use Project Syn to deploy a simple application to both clusters at once. This application is specified as a Commodore Component. By compiling and pushing the catalog after adding the application, we will see it appear like magic in our clusters. We can remove it as simply, just by removing the reference to it, pushing our changes to Git, and recompiling our catalog. The Jsonnet files that make up my component are very simple, and they actually represent the structure of the YAML required to deploy my application on a cluster. They represent a Kubernetes namespace, a deployment, and a service. Once they are applied onto a cluster, the application they deploy is contained in a Docker image called "fortune-cookie-service". This Docker image encapsulates a very simple application written in Python, which returns a funny "fortune cookie of the day" type of message, and a random number. This app can be called from any web browser, or on the command line, using curl, as if it were a simple API. Speaker notes 56