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Modern JavaScript - Introduction to ECMAScript ...

Modern JavaScript - Introduction to ECMAScript 2015 & 2016

Yusuke Miyazaki

June 20, 2016

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  1. Table of Contents • History of JavaScript • Features of

    ECMAScript 2015 & 2016 • How to Write Modern JavaScript
  2. JavaScript & ECMAScript • JavaScript (JS) • Programming language •

    ECMAScript (ES) • Language specification (ECMA-262) standardized by Ecma International • Other standards: ECMA-334 (C#)
  3. Beginnings of JavaScript "JavaScript was originally developed in 10 days

    in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, while he was working for Netscape Communications Corporation." From Wikipedia
  4. History of ECMAScript • Edition 1: June 1997 • Edition

    2: June 1998 • Edition 3: December 1999 • Edition 4: Abandoned!!
  5. History of ECMAScript • Edition 5: December 2009 • Almost

    supported in so-called "modern" browsers • Features • strict mode • Array.prototype.map/filter/reduce • JSON
  6. History of ECMAScript • Edition 6: June 2015 • ECMAScript

    2015, not ECMAScript 6 • ECMAScript will be released annually • Stages: 0 Strawman -> 1 Proposal ->
 2 Draft -> 3 Candidate -> 4 Finished
  7. History of ECMAScript • Edition 6: June 2015 • Implementation

    in progress… • WebKit 100%? • Firefox/Edge/Chrome/Node.js 90%+ • See compat table for more details
  8. Use Transpilers • Compile JS code to JS code •

    e.g. ECMAScript 2015 -> ECMAScript 5 • Implementations • Babel • Traceur
  9. Conclusion • JavaScript is getting better day by day •

    Write "modern" JavaScript • Use some tools to write modern JavaScript
  10. Q&A