S AY ? T H E A R T O F G I V I N G A N D R E C E I V I N G F E E D B A C K , P. 5 “The concept of ‘feedback’ comes from cybernetics, the theory of control [which] emphasizes the concept of a closed loop in a system…”
to POV and consider its intention 3. Ask questions 4. Let your defences down 5. Resist the urge to justify your behaviour or actions 6. Identify what you can learn from it 7. Come up with an action plan 8. Later on you can verify the feedback 9. But always thank the other person Receiving Feedback
• Empower everyone, not just leaders and managers • Encourage the team to help each other to solve problems • Not dwelling on what’s wrong • Set clear expectations • Encourage questions • Make it ok to say no Building respective culture guidelines