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Strikr Free Software Project

January 28, 2021

More Decks by Strikr Free Software Project

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  1. 1 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality 150 Free Software Sessions - Team Strikr. for students and faculty A community initiative more than
  2. 2 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Audience • Undergraduate Students • Graduate Students • Students enrolled in distance learning programs • Interested Faculty, Lecturers • We also welcome – PhD scholars and GTA who want to engage and contribute
  3. 3 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Learn the Practical aspects • Free Software • Infrastructure Software Components, Libraries for the Enterprise • GNU/Linux Systems Engineering for Platforms • Modern C++20, Node programming • Focus on Architecture, Development and Operations • All things free software https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html
  4. 4 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Cost • FREE of charge • Your active participation with the community is what matters. • In true spirit of hacker culture • With the Community
  5. 5 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Hacker Culture • A hacker is a person who – enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems – programs enthusiastically – is an expert on a particular program – enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming limitations
  6. 6 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Topics Covered across more than 150 sessions every Saturday and Sunday
  7. 7 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Free Software • Understanding Free Software philosophy • AGPLv3 license • Copyright and Patents • Freedom and Free Software • Economics of Free Software • Hacker Culture
  8. 8 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Data Format • INI • CSV • Markdown • JSON • YAML • XML Lite (DTD, Schema, Namespace) • Representation, Engineering and Parsers
  9. 9 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Smart Scripting • Bash • sed, AWK, grep • PERL • TCL • Expect • Python • Ruby • Lua • XSLT • Groovy • elisp
  10. 10 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality API • Command line vs API • Are APIs the solution to your journey towards SOA ? • API design patterns • C API • typesafe C++ API • java API • REST API • Graph QL Modern C++20
  11. 11 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Regular Expression • regex • POSIX regex • PCRE (PERL compatible regular expressions) • crafting regex for common fields • file path and dir • applying regex to sections and blocks
  12. 12 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Type theory for Programmer • Type system • Polymorphic types • Type traits • Type safety • Generic Programming
  13. 13 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Ontology • Models • Semantic • RDF • TOSCA
  14. 14 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality C Refresher • C programming • glibc • libuv • backtrace
  15. 15 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Modern C++ 20 • Module based programming in modern C++20 • The Standard C++ library, Programming with Collections and Containers in modern C++20 • Templates, Type Traits, Concepts and Ranges in modern C++20 • Concurrency and Many-core Programming in modern C++20 • Light weight concurrency abstractions Co-routines based programming in modern C++20 • Concurrent Scalable Network Programming and Patterns in modern C++20 • Linux Systems Programming with/out GLIBC in modern C++20 • Unit Testing, Mocking, TDD based Programming in modern C++20 • Programming Reactive Microservices in modern C++20 • Category Theory for the modern C++20 programmer Each topic is a 9-day session
  16. 16 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Build Automation • make • dependency graph • topological sort • GNU make • easybuild • reproducible builds • meta make, CMake • ant, maven • Pants • Meson • vendor tools g-ninja, g-bazel, g-please, fb-buck
  17. 17 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Networking • Socket Abstraction • Linux socket interface • modern C++ 20 API • Java socket hierarchy • Asynchronous socket communication • Debugging network programs
  18. 18 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Node • NodeJS • NPM • Yarn • Node module system • Node C++ modules • ES6 (aka JavaScript) • Callbacks • Generators • Typescript • type definition • Non-nullable types, control flow type analysis • async await
  19. 19 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality WebClient • Tree data structure • DOM model • DOM events • API • CSS • CSS Level 3
  20. 20 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality WebAssembly • WebAssembly • Reference Architecture • WASM stack machine • Emscripten • Modern C++20 to WebAssembly
  21. 21 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Vue JS v3 • Vue 3 • Vue Router • Vuex • Vue CLI • Vue Test Utils • Devtools • webpack • vite • VuePress
  22. 22 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Search • Lucene • Solr • Elastic Search • Kafka
  23. 23 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Middleware • Middleware Patterns • Application Server • Tomcat • Message Oriented Middleware • MINA • Netty • Gunicorn • Puma • OpenLiberty
  24. 24 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Application Architecture • 12-factor App • Clean architecture • Architectural aspects • UML basics • Domain Driven Design cf. Jacob Jedryszek
