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Apidays Helsinki 2024 - Data Ecosystems Driving...

Apidays Helsinki 2024 - Data Ecosystems Driving the Green Transition by Olli Kilpeläinen, Betolar

Data Ecosystems Driving the Green Transition
Olli Kilpeläinen, VP - Data Platform & Ecosystem at Betolar

Apidays Helsinki & North 2024 - Connecting Physical and Digital: Sustainable APIs for the Era of AI, Super and Quantum Computing (May 28 and 29, 2024)


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May 31, 2024


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  1. The construction industry is one of the most polluting sectors.

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  4. Concrete 27.5.2024 Copyright Betolar Oy. All rights reserved. 7 Cement

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  5. Geopolymer concretes 27.5.2024 Copyright Betolar Oy. All rights reserved. 8

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  10. Finnish Environmental Institute: SIIRTO-register • Registry of waste removal •

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