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CQ-what? A look at under the hood of Cassandra'...

CQ-what? A look at under the hood of Cassandra's CQL.

Internal tech talk given at FullContact on Jan 15th, 2015

Michael Rose

January 15, 2015

More Decks by Michael Rose

Other Decks in Programming


  1. CREATE TABLE user_profiles ( user_id text PRIMARY KEY, first_name text,

    last_name text, year_of_birth int ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE == Tells Cassandra to store less metadata and to store rows exactly like Thrift
  2. CQL vs. Thrift • Same datatypes (UTF8Type, LongType, etc.), cool

    new clothes • Normal CQL tables wrap all types in a CompositeType • UTF8Type -> CompositeType(UTF8Type) • Allows for altering tables • Also to support features like clustering
  3. Person API CREATE TABLE profile_identities.results ( storage_type text, storage_value text,

    version text, indexed_value text, last_update timestamp, PRIMARY KEY ((storage_type, storage_value), version) ) Partition key Clustering key partition key (row) cell name cell value e:[email protected] 1:indexed_value { … } 1:last_update 1421342467000 e:[email protected] 1:indexed_value { … } 1:last_update 1391421409000 Primary key (duh)
  4. CQL lies. SELECT * FROM profile_identities.results LIMIT 2 storage_type storage_value

    version indexed_value last_updated e [email protected] 1 { … } 1421342467000 e [email protected] 1 { … } 1391421409000 Gives you a row-oriented view based on your clustering key partition key (row) cell name cell value e:[email protected] 1:indexed_value { … } 1:last_update 1421342467000 e:[email protected] 1:indexed_value { … } 1:last_update 1391421409000
  5. Person API 2: When I learned about partition keys CREATE

    TABLE profile_identities.results ( storage_type text, storage_value text, version text, indexed_value text, last_update timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (storage_type, storage_value, version) ) Partition key Clustering key partition key (row) cell name cell value e [email protected]:1:indexed_value { … } [email protected]:1:last_update 1391421409000 [email protected]:1:indexed_value { … } [email protected]:1:last_update 1421342467000 Don’t drink and DDL. ~5 partitions total. Cassandra was unhappy.
  6. Sherlock Cache CREATE TABLE searchtarget.results ( searched_value text, searched_type text,

    st_name text, version text, last_update timestamp, rawdata text, result text, statuscode text, statustext text, uri text, PRIMARY KEY (searched_value, searched_type, st_name, version)) Partition key Clustering key • Friendly to Cassandra row cache • Works w/ Sherlock’s access pattern • Cluster’s a user’s data
  7. Other clustering fun CREATE TABLE activity_log ( userid bigint, ts

    timestamp, event_name text, event_meta map<text, text>, PRIMARY KEY (userid, ts) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) partition key (row) cell name cell value 1 1234:event_name … 1233:event_name … 1000:event_name … 985:event_name … ts One row per userid, stored in time descending order on disk
  8. Collections • map<t,t>, set<t>, list<t> • Just syntactic sugar on

    top of CQL • No really, I’ll show you • Also handy: set, map are CRDTs by nature of C*’s design • As of 2.1: your own custom embedded types. Whoa.
  9. map<t, t> partition key (row) cell name cell value 1

    event_meta:a hello event_meta:b goodbye … … CREATE TABLE ghetto_activity_log ( userid bigint, event_meta map<text, text>, PRIMARY KEY (userid)); event_meta: a -> hello b -> goodbye
  10. set<t> partition key (row) cell name cell value 1 event_meta:a

    event_meta:b CREATE TABLE ghetto_activity_log ( userid bigint, event_meta set<text>, PRIMARY KEY (userid));
  11. list<t> partition key (row) cell name cell value 1 event_meta:5a27c2809ce011e48edf4f403ad60db0

    a event_meta:5a27c2819ce011e48edf4f403ad60db0 b CREATE TABLE ghetto_activity_log ( userid bigint, event_meta list<text>, PRIMARY KEY (userid)); Not a CRDT. I think. Weird because it adds an ordering part to your key
  12. Last thing… SELECT COUNT(*) is a complete scan. Don’t use

    it. It’s limited to 10000 “rows” by default.