  25. 25 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality MicroServices • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) • What is and What isn't a MicroService • Reference Architecture • usvc implementation in C++ & JS • Service Granularity • Debugging Microservices
  26. 26 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Web API • Generic WebHooks • API Gateway • Swagger • GraphQL manual automatic
  27. 27 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality GIT • Git basics and config • Git workflow for module based dev • Git workflow for patch and pull • Git workflow for merge • Git workflow for rebase • Git workflow for fastforward • Git workflow for regressions (bisect,cherrypick) • Git best practices • GitOps • Webhooks • Git based automation • libgit2
  28. 28 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Configuration Management • Mathematical models • Promise Theory • Math of System Administration • Blueprint for Automation • RexOps • cfengine • Desired State Configuration • SaltStack
  29. 29 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Database • CAP Theorem • B-tree • C-store • H-store • RRDT • Druid • InfluxDB • SQLite • PostgreSQL • VoltDB • TerarkDB
  30. 30 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Data Transformation • Arrow • NiFi • Flow based programming • Dataflow programming • Map Reduce
  31. 31 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Firewall • netfilter architecture • netfilter/iptables cli • packet filtering interface • eBPF • tcpdump • ibtables
  32. 32 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Application Firewall • Web Application Firewall (WAF) • WAF architecture • ModSecurity • Octopus WAF • OWASP Project • OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS)
  33. 33 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Service • init • Service management • Service Discovery • zeroconf • Service Location Protocol • Service Design Patterns
  34. 34 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Directory Service • LDAP • OpenLDAP • Setup, Configuration and Query • Active Directory • Identity Service • Forest, Tree, Domains, Namespace • Replication • Policy • Policy Manager • Policy Object • Kerberos
  35. 35 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Domain Name Service • DNS protocol • A, AAAA, SRV, MX, CNAME • BIND • Query, recursive, non-recursive, iterative • Caching • DNS Proxy • resolver • SRV record, LDAP, STUN • DNS Security
  36. 36 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Load Balancer • Algorithms • Software vs Hardware Load Balancer • g-Seesaw • LoadMaster • HA Proxy • Zevenet • Neutrino • Pen • nginx Plus • gobetween
  37. 37 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Bridge • Protocol design • CIFS • SMB abstraction • Samba • implementation and CLI • rsync
  38. 38 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Backup • Backup models and architecture • Backup, Restore and Archive • tar, cpio, dd • System backup • OS backup • File system backup • device, partition backup • VM backup • Restoring a backup, challenges and solutions • Amanda • Bacula • Network based, Network free backup, NDMP • Backup with encryption • De-duplication models • Backup to Tape, VTL • Disaster Recovery model • D-R implementation on Linux
  39. 39 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Message Queue • MQ Architecture • Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP) • Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) • MQTT • POSIX Message Queue service • Java Message Service • ActiveMQ • RabbitMQ • ZeroMQ • Message Queue Operations and Recovery
  40. 40 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Quality Assurance • Selenium 2 • Selenium WebDriver • Client API • Robot framework • API testing • Continuous Testing • Jmeter framework
  41. 41 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Event based Models • Design pattern for Event based engines • Twisted • gEvent • LiteSpeed event-driven architecture • libevent • event framework in modern C++ • libuv
  42. 42 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality HTTP • HTTP/1.1 • Protocol State machine • POST • GET • DELETE • PUT • HEAD • Proxy • STUN • Multiplexing • HTTP/2.0 • HTTP/3 • Caddy • Apache • nginx • OpenResty reverse Proxy • OpenLiteSpeed • Develop a module for Apache Web server • SAPI programming in C++
  43. 43 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality HTTP Applications • MetaLink • Etherpad • httpUnit • curl • Wget • JMeter • Operational automation • Implementation aspects
  44. 44 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality WebSockets • Websocket architecture • Protocol design • XMPP • Jingle protocol • XMPP Server implementation • ejabberd • Streaming Data Protocols • Activity Streams
  45. 45 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Peer 2 Peer • Core Algorithms • Bit torrent • Gnutella • Service Discovery • Service Location Protocol • Cryptocat • Diaspora • Signal
  46. 46 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Distributed KV Stores • Consensus algorithms • Paxos • Raft, NuRaft • etcd • Chubby lock service • ZooKeeper • Accumulo • Thrift
  47. 47 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Compute Cluster • MPICH2 • OpenMPI • Linux-HA • Pacemaker • Corosync • DRBD • Task Scheduling • Node failure management • STONITH • Resource fencing • PRF SCSI-3
  48. 48 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Cluster Management • Helix • Docker Swarm • Mesos • HeartBeat • Nomad • OpenSAF • OpenHPC
  49. 49 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Protocols • Transparent IPC (TIPC) • RPC • gRPC • ASN.1
