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Tame your Microservices with Helm and Software ...

September 11, 2019

Tame your Microservices with Helm and Software Release Trains

The deployment of apps in Kubernetes is simplified with the usage of Helm, but when it comes to deploying microservice architecture things can go a bit more wild as we have to manage multiple applications on potentially multiple environments. We'll discuss the different patterns for storing the charts on Git, either as mono or multi repos. We'll go through the ways to simplify and keep DRY our charts, and lastly we'll go review the different deployment patterns with Helm, either together as software release trains, or individually as with CI/CD.


September 11, 2019

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  1. About Me Founder at Harbur Cloud Solutions Member: - Docker

    Captains - Google Developer Experts Co-organizer: - Docker Barcelona Meetup - Kubernetes Barcelona Meetup 3
  2. Harbur Cloud Solutions We are a cloud native consulting •

    DevOps Consulting Services • Cloud Native Solutions • Courses & Workshops About Us 4
  3. Tame your Microservices > Content 6 Microservice Architecture Why GitOps?

    CI/CD with Helm Repository Patterns (& Software Release Trains with Helm) Development Styles Demo! (with GKE + GitHub actions)
  4. Microservice Architecture > Monolith 10 Traffic Data Center 1 Data

    Center 2 Monolith Monolith Monolith Monolith
  5. Microservice Architecture > Microservices 11 Traffic Cluster 2 Cluster 1

    Data Center 1a Data Center 1b Data Center 2a Data Center 2b API Gateway SMS Payment API Gateway SMS 2 3
  6. Infrastructure > Now with Microservices 12 Storage One per instance

    Multi-Instances Scaling Upgrade Graceful Shutdown Discovery Session Management Quorum Data Recovery Stateful Service MariaDB ElasticSearch Kafka Prometheus Multi-Instances Scaling Upgrade Graceful Shutdown Stateless Service API Gateway Rest API Frontend Auth Stateless Stateful Microservice Architecture > Stateful & Stateless
  7. 16 CI / CD > Deploy with Helm Your CI

    / CD only needs three actions: • Push Images • Push Charts • Deploy
  8. 17 CI / CD > Deploy with Helm We Need:

    • An App Image • An App Chart • An App Environment setup (values.yaml) e.g: $ helm install stable/ghost -f values.yaml
  9. 18 CI / CD > App Image Creation Images Registry

    Developer git checkout docker build docker push Code Repository
  10. 19 CI / CD > App Chart Creation Developer git

    checkout Charts Registry Chart Repository helm dep build helm push
  11. 20 CI / CD > Env Deployment with Helm git

    checkout Kubernetes Cluster Images Registry Charts Registry Developer helm repo up docker pull helm install Env Repository
  12. 21 CI / CD > Workflow Kubernetes Cluster Images Registry

    helm repo up docker pull helm install Env Repository Chart Repository Charts Registry Code Repository helm push docker push
  13. 22 CI / CD > Workflow Kubernetes Cluster Images Registry

    helm repo up docker pull helm install Env Repository Chart Repository Charts Registry Code Repository helm push docker push
  14. 23 Repository Patterns > Code Structure Project Repository Project Monolith

    Mono Repo Multi Repo App1 Repository App2 Repository ... App1 App2 Project Repository App3 Code Code
  15. 24 App1 Repository App3 Repository App4 Repository App2 Repository Repository

    Patterns > Code Structure Code Code Code Code ALICE TEAM BOB TEAM
  16. 25 Mono Repo Multi Repo App1 Repository App2 Repository ...

    App1 App2 App3 Charts Repository Chart Chart Repository Patterns > Charts Structure helm/charts e.g.
  17. 26 App1 Repository Repository Patterns > Charts Structure Code Chart

    App2 Repository Code Chart App3 Repository Code Chart App4 Repository Chart Code
  18. 27 Repository Patterns > Envs Structure Mono Repo Multi Repo

    Pre Environment Pro Environment ... Envs Repository dev pre pro pre pro : One helm release per namespace
  19. 28 Repository Patterns > Envs Structure App1 Repository Code Chart

    App2 Repository Code Chart App3 Repository Code Chart App4 Repository Code Chart Pre Environment Pro Environment Tst Environment Tst Pre Pro
  20. Repository Patterns > Software Release Trains Tst Environment Tst Release

    App1 App2 App3 App4 Pre Environment Pre Release App1 App2 App3 App4 29 Pro Environment Pro Release App1 App2 App3 App4 requirement s values.yaml values.yaml values.yaml requirements requirement s
  21. Development Styles > Git Flow 30 develop feature branches release

    branches master Tag: 0.1 Tag: 1.0 Tag: 2.0 v1 v2 Tag: 2.1
  22. 32 CI / CD > Workflow Kubernetes Cluster Images Registry

    helm repo up docker pull helm install Env Repository Chart Repository Charts Registry Code Repository helm push docker push
  23. 33 Development Styles > Docker Image Versioning Each branch/tag is

    a potential deployment On each push, images are built and pushed to Registry. Image versioning should be immutable (if possible) • Tag name is immutable • Branch name is not immutable! (Immutability is important for declarative deployments) Two alternatives for branches deployment: • Versioning should include a suffix of CI BUILD number (e.g. “master-1”) • Configure Pods to redeploy always on helm upgrade (for development environments only): ◦ Pod Annotation: helm.sh/deploy-date: "{{ .Release.Time.Seconds }}" ◦ Pod container: imagePullPolicy: Always ◦ Configure Registry to allow redeploys of same version
  24. 34 Development Styles > Versioning per Environment • Production Deployments

    ◦ by tags ◦ continuously by “master” • Staging Deployments ◦ by “release” branches ◦ continuously by “master” ◦ continuously by “staging” • Develop Deployments ◦ by “develop” branch ◦ by “feature” branches
  25. 35 Development Styles > Environments • Production Environments ◦ by

    cluster (AZ, DC) ◦ by namespace (client) • Staging Environments ◦ for load testing ◦ for security testing ◦ for regression testing • Develop Environments ◦ by team ◦ by developer ◦ by feature branch
  26. 36 Development Styles > Centralized vs Decentralized Centralized Decentralized vs

    - Least Privilege Principle - Role Based Access Control - Self Service - Cluster-wide Privileges - Promoting silos culture
  27. 38 DevOps Culture Automation - CI/CD - GitOps - ChatOps

    - Metrics - Alerts - Dashboards Feedback - Retrospectives - Transparency - Blameless post-mortems - Evidence based experiments Shared Responsibility - Objectives - KPIs - Organization Culture Autonomous Teams - Self-service - Build & Deploy Agile - Move fast - React quickly - Accept Failure - Fail fast - Fail once