of the following kaggle solution writeup: "{text}" 300 LETTERS SUMMARY:""" プロンプト """Create an overall summary of the kaggle competition from the following solution writeups: "{text}" OVERALL SUMMARY: """ プロンプト """Create an approach comparison table by Markdown format from the following kaggle solutions (each row corresponds to each solution): "{text}" APPROACH COMPARISON TABLE: """ Overall Summary The Kaggle competition focused on improving the ranking of items in a recommender system. The solutions varied in their approaches, but they all shared common themes such as feature engineering, ensemble methods, and incorporating information from the session history. The winning solution used a covisitation matrix to model relationships between features and a neural network to make predictions. 2nd place solution Team: SOS3 Leader: ONODERA Public Score: 0.60401 Private Score: 0.60446 The candidate focused on improving features related to item2item, including count, time difference, sequence difference, weighted above features, and aggregation of these features. They used XGBoost and CatBoost for model building and then blended the results by rank. The candidate acknowledged the contributions of cuDF and cuML and expressed gratitude to RAPIDS for their assistance.