  50. 50 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Security • HMAC • SHA • GnuPG • GnuTLS • OpenSSL CLI • Mutual TLS Auth • Endpoint protection • OpenConnect • Carbon Black
  51. 51 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Public Key Infrastructure • RFC 5280 • Cert API • Digital Certificate • working with GNUTLS • Certificate Management • CA setup with OpenSSL • OCSP • Let's Encrypt • Client side tools
  52. 52 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Engineering Software • Wiki scaffold • MoinMoin, Dokuwiki • Code Review • Redmine • Gerrit • Defect Triage • Data model for Defect tracking
  53. 53 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Dev Tools • editor concepts • Practical Emacs • using vim • recording with script • cscope • ctags • compiler • g++ • lexer generator • re2c • valgrind • debugger • gdb
  54. 54 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Continuous Integration • CI-CD principles • Gitlab on-prem • Jenkins • Circle CI architecture
  55. 55 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Project Work • Duration: 10 – 12 weeks • modern C++ coding standard • implement a simple HTTP server in C++ • implement a HTTP POST client in C++ • implement a gRPC client in C++ • JS -- Node -- C++ module integration • Email validation C++ module in Browser • SSH connection debug log pattern match in C++ • nginx config file validator in C++ • Automated website testing using Selenium API 20
  56. 56 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality IT and DataCenter Operations • BoM, Assetts and Inventory • Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) • Service Level Agreement (SLA) • Identifying Workflows • Tickets, Analysis and Assignment • ITIL and DevOps • Service Management • Risk Management Techniques • Release Management • Patch Management • Outage Management • Handling a Severity • Compliance automation
  57. 57 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Virtualization • virtual machine internals • KVM • QEMU • Proxmox • Vagrant • virtualization API (libvirt)
  58. 58 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality g-Dependency • tactical just enough google Golang (3 days) • google Golang packages • google Golang2 generics • building google Golang based projects
  59. 59 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Serverless Computing • Function as a Service (FaaS) • FaaS architecture • Latency and Cache considerations • OpenWhisk • OpenFaaS
  60. 60 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality ContainerNative solution Enabling Tools • OCI: Docker • CRI: CRI-O • CRI: ContainerD • CRT: runC, crun, railcar • REG: Registry, Harbor, Portus, Quay • CLM: Nomad, Mesos (Marathon, Aurora, Zookeeper) • DNS: coreDNS • PXY: Envoy, Traefix
  61. 61 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality ContainerNative solution Enabling Tools • SM : Open Service Mesh, LinkerD • MON: Prometheus, fluentD • TRC: Jaeger, OpenTracing • CSI: Rancher, Rook, MinIO • CNI: Calico, Flannel, Weave Net • POL: Open Policy Agent (OPA) • OBS: Open Telemetry
  62. 62 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Community Project • Duration: 32 – 40 weeks • Blueprint for a AGPLv3 licensed Free Software Platform • Implementing infrastructure Modules and Alp in high performance and safe modern C++20 on x86_64 architecture. • Certificate issued to students and faculty who successfully work on all engineering aspects of the designated work.
  63. 63 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Begin participating today • Send an email to [email protected] • Join the group https://facebook.com/groups/strikr • Visit the website https://strikr.io/
  64. 64 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality join the community One Global Time UTC+0000 (10:00 – 11:30 hrs) for all Sessions, Events and Interactions (no exceptions) UTC-05:00 05:00 Toronto UTC-03:00 07:00 Sao Paulo UTC+00:00 10:00 -- Baseline -- UTC+00:00 10:00 London UTC+01:00 11:00 Berlin UTC+01:00 11:00 Stockholm UTC+03:00 13:00 Ankara UTC+04:00 14:00 Dubai UTC+05:00 15:00 Islamabad UTC+05:30 15:30 New Delhi UTC+06:00 16:00 Dhaka UTC+08:00 18:00 Beijing UTC+08:00 18:00 Kuala Lampur UTC+08:00 18:00 Jakarta UTC+08:00 18:00 Singapore free software JITSI ONLINE on web https://meet.jit.si/strikr on android room: strikr password: AGPLv3 Screen sharing Audio Video
  65. 65 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Schedule (at a glance, every month) Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Modern C++20 Cloud Computing Container Native 150+ Sessions schedule W1 W2 W3 w4 Note: if there is a w5 (5th week) in a month the schedule continues on that week as well.
  66. 66 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Happy to help … Please get in touch with us RAGINI @raginijx [email protected] https://linkedin.com/in/raginijx AAHNA @strikrIO [email protected] https://linkedin.com/company/strikr SAIFI @hiSAIFI [email protected] https://linkedin.com/in/saifikhan
  67. 73 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality ريتْك ًارْك ُ ش Gracias 谢谢 terima kasih 감사합니다 Köszönöm Спасибо Danke teşekkür ederim ありがとう Obrigado Dank je Ευχαριστώ Mulţumesc धन्यवाद tack så mycket Thank you
  68. 74 Strikr Free Software 20 @strikrio [email protected] meet.jit.si/strikr gitlab.com/strikr facebook.com/strikrIO

    strikr.io Choice Freedom Equality Copyright Acknowledgement We have freely used the logo’s of various projects to draw the reader’s attention in an educational context. We humbly acknowledge that the logo is the copyright of their respective project owners which may be legal entities or individuals as the case may be.