabled false } } Disable PNG

    crunching •Android Build Tools perform PNG size optimizations by default
  8. • Android Asset Packaging Tool • Check pixel values (RGB,

    Grayscale, etc) • Test opacity • Test pixel value → matrix index conversion What the heck is ‘aapt’?
  9. android { dexOptions { preDexLibraries true maxProcessCount 8 //default 4

    javaMaxHeapSize “4g” } } Use DEX options •Android uses DEX instead of bytecode •Builds are generated faster •Specifies maximum memory allocation for Dex compiler
  10. android { buildTypes { debug { ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId false . .

    . } Use Crashlytics “properly”! •apply plugin:‘io.fabric’ •Generates on every new build!
  11. android { dependencies { compile ‘com.android.support:appcompat-v7:26.0+’ //don’t do this! compile

    ‘com.android.support:appcompat-v7:26.0.1’ //do this } } Don’t use dynamic versions
  12. org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536m //Default Dex compiler memory (min) org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3096m //Default Dex compiler

    memory •Dex compiler runs within the build process, rather than separate VM-process •Enough memory provided by default in Android Studio 2.1+ Gradle arguments (gradle.properties)
  13. gradle=build -x lint -x lintVitalRelease //avoids lint checks •Lint checking:

    50%~ time! •Not good for debug builds •Perfect for release builds Gradle arguments (gradle.properties)
  14. org.gradle.daemon=true //decreases the startup & execution time org.gradle.parallel=true //builds project

    in parallel (multi-module) org.gradle.caching=true //store task outputs from previous builds org.gradle.configureondemand=true //only required projects changes Gradle arguments (gradle.properties)
  15. android { dependencies { implementation project(‘:libXYZ’) //compile is now deprecated

    api project(‘:libABC’) //works same as compile } } Dependency config in Gradle 3.0
  16. def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file(“../../ABCProject/keystore.properties”) def keystoreProperties = new Properties() keystoreProperties.load(new

    FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile)) android { signingConfigs { debug { keyAlias keystoreProperties [‘keyAlias’] keyPassword keystoreProperties [‘keyPassword’] storePassword keystoreProperties [‘storePassword’] storeFile file(“$project.rootDir/settings/keystore/xyzproject”) . . . } BONUS Tip: Keystore in build.gradle
  17. •Brought to you by Google! •Better compression & transparency •Smaller

    than PNGs & JPGs •Android Studio 2.3+ supports WebP conversion •Easy to convert •Lossy → Android 4.0 (API 14); Lossless → Android 4.3 (API 18) BONUS Tip: WebP instead of PNGs!