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SOFEA - Arquiteturas REST com Backbone & HTML5 ...

SOFEA - Arquiteturas REST com Backbone & HTML5 by Gabriel Zigolis

The Developers Conference 2014
Gabriel Zigolis' presentation for TDC Floripa 2014 about SOFEA - Service-Oriented Front-End Architecture with Backbone and HTML5

Gabriel Zigolis

May 14, 2014

More Decks by Gabriel Zigolis

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  1. SOFEA “Proposes to remove all presentation layer logic from the

    server to JavaScript logic on the client.” thinserverarchitecture.com
  2. Divisão de responsabilidades no desenvolvimento Baixo acoplamento das camadas Comunicação

    client/server através de verbos HTTP O client requisita o que e quando O que nós ganhamos com isso?
  3. R E S T “Software architectural style consisting of a

    coordinated set of architectural constraints applied components, conectors and data elements, within a distributed hypermedia system.” Roy Thomas Fielding
  4. Backbone “Gives structure to web applications by providing models, collections

    and views to consume API over a RESTful JSON interface.” backbonejs.org
  5. W3C

  6. FollowView var FollowView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.collection =

    new FollowCollection(); this.collection.fetch(); } ... }); return FollowView;
  7. FollowView @followList initialize: function() { ... this.followList = new FollowListView({

    'collection': this.collection, 'el': this.$('.list‑view') }); }
  8. FollowListView var FollowListView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template( $('#tmp‑list‑view').html() ), initialize:

    function() { this.listenTo( this.collection, 'sync remove add', this.render ); }, ... }); return FollowListView;
  9. ButtonModel var ButtonModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ "defaults": { "follow": false },

    urlRoot: function() { return '/api/follow/' } }); return ButtonModel;
  10. ButtonView @initialize ... initialize: function() { this.model = new ButtonModel();

    this.listenTo( this.model, "change", follow ); }, ...
  11. ButtonView @follow ... .done(function(data) { model = new FollowModel(data); Backbone.trigger(

    "u:follow", model ); Backbone.trigger( "u:followCount" ); this.following(); }); ...
  12. FollowView var FollowView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(){ Backbone.on( 'u:follow', this.addToCollection,

    this ); }, addToCollection: function(model) { this.collection.add(model); } }); return FollowView;