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Supersized. Making design work in large organis...

Supersized. Making design work in large organisations

Talk from @UXOxford & @DOxPM event, 11 May 2016.

Ben Holliday

May 11, 2016

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  1. @benholliday UX & PM UK’s largest public service department. Design

    team of 40+ people specialising in service design, interaction design, content design and front end development.
  2. @benholliday UX & PM For traditional corporates, customers are not

    the end user, they have distributors and retailers …there’s this huge disconnect where they're oriented around servicing someone who’s not the end-user Matt Webb (interconnected.org)
  3. @benholliday UX & PM To deliver a great user experience…

    we need to get the design right we need to get the strategy right we need to get the organisation right
  4. @benholliday UX & PM Communities of practice are groups of

    people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly Emily Webber (emilywebber.co.uk)
  5. @benholliday UX & PM Team Team Team Team Team Team

    Team Team DM Front End Dev Front End Dev Health & Disability DM DM DM DM Content design Content design Interaction Design Interaction Design Retirement DM DM DM User Centred Design
  6. @benholliday UX & PM Team Team Team Team Team Team

    Team Team Front End Dev Front End Dev Health & Disability Content design Content design Interaction Design Interaction Design Retirement User Centred Design
  7. @benholliday UX & PM …move from ‘everyone wants to solve

    the problem’ to ‘everyone wants the problem to be solved’ benholliday.com/everyone-wants-to-solve-the-problem
  8. @benholliday UX & PM 1. Start with culture 2. Help

    people realise they’re better off working with others 3. Encourage people to think for themselves 4. Introduce empathy as a tool for understanding the world 5. Don’t worry who gets the credit benholliday.com/everyone-wants-to-solve-the-problem
  9. @benholliday UX & PM Design is everything that 

    product does. It’s also the service around your product. How it’s sold, distributed and supported