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DevRel for tech. entrepreneurs: Beyond platform...

DevRel for tech. entrepreneurs: Beyond platform partners


June 05, 2021

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  1. 2

  2. Shopify and its ecosystem 01 Contents 3 Design of scalable

    growth 02 Things to grow qualified developers 03 How to give developers real success 04 Wrap up 05
  3. Shopify is a leading multi-channel commerce platform. 2006 Platform Released

    $2.9B Revenue (Last 12 months) 6,000+ Apps in our App Store ~$277B Total Sales on Shopify by Merchants (Cumulative) 4.9 million Merchant Staff Accounts +1.7M Merchants — in — ~175 Countries 7,000+ Employees At a Glance 42,200+ Partners who have referred at least one merchant to Shopify in the last 12 months
  4. 7

  5. Extensive Partner Ecosystem 6,000+ 8 Apps extending product capabilities Referred

    at least one merchant to Shopify in the last 12 months 42,200+ Apps Agencies & Web Designers
  6. • Our goal is to produce tons of qualified apps

    to meet merchants’ needs • For that, we need tons of qualified developers to be successful in their app business • For that, we need scalable ways of delivering right solution to grow developers Our ecosystem situation 13 Ecosystem growth is a key driver for success
  7. • Our goal is to produce tons of qualified apps

    to meet merchants’ needs • For that, we need tons of qualified developers to be successful in their app business • For that, we need scalable ways of delivering right solution to grow developers Our ecosystem situation 14 Ecosystem growth is a key driver for success Our DevRel activity
  8. Our DevRel 15 What’s the right solution for developers? Discovery

    by attractive contents (workshop, broadcasting, blog...) Learning by effective contents (tutorials, codes, forum...) Engagement by deep communication (consulting, matching, support...) Success as real partners or customers Icons by Twemoji / CC BY 4.0 Experts Influence
  9. Our DevRel 16 What’s the scalable ways? Discovery by attractive

    contents (workshop, broadcasting, blog...) Learning by effective contents (tutorials, codes, forum...) Engagement by deep communication (consulting, matching, support...) Success as real partners or customers Icons by Twemoji / CC BY 4.0 Experts Influence One to many/Sharable Self driven/Reusable Async/Online Collaboration
  10. Our DevRel 17 So our implementation is... Icons by Twemoji

    / CC BY 4.0 One to many/Sharable Self driven/Reusable Async/Online Tutorial video Collaboration Workshop/broadcasting Summary blog Forum support/sample codes Slack support App seminars App promotion
  11. Our DevRel 18 So our implementation is... Icons by Twemoji

    / CC BY 4.0 One to many/Sharable Self driven/Reusable Async/Online Tutorial video Collaboration Workshop/broadcasting Summary blog Forum support/sample codes Slack support App seminars App promotion Overall lifetime values of developers
  12. • Because we have market gaps ◦ Language gap (English

    vs Japanese) ◦ Timezone gap (PST vs JST) ◦ Market Size gap (matured North America vs early Japanese) ◦ Culture gap (global standard vs local manner) … etc Our DevRel 19 Why do we build (almost) all?
  13. Drivers for developer growth 21 It’s a “Viewer Journey” Workshop/broadcasting

    Summary blog Tutorial video Forum support/sample codes * Design in what sort developers see our contents and provide them all linked together Icons by Twemoji / CC BY 4.0 App seminars App promotion Start Goal 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3
  14. Drivers for developer growth 22 Anti-pattern of contents management Workshop/broadcasting

    Summary blog Tutorial video Forum support/sample codes * No care about sort of contents and not linked to each other Icons by Twemoji / CC BY 4.0 App seminars App promotion Start Goal Start
  15. • Lead developers from basic to advanced, do not backward

    • Clarify what skills are required and what knowledge is pre-requisites • Let developers keep recursive cycle of READ > TRY > SEARCH Drivers for developer growth 23 The point is comfortable learning flow * Designing “Viewer Journey” helps you to get qualified developers READ TRY SEARCH Icons by Twemoji / CC BY 4.0
  16. For developer’s real success 25 Be their accompany runner beyond

    platform partner DO’s DON’Ts Tell why we choose our technology Ask to use our technology only Tell how they search our documents Ask to search our documents only Ask what they want to achieve Tell if it is possible or not only Ask where they get stuck Tell if it is a bug or not only
  17. • Motivating, problem solving, and strategy making for developers •

    Not selling but marketing • Not translation but localization • Enabler and optimizer 26 DevRel is not a content and event provider only, but... For developer’s real success
  18. 29 … growth maker in 10x, 100x scalability with our

    own technology for developer business